r/unitedkingdom 29d ago

Police officers say cannabis is effectively ‘decriminalised’ in the UK .


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u/After-Anybody9576 29d ago

That report presumably not aware that police policy is not to stop based on that alone as per CoP guidance?


u/Square-Competition48 29d ago

CoP guidance probably says the police shouldn’t rape people too but it doesn’t seem to discourage them.


u/After-Anybody9576 29d ago

Much like the law itself doesn't discourage the general public who commit rape at a far higher rate than police officers do...


u/Square-Competition48 29d ago

Weird take to say that the number of police officers running around raping people is okay.

At this point if someone tells me they’re a police officer I just kind of assume they’re a rapist because if they aren’t then they’re clearly fine with being seen as one or they’d get a better job.


u/After-Anybody9576 29d ago

More like it's a weird take to make everything about rape

It's quickly becoming the new "it's like Nazi Germany"-style argument as regards the police, it gets rolled out every day no matter how tenuous the link. Maybe you could take a day off.

Edit: Not to mention that, in any case, your argument was essentially the fallacious argument people can roll out about any policy/law when they feel like it, that being that laws/rules are pointless because people can still break them. Which of course misses the whole point.


u/Square-Competition48 29d ago

Maybe the police should take a day off from all the raping?


u/After-Anybody9576 29d ago

Maybe the whole country should take a day off from all the raping?

Don't see why the 99% of victims who weren't raped by police officers should be left to suffer...


u/Square-Competition48 29d ago

They’re just left to suffer by the police and CPS who don’t take rape cases seriously and have an appallingly low conviction rate.

Because we’ve got foxes guarding the henhouse.


u/shadowed_siren 29d ago

CPS aren’t made up of police officers. They’re generally lawyers. So do you think all lawyers are rapists too?

People like you will criticise police for stopping and searching “all Asian men” and in the same breath call all police rapists. Completely unironically.


u/Square-Competition48 29d ago

I’m aware of who the CPS are.

Who are “people like me”?


u/shadowed_siren 29d ago

People who assume all police are corrupt or racist or whatever name calling that fits your narrative that day.


u/Square-Competition48 29d ago

Okay so how much raping are the police allowed to do before I’m allowed to have a problem with it?

Could you give me a number? How many people can they rape per year?


u/shadowed_siren 29d ago

Maybe you should be asking why men rape so much. It’s not a police issue - it’s a man issue. It’s not just police who rape women.


u/Nabbylaa 29d ago

Do you group together offenders based on any other immutable characteristics that they have no control over?


u/shadowed_siren 29d ago

No. I don’t even do that about men. But apparently some people need extreme examples of why generalising about an entire group of people based on the actions of a minority is ridiculous.


u/Square-Competition48 29d ago edited 29d ago

100% of rapes in the UK are done by males because rape is defined under law as non-consensual penetration with a penis and thus it’s impossible for female convicted rapists to exist in this country.

You’re dodging my question.

How many people are those we employ to protect us allowed to rape each year before I can be upset by it?


u/shadowed_siren 29d ago

You can be upset by it. It’s upsetting. But you can’t call all police rapists. Because that’s very obviously untrue. And incredibly offensive.

The vast majority of police are incredibly decent, caring people who get paid a pittance to do a very difficult job.

I don’t harp on about how all nurses are baby killers after Lucy Letby. Because that would be ridiculous. It’s the same when you say it about police.


u/Square-Competition48 29d ago

I can, have, and will continue to do so.

Because it’s their job to protect us and for all the institutional changes heralded by the Letby case I can’t point to one in the police.

They’re still fighting for their right to rape and impregnate women whilst undercover without consequence.


u/shadowed_siren 29d ago

Jesus Christ. No they’re not.


u/After-Anybody9576 28d ago

What institutional changes have happened subsequent to the Letby case?

Also if you think nothing has changed in the police you're just not paying attention.

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