I slept from 11pm to 4pm last weekend. I felt guilty till I remembered I was a fucking adult that didn't have to work or do anything I didn't freaking feel like. I love those moments.
on Saturday when i wake up and have my house clean by 8am, i am damn well gonna sit down, have a beer or two, then crank the AC and take a fucking nap. my co-workers found out and were shocked. what does the time of day have ANYTHING to do with enjoying a beer or two? if it becomes a problem, a daily thing, something that i need to function... then i have a problem.
I think it stems from people thinking that you NEED a drink to be able to function, rather than just wanting to relax and enjoy a couple of drinks. Every year, I go on an obligatory beach trip with my family, my dad and his wife are pretty conservative, and my two sisters and their husbands act conservative when they're around my dad. Somebody will always say something to me if I crack a beer at 10 or 11am like I am some huge alcoholic or something. I always just give them a smartass comment in return like, "gee, I sure hope this won't interfere with me sitting in the sand and sweating!" It's also funny to me how, in their minds, there's a big difference in drinking a beer at 11am vs noon. They also like to judge if we're all at a restaurant and I'm the only one who orders a drink/beer, like I'm "drinking alone." My wife's family, on the other hand - they're Colombian and don't give a shit what I do at any point in the day, so it's kind of a no-brainer why I spend more time with them..
There's so much stigma in that, too. Like the only reason you'd ever have alcohol is as a social lubricant. Sometimes after a long day at work, I have the house to myself and I want pizza -- and beer goes great with pizza.
I'll go one further: being drunk alone. Obviously if it's a frequent occurrence, then it's a big red flag of a substance abuse problem. But if I live a healthy, solid life, why is there anything wrong with me mixing up a strong drink or a few and getting nice and toasty by myself as I watch Planet Earth or try to write 'profound' drunken poetry? I do this probably a few times a year, and I make great company for drunken me!
I experienced something similar on my annual camping trip. We just spend the days floating on rafts and playing fetch in the lake with the dogs. It is such a care-free environment, and we'll be drinking beers all day. One year my brother came and brought his wife. She got upset when someone offered her a beer with breakfast. Then she saw us all having breakfast beers and started chastising us for drinking so early. None of us are alcoholics, we don't drink until the evenings in our regular lives, but bitch when we're camping and floating on an inflatable raft is my plans for the day, I'm gonna enjoy a breakfast beer.
My family is Christian conservatives so I never drink around them. Or do anything of the sort. I love my family, but in a lot of ways they don't know the real me, nor do I want them to. I can't imagine telling them I'm an atheist and don't but into any of their beliefs since like 9th grade...
Why on earth would you tell your co-workers this? Substance abuse counselors are some of the most judgemental people ever. I guess they kinda have to be
I mean sure, I do what I want too but I don't tell my mother I smoked at least half my paychecks in weed over the course of college because I don't want to have never ending grief.
That's funny because a number of my friends work in addiction and mental health and they are frequent, but very responsible, users of drugs (LSD, pot, mushrooms, etc). They are very conscious of when, how and why they use.
I think it actually makes them better at their jobs to have a moderate perspective on drug use, and they fully recognize that each person has an individualized relationship to these substances so no single rule can apply to everyone.
because when you get down to it, i dont give two shits what anyone thinks of me other than my parents and my wife. my self esteem is mine, and if i want a beer at 8am, i will have a beer. :)
Omg tell me about it. My mother is a social worker and worked with AlAnon for a while. I was 28 before I felt comfortable having even a single drink around her, with all the questions and interrogation I went through every time. I mean, I understand taking drinking seriously, but damn.
Former social worker here. Worked in child welfare (NOT CPS) for 3 years. I never, EVER, thought about sharing my marijuana habits with my co-workers. The misinformation in the field is mind blowing.
My friends have this no booze before 5 thing that I just don't get. It's been a long week at work, if I want to sip whiskey while doing my homework at 11 Saturday morning, move over I'm making a stiff old fashioned.
Yeah, thats the bomb. Wake up Saturday morning, pour myself a vodka and orange juice, and clean the house. Then you're sitting in a nice clean house, a little buzzed, throw on a good tv show and snooze. Perfect Saturday.
I used to always save a little beer from the night before on the bed stand next to me. Morning-Beer, as it became known, was the best thing for getting the stale beer taste out of your mouth from the night before if you intended to lie in bed for a bit before getting up.
It was the vodka on the cornflakes that became the problem though.
Thank you!!! I thought it was weird to have a beer in the shower at 9am. I fucking love beer and drink whenever i want, but never when it would cause problems (work, driving etc..) your comment reassured me it is fine.
