r/sto 14m ago

3D printed a friend's Prometheus

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/sto 57m ago

Bueller??? Bueller??? Any Updates On a Fix For The Horrendous Trait Unslotting We've All Suffered?


I haven't seen nary a word about a fix, beyond that single Tweet and in-game message, since everyone noticed this problem morning.

Did it maybe get a hotfix at some point earlier today? Or have they posted anything about an emergency patch for tomorrow morning?

I'm kinda aggravated over having missed out on a day of Red Alert grinding because of this mess. I've got 8 active toons and there's no way I was gonna deal with the time consuming hassle of reslotting all those toons traits earlier!

I just logged in on two toons earlier, right after the servers came up, if only to see if the unslotting looked like an account-wide mess, rather than just a single toon problem. Then quit for the day outright. I've no doubt tons of other players have done the same.

So, any word on a fix for this or what?

r/sto 3h ago

Console Bundles Sale



From January 9th at 8am PT to January 13th at 12pm PT on Xbox and PlayStation, save 35% on Ship Bundles and Expansion Bundles in the Zen Store!

r/sto 4h ago

Unconventional idea for bringing LD ship in-game


Everyone's been talking about how they want to see the large Klingon bird of prey from the LD series finale in the game. While they might put it as a strike wing escort with a hangar bay, perhaps they might take a different tack and adapt the wingman mechanic. It's been done before with last year's anniversary ship, who's to say it can't be used on a Klingon ahip?

r/sto 5h ago

Discussion Hirogen predator heavy escort Trait and Console


Hi is the Trait and Console from the Hirogen predator heavy escort good ? I have a Infinity Prize Pack T6 So i dont need do buy it.

r/sto 5h ago

Discussion How to spruce up the crafting system?


It's been kicking around in my head that, frankly, the crafting system kind of sucks once you hit the end game. By the time you hit the good end game stuff, you've probably got better gear from reputations, lock boxes, or event stores. I think they should start letting us craft gear that doesn't exactly replicate, but is adjacent to lock box/rep/event store/whatever gear. Like, you should be able to combine some of the unique procs/modifiers that the fancy weaponry has. The crafted versions should be somewhat weaker, like there's one less proc/modifier slot than the regular weapon would be able to have.

As an example, let's say you really like the Isolytic Plasma pull/confuse mines and torpedoes proc and the Ba'ul Antiproton refraction proc, and you want to put them on a disruptor dual heavy cannon. I think what we should be able to do, is acquire an Isolytic Plasma weapon and a Ba'ul Antiproton weapon, both at least of MK XII, and you take them to your crafting screen and 'break them down', somehow. Like, there's be a research project that would take a few hours (at least) where at the end, the weapon you were breaking down is destroyed, you can't get it back, but you unlock the ability to craft replacements of those weapons and modified versions of those weapons that have one less proc available than would otherwise be obtainable through 'normal' means (as a balancing factor), but you have more freedom to pick what procs/modifiers you get than the Re-Engineering system lets you do.

For instance, Right now I'm using Nanite Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XV [Ac/Dm] [Acc]x2 [CrtH] [Dmg] on one of my toons. It has the damage resistance/shield bleedthrough proc(1) from Nanite Disruptor, two accuracy modifiers(2 and 3), the Crit Chance modifier(4), a Damage modifier(5), and the Accuracy/Damage modifier(6), for a total of six procs/modifiers. In the crafting system I'm talking about, you'd end up with one less of those procs/modifiers.

Going back to the example was saying before, you could make a Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannon with the pull enemies/confuse mines and torps proc(1), the 5% chain damage to another foe(2), AC/DM(3), CrtH(4) and CrtD(5), for a total of five procs/modifiers. Obviously, this is just an example.

I think this could work the same way with ground weapons, as well, but applying it to other gear like shields, deflectors, warp cores, impulse engines, as well as ground shields/armor and kits/modules would be a little more challenging to implement. Still, it could make crafting a whole lot more interesting, and space combat builds (at least) a little more interesting.

But yeah, that's just an idea that I had.

r/sto 5h ago

PS Would anyone like to help me make a bank fleet?


Looking for people to help me make a bank fleet. basically, we create a team, I make a fleet, then boot everyone out. I have more than one character not in any fleet, so I am willing to reciprocate. There are probably some details I'm missing, but I believe that's the gist of it. Maybe we can setup a time to do this as well, if it makes things easy.

r/sto 7h ago

Found The Classic Dry Docks In Earth Orbit, Great Photo Op Spots, Thanks Cryptic

Thumbnail gallery

r/sto 7h ago

PC Caitian species


Where do I purchase the option to create a Caitian character?

r/sto 11h ago

The new ESD looks quite nice.

