r/AskReddit Jul 13 '15

What socially unacceptable things are you OK with?


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u/hatervision Jul 13 '15

I think it stems from people thinking that you NEED a drink to be able to function, rather than just wanting to relax and enjoy a couple of drinks. Every year, I go on an obligatory beach trip with my family, my dad and his wife are pretty conservative, and my two sisters and their husbands act conservative when they're around my dad. Somebody will always say something to me if I crack a beer at 10 or 11am like I am some huge alcoholic or something. I always just give them a smartass comment in return like, "gee, I sure hope this won't interfere with me sitting in the sand and sweating!" It's also funny to me how, in their minds, there's a big difference in drinking a beer at 11am vs noon. They also like to judge if we're all at a restaurant and I'm the only one who orders a drink/beer, like I'm "drinking alone." My wife's family, on the other hand - they're Colombian and don't give a shit what I do at any point in the day, so it's kind of a no-brainer why I spend more time with them..


u/loljetfuel Jul 13 '15

like I'm "drinking alone."

There's so much stigma in that, too. Like the only reason you'd ever have alcohol is as a social lubricant. Sometimes after a long day at work, I have the house to myself and I want pizza -- and beer goes great with pizza.

Who cares if I'm alone?


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15



u/cichlidassassin Jul 13 '15

so you should up that to four....


u/hatervision Jul 13 '15

Drinking alone is quite relaxing a lot of the time. Less judgement too!


u/thrillreefer Jul 14 '15

I'll go one further: being drunk alone. Obviously if it's a frequent occurrence, then it's a big red flag of a substance abuse problem. But if I live a healthy, solid life, why is there anything wrong with me mixing up a strong drink or a few and getting nice and toasty by myself as I watch Planet Earth or try to write 'profound' drunken poetry? I do this probably a few times a year, and I make great company for drunken me!


u/CharaFallsLikeATree Jul 14 '15

Well I do, I want pizza and beer and you're hogging both!!


u/marry_me_sarah_palin Jul 14 '15

I experienced something similar on my annual camping trip. We just spend the days floating on rafts and playing fetch in the lake with the dogs. It is such a care-free environment, and we'll be drinking beers all day. One year my brother came and brought his wife. She got upset when someone offered her a beer with breakfast. Then she saw us all having breakfast beers and started chastising us for drinking so early. None of us are alcoholics, we don't drink until the evenings in our regular lives, but bitch when we're camping and floating on an inflatable raft is my plans for the day, I'm gonna enjoy a breakfast beer.


u/mcmanusart Jul 13 '15

Pissing conservatives off is fun in itself. If you can do that while drinking at 11am on a beach all the more fun!


u/Taervon Jul 14 '15

Conservatives are a bit like the incredible hulk, they're ALWAYS angry.


u/Theonenerd Jul 14 '15

Hey, I'm conservative and this pisses me off!



u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15

"gee, I sure hope this won't interfere with me sitting in the sand and sweating!

You're supposed to use the hours between 10am and 12pm in focused consideration of God.


u/hatervision Jul 13 '15

Guzzling On Drinks?


u/dragontail Jul 13 '15

...by zombies.


u/TheBatPencil Jul 14 '15

Well, God does want us to drink wine on Sunday mornings.


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15

My family is Christian conservatives so I never drink around them. Or do anything of the sort. I love my family, but in a lot of ways they don't know the real me, nor do I want them to. I can't imagine telling them I'm an atheist and don't but into any of their beliefs since like 9th grade...


u/acepenguiin Jul 14 '15

Us Colombians can drink any time of the day and make out a party lol


u/hatervision Jul 14 '15

There's no right or wrong time for aguardiente haha


u/acepenguiin Jul 14 '15

That is true


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15



u/safely-afloat Jul 14 '15

If you see the Japanese on vacation, it is pretty normal for them to start drinking beer/sake at 10 am.


u/critical_d Jul 14 '15

I think I may want a Columbian wife.



To them, there is a time and a place for it. Sometimes I'll wake up at 5pm and have a beer with my food (read: breakfast), and somehow that's more acceptable than the guy who's been awake for three hours when he has a beer at 10pm


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

they're Colombian and don't give a shit what I do at any point in the day

they're Colombian and don't give a shit what I do at any point in the day as long as I cut lines out for them, too
