r/australianplants 11d ago

What’s wrong with my geranium

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I live in Fremantle (near Perth)… and the leaves on my geranium has developed transparent patches

r/australianplants 11d ago

Are Hibiscus seeds supposed to float? (Hibiscus huegelii)

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I had bought these seeds off The Seed Collection, and on the seed packet it said to soak in tepid water overnight, and so I did. Quite a few of them are still floating still since then. Is this normal? I had asked google beforehand writing, and it said that yes Hibiscus seeds do float. But I would like a second opinion, and maybe an explanation. Thanks guys.

r/australianplants 12d ago

Plant id

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Hey can some one help identify what type of acacia this is, am located in South Australia. thanks in advance

r/australianplants 12d ago

Seed collecting and propagating for native plants


Hi! Finally got my own garden, so I’m a newly native gardener who would love to start collecting seeds and propagating to share with friends and neighbours. Be the change you want to see and all that.

Some plants like everlasting daisies and mulla mulla seem straightforward, but I’d welcome any resources/direction on what can and can’t be propagated and how to germinate when I do? For example, I know some plants need smoke?

Google was a bit overwhelming and unhelpful, I haven’t been able to locate any local gardening groups (might need to start one!) but maybe there’s some good starter resources I’m missing? :)

West of Melbourne, and with limited space but keen to maximize what I do with it.

Any direction appreciated.

r/australianplants 13d ago

Melaleuca nesophila

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r/australianplants 13d ago

Acaena novae-zelandiae

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r/australianplants 13d ago

Dipodium roseum

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r/australianplants 13d ago

Purple Hyacinth Orchid (Dipodium punctatum) near Armidale, NSW

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r/australianplants 13d ago

a few flowers

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duck, spider, geranium, snake, correa, banksia

r/australianplants 13d ago

How do I know when my Bananas are ready to pick

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r/australianplants 13d ago

Visit to damp gully, dry sclerophyll forest, NE Tas

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The flow on effect from the 245 mm November rainfall is still stimulating growth in the gullies, plenty of water in the local creeks as well.

r/australianplants 14d ago

- RECOMMENDATION Appleberries! What to do with them?


My Apple berry plant (billardiera scandens) is fruiting prolifically now, and I’ve been harvesting the ripe berries morning and evening for the last few days.

I’ve got about half a cup stored in the fridge, as I thought about making some jam, but half a cup doesn’t really seem like enough to do much with. I could see myself having maybe up to 2 cups, given another week or so. But I’d be worried about the berries going off in the fridge that long.

Anyone got tips for what to do with them? Should I just start freezing them as I harvest them, until I’ve got enough to make a jam?

Also, if anyone has some neat jam recipes (or other recipes) for apple berries, I’d love to know! I haven’t been able to find much at all on Google, and CoPilot/Google seems to think I’m talking about some other plant entirely (or talking about mixing apples and berries together).

Located outer east Melbourne.

r/australianplants 15d ago

Some nice natives in the local park

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Hey all. Just some shots of some nice natives from my walk yesterday at morialta Park Adelaide.

r/australianplants 15d ago

South East Queensland

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r/australianplants 15d ago

- RECOMMENDATION Correa dying Brisbane


I planted a Correa in a space that is in shade until 12pm and then full sun for the rest of the day, along with some midgim berries, brachyscome multifida, and leptospermums. The Correa was about 15 cm high and a bit root bound. I didn’t tease out roots because I read that natives don’t like that, might have been a mistake idk. These were planted just before the last burst of rain in mid December (I know that’s not ideal don’t @ me lol)

Everything else is going gangbusters but the Correa is dying. What do you think, wrong place, wrong time, other factor? If I have made a mistake then it is what it is, but maybe I shouldn’t go for another Correa in this position. I haven’t planted them before.

I have a scant 30cm of excellent dirt that I put down over horrible clay.

Not a huge deal over a single plant but I would like to know how to garden better. Might just be don’t plant in summer 😜

Also, autocorrect keeps capitalising Correa because our Chilean friend’s name is Correa and I don’t want to edit it :)

r/australianplants 15d ago

What is causing the yellowing/drying of my grevillea?

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I have been cultivating some grevillea and I am struggling to work out why some are thriving and some are struggling in - to my untrained thumb - what appear to be identical situations. Same sized pot, same native potting mix, same watering schedule. Is anyone please able to shed some light on what could be causing the smaller ones the distress? Thanks in advance.

r/australianplants 15d ago

Can anybody identify this tree ?

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Never seen this cross weave pattern under the bark of a tree before

r/australianplants 16d ago

Please help me identify this thing.

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My Grandmother sent me this asking what it was and I have no idea. Hoping one of you has some insight. Growing on her gumtrees.

r/australianplants 16d ago

What is this plant?

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This is a rescued seedling and I’m still trying to work out what this plant could be. Google image search suggests that it could be crabapple or some sort of plum?

r/australianplants 16d ago

Help identifying this please

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I keep trying to ID with my ‘plant snap’ app but it keeps coming up with 5 different types of plant.

r/australianplants 17d ago

Smilax glyciphylla propagation question

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Just got a couple Smilax glyciphylla fruit from a friend (they tasted like shit) and removed and cleaned seed. Just wondering if anyone here has any experience propagating this species from seed? Read online that they need to be prepared either via sanding away the outer coat with sandpaper to create a nick or cold stratified in the fridge for a couple of months in order to germinate. Does hot water scarification work as well? Thank you :)

r/australianplants 17d ago

Kurrajong tree face

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This is a bit different but I have a single kurrajong on the property with this marking. Is this scaring where branches have fallen or a potential carving ? I don’t have any other kurrajongs to compare to. Cheers

r/australianplants 17d ago

Mystery plant

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I have a four acre block - lower Flinders Ranges - I am planting to natives , mulched with a mix of old pine chips and native leaf litter. The plot is going well even tho we are in the middle of a drought, natives have germinated- most i can identify as local acacias or eucalypts - but this one I can’t. Anybody have idea what is is?

r/australianplants 18d ago

What tree is this?

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Location: Queensland Australia

r/australianplants 21d ago

Yellowing grevilleas - sun vs nutrients?

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So I’ve got three grevillea honey gems planted. The soil is garden soil but each one was planted into a hole and filled with native soil. Slow release native fertiliser and then bush tucker fortnightly. They started out with a flush of growth from standard nursery pots. Now it seems they’ve slowed and have these yellowing leaves. I’m not sure if they aren’t getting enough sun because of the massive gum or there’s something else. Again they are on drip irrigation like my previous post for kangaroo paws. Probably not the best photos as we’ve had a lot of cloud cover today but you can see some yellowing at the top of the plant.