r/techsupportmacgyver 19h ago

Cheap electric razor died

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The razor wasn't mantaing charge, and plugged in it wouldn't work. It cut pretty well despite being so cheap, so i decided to try to revive it. I tear it down, it's simply a simple electric motor, a battery and a small controller. I took away the battery but the controller died on the teardown process (it wasn't meant to be repaired so it wasn't an easy process). So i soldered directly + and - of an USB cable to the electric motor, and it works perfectly fine. Maybe it's a tad faster (it wasn't written, i suppose the battery was 3.7 volt and the usb outlet is 5), but i'm happy with tge result

r/techsupportmacgyver 10h ago

Needed a coax splitter

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Internet in house was going in and out bc we used a telephone line , so we had to switch to coax and move modem and router, didnt have a coax male to male connector and stores are all closed so...

r/techsupportmacgyver 22h ago

What to do if there is no Mouse-Bungee but some tape

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