Would you extend this mindset to every drug? If there are people who can use heroin in a way that doesn't debilitate their life, do they have a problem? It's a long shot, but definitely possible. I'm in treatment for substance abuse because I had a few pills of adderall I wasn't prescribed and all I hear is how much of a problem I have with drugs. I'm just like, "dude I used them here and there when they were available, I was never dependent." No one cares about that, I'm just another addict in the system.
i know i am a different type of addictions counsellor, and it has gotten me in trouble with my bosses before, but here is a comment i made a while back
the problem i run into is when people are not honest with themselves. be honest with yourself about your use. if you honestly only use occasionally and it is not impacting major life areas, then why worry? focus on improving the other areas of your life and you might notice you dont even need the adderall at all! i would like people to be drug and medication free.
but that isnt my call, that is your call, i find healthy living to be a much better high than any drug, and i occasionally use alcohol to relax/enjoy/reward but the 48 beer i bought on Thursday will probably last at my house for 2 months unless i have people over.
I hated flying, couldn't stand it, until I turned 21, get tipsy and fall asleep. I had a 7am flight, bar opened at 6am, ordered a double bloody mary, fell right back asleep on the flight. It's like you can pay $20 for fancy pillows and blankets to be comfortable or just buy a double bloody mary for $10 and be fine
Ah yes and international flights are the best cause you usually get free wine and beer. I despise flying and a few years ago I took my longest flight yet from California to Japan. When the flight attendant came around and I ordered red wine, she saw my white knuckled fists clamped on the arm rests and went "I'll make sure to keep em' comin', sugar." Thank you merciful airplane lady.
Definitely. I have a 3 hour layover in Milwaukee, I get there around 8:00 am and will be leaving at 11:00 and I'm sitting my happy ass at the bar for the entire three hours.
Georgia doesn't allow alcohol sales until 12:30 on Sunday afternoon. I learned this the very very hard way on a layover in Atlanta after an all-nighter in Playa del Carmen.
Truth right here. Nobody bats an eyelash if you order a double shot, chug your beer because they've called you to board, then as soon as the flight's boarded the attendants will bring you/offer you a drink.
in the right circumstances, anything goes at the airport. Dude could walk by with a sock on his head, and you would be able to justify it to yourself somehow.
..."probably on a wicked lay over and forgot his beanie"
Economy class? Drink. Crying baby? Drink. Paying an extra $115 for your bag, just because you're leaving university and have to take your shit home? Drink. Finished university? Drink. Have no fucking clue what you're doing with your life?
Last time I drove across the continent to go skiing, I stopped at a little restaurant halfway down the mountain in this clearing for some food after a couple hours skiing.
It was lunch time, so I ordered a sandwich and a beer. The waiter immediately goes "Beer?" all judgemental and I'm like "Yeah, beer." like fuck you it's lunch time and I'm on vacation and I'll drink a couple beer and then hurtle down a mountain on waxed sticks at 30mph, because I do what I want.
I realized as I was sitting there sipping my beer that my watch wasn't adjusted for the change in time zone. It wasn't lunch, it was 8:30AM.
Man Friday afternoons I fire down a few tall boys before I even touch my lawnmower. I cut my grass on Thursday last week without drinking, and god damn that took forever.
The key is to do all power tool work first. Wake up, have breakfast, then do any hedge-trimming, weed-whacking right away. If the task needs a chainsaw, do that too. That way, you can drink during the other tasks. The ones that won't scar you for life.
Say, laying down sod, pavers, things like that.
If math tought me anything, it was "order of operations"
tried mowing the lawn while drinking a beer, ended up drinking a 12 pack and falling asleep in my porch swing after.... when I woke up I looked at the lawn and my lines were all sorts of fucked up
Roger Sterling: "They say once you start drinking alone, you're an alcoholic. I'm really trying to avoid that" Don Draper: "So I guess I'm helping both of us"
Ah yes that's true. We have 'pie day' on Fridays because it's our most stressful day due to media deadlines, and there's a bakery nearby that has the best meat pies, it's pretty great.
Fucking exactly. Say my family goes up to the cottage; no one sits around enjoying themselves. Always work to be done. Nope, can't relax today, 1500 things must be done by noon, then another 1800 in the afternoon.
Fuck that. I came here to relax for at least an afternoon, if not an entire day. If I wanted to bust my ass, I woulda picked up overtime at work and get paid to work all Saturday.
Work has to be done from time to time, yes. But not all fucking day every day.
