r/AskReddit Jul 13 '15

What socially unacceptable things are you OK with?


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u/loljetfuel Jul 13 '15

like I'm "drinking alone."

There's so much stigma in that, too. Like the only reason you'd ever have alcohol is as a social lubricant. Sometimes after a long day at work, I have the house to myself and I want pizza -- and beer goes great with pizza.

Who cares if I'm alone?


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15



u/cichlidassassin Jul 13 '15

so you should up that to four....


u/hatervision Jul 13 '15

Drinking alone is quite relaxing a lot of the time. Less judgement too!


u/thrillreefer Jul 14 '15

I'll go one further: being drunk alone. Obviously if it's a frequent occurrence, then it's a big red flag of a substance abuse problem. But if I live a healthy, solid life, why is there anything wrong with me mixing up a strong drink or a few and getting nice and toasty by myself as I watch Planet Earth or try to write 'profound' drunken poetry? I do this probably a few times a year, and I make great company for drunken me!


u/CharaFallsLikeATree Jul 14 '15

Well I do, I want pizza and beer and you're hogging both!!