Post image

r/sto 13h ago

XB Disabled torpedoes?...


Is there an enemy weapon that can disable your torpedoes for an entire map? I wouldn't think so, maybe this is just another stupid xbox bug or lag symptom?

I was running the gauntlet against tholians and my torps went dark. I assume it's another xbox glitch or something but has anyone else experienced this?

EDIT: i restarted the console and tried again with the same ship and load out, same results. I have the romulan hyper plasma torp in front and the omega torp out back. I have ran this setup before without this happening. And to clarify; the torpedoes go dark as is they're disabled like I'm in sector space. No cooldown timer for ability or category, just disabled.

r/sto 10h ago

Discussion Thank you for ESD v3.0!


Very nicely done. It's majestic.

r/sto 10h ago

PSA - Switching off Lighting 2.0 reduces the painful brightness in ESD


One of today's surprises is someone installing a ton of high power LED's all over ESD. For anyone else who's struggling a bit with it, switching off Lighting 2.0 reduces it to more normal levels.

Options > Graphics > Lightning 2.0 > Off

r/sto 10h ago

Bug Report Warning


Warping into Sol System is removing personal and starship traits on EVERY SHIP YOU OWN

r/sto 10h ago

Bug Report Loadouts broken on every ship on every character after today's patch


on PC after today's new ESD patch it's broken every single loadout on every ship on every character and new loadouts won't save............awesome

r/sto 11h ago

PC Vanity Shield Lamentations

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r/sto 12h ago

Discussion Why did they not put a torpedo tube port in the Ambassador's design in-game?


r/sto 18h ago

Star Trek Onlines Borg Kingdom redeems the Borg in my Eyes


So I finally finished the Trifecta along with TOS and ENT. Overall ENT is kinda tied with TNG with its Borg Appearance. Regenerate was a good episode and yea there was a bit of plot armor but not more than usual when it comes to the Borg. VOY i honestly disliked the Borg for some of the episodes that didnt have to do with Space Combat. I heavily disliked how the Be'lanna, Janeway and Tuvok got assimilated and treated it as if it was nothing. Absolutely absurd. Basically makes what Picard went through like some sort of hippie high trip. But tbh the last two episodes of VOY i honestly treat it as if it never happened.

Anyways onto the actual topic. While for the most part the Borg is still treated as a Joke in STO they are more impactful. Also everyone hates them for evaporating shields with a sneeze. I hate it to but i feel gratification from getting my ass kicked by the Borg in the game. At least until i go against the Vaadwaur and hate myself more. The whole assimilating Planets is really cool. What really gets me is the Borg Kingdom because at the current episode the Borg Kingdom is beating everyones asses.

The biggest thing i love about the Borg Kingdom is that they will attack you while in the cube. Granted in game so doesnt the regular Borg but from context the Borg Kingdom did it first and honestly they actually did a lot more damage. Like it really seems that the Borg in the Mirror Universe is much more deadly than regular universe Borg and when i saw the Iconians getting assimilated i was smiling with Glee. As i was dying multiple times on Ground to swarms of Borg i say this is accurate.

While they still are a joke in a sense that you never really lose to them you do get to see the destruction they do to everyone around you. As in they generally all die while you try to save scraps.

r/sto 14h ago



Hey all, quick question, if I buy an Advisor DOFF from S'stas and then use them up in an Assignment: Station Deputy Ambassador at the Consulate ... can I buy them again?

r/sto 15h ago

Lexington beam build (Phaser FAW)

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r/sto 17h ago

PC PC Patch Notes for 09/01/25

Thumbnail playstartrekonline.com

r/sto 17h ago

WEird Nanopulse Mek'leth graphics bug


When using those my Chars left Arm is covered in a white Orb. No clue since when or why


r/sto 18h ago

PC USS Sally Ann (named for my late wife)

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I lost my wife of 26 years in April of 2024, so I have decided to rename this ship as a to honor her.

r/sto 22h ago

PC Anyone actually be able to remove the eleos console visuals with vertigo?


I've been super busy lately so just finally getting around to throwing that on my builds and used the commands found here https://old.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/1h9hcex/eleos_intel_scout_vessel/m17kdod/ and added them to my vertigo txt files and no change, the spinning colors still showing up.

Anyone manage to remove those annoying visuals?

r/sto 23