It's common in Germany to have a glass of beer for lunch. Courts have ruled that as long as you don't get drunk and don't have to do any tasks that require sobriety (e.g. driving or operating machinery), then that's totally fine and not a valid reason to fire you.
I can't do work in the yard without a beer. If it's hot and I'm putting in fence posts, or painting, mowing, anything really, you'd better believe there's a cold beer next to my tools.
If I have one beer, I'm perfectly fine. It's not enough alcohol to hurt my productivity, and it won't even be that long before the alcohol is totally out of my blood stream.
I get that that's kind of how people perceive it. But it's really dumb.
Because its a declaration that the day cant hold any productivity.
Which is also really stupid, because unless you're drinking like four glasses of wine or doing shots, there's no way you're going to be impaired enough to even notice.
I've never understood the stigma. Like you said, if it's every day then that is a problem but if you've got all your stuff done, who's to say you can't crack one open at 10 AM? I did it yesterday and it was glorious.
I used to work nights. Every Friday a group of us would leave work, and head to a bar that was open in the morning. We would order up breakfast, along with drinks. We always got strange looks from people walking by outside. I guess they thought 9:30am was too early to be drinking.
I just went on a trip to Munich and the drinking culture there was amazing. It was like everyone was lightly buzzed by 4 in the afternoon but hardly anybody was rowdy drunk. Drinking beer is just a relaxing thing to do in the afternoon.
Nothing like a cold citrusy IPA on a nice summer morning. I get up early as shit and if I'm done with chores at 10:30 am on a Saturday then fuck it, why shouldn't I enjoy a beer?
I think it's also important to acknowledge the difference between having a beer or two at 11 am and like... having all the beers all day starting from 11 am. That is what I consider day drinking. I'll sit out on my porch on a nice day at around noon and have a beer. Why the fuck not?
My girlfriend and I go to a local bar every Sunday around lunch. We go in there, order some appetizers and I slam some heavy IPAs back. I actually enjoy drinking in the afternoon because I'm not tired and if it is in public, there's not a bunch of 21-25 year olds trying to getting shitfaced smashed. I love my afternoon drinking.
As an ardent golfer, it doesn't shock me to have the first beer at 8:00 AM as the tournament kicks off. Last year some guys asked me to do a charity scramble with them. All I knew about it was that it was free. I showed up a bit on the late side and had to hurry to get all my stuff together. Then a little before 8:00 AM, while they were reading the rules to everyone, I grabbed a beer out of my cooler, looked at some random person standing next to me, and said "It's noon somewhere!" and popped it open, taking a nice swig.
He looked at me aghast. I thought "Hmmm, I'm going to be discrete until I know more about this tournament." Found one of my playing partners, asked him about the beer thing, and he said "Well, I'm not drinking but go ahead if you want. It's a charity for alcohol addiction, the guy who puts it on lost his 4-year-old son when some drunk plowed into their car."
So jealous of people who can day drink :[. It just drains me, especially in the summer, when most day drinking happens. I went to a July 4th breakfast party at my gf's parents' house because the annual parade passes by their house. Everyone's having mimosas and bloody Mary's, and I'm just the person drinking coffee and OJ. Alcohol just makes me so tired
Right? Sometimes I enjoy having a glass of wine (or two) while I'm getting ready, cleaning, cooking etc. If I'm not going to drive i'm okay. I don't get drunk and I don't do it often, DO NOT TELL ME IT'S NOT OK!
Oh I agree. I don't drink very often but on the occasions that I do, I just have a nice drink when I get the feeling for it (that's usually when it's warm and I'm outside having a good day). A couple of times I've been with people and ordered a cocktail before 12 and people looked at me as if I was mental. And they're usually the people that drink way more often than me :S.
I wouldn't consider enjoying a beer at 11 am daydrinking....Daydrinking would be like 6+ starting at 11am and continuously drinking throughout the day....Hence the word daydrinking
This right here, never drank early before but recently went on a train journey to see a friend about 2 hours away, had a pint at 11:15am and it was damn enjoyable
I literally had the first beer (and second, technically) in my life at lunch in the pub with my colleagues today. I dunno, somehow I feel your body can more easily process alcohol during the day rather than later at night. So really it's only being responsible to knock 'em down while the sun's up.
Heh... 11am... Tailgate for football (American) starts at 6:30 AM and only the cook should be sober at 8:00 AM. You just have to remember it's a marathon not a sprint.
u/-eDgAR- Jul 13 '15
Day drinking. As long as it doesn't become a problem, I don't see a reason why you shouldn't be able to enjoy a beer at 11am.