r/swtor 4d ago

Steam Achievements Question

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Has anyone in this group gotten all of the steam achievements for the game? I’m just curious because I’m on that journey right now and loving every second playing the game. I’m about 450 hours in and at 168 out of 191 achievements. I started playing in 2022 and took a break and began playing it again a couple months back. Safe to say I am hooked on this game and will surely keep playing it after getting all of the achievements because it’s a blast playing. Maybe try getting all the in game advancements at one point.


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u/tobarstep Star Forge 4d ago edited 4d ago

I'm missing the 4 for Vet/Master KotFEET chapters, Elite Warlord, and for some reason it says I haven't cleared all story mode flashpoints at least once. But for the life of me I can't figure out which flashpoint I've never done at least on story mode.

edit: come to think of it, I don't think I've ever done Kuat.


u/fiftykyu 4d ago

Elite Warlord is the missing cheevo for a lot of people, you gotta pvp until you're ready to explode, and then do a bunch more after that. I'll probably never get that one, either.

The VM/MM chapters were easier in the 6.x era, but still doable in the current era. Gear up obviously, but also check old guides because you can cheese some of the more difficult spots. In KOTET Ch. 2 for example, you can guide those basement clowns to the fire traps in the hallway.

Use the in-game tracker to check which flashpoints you're missing, because several flashpoints don't have a story mode version. https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/1hvenee/comment/m5uir4p/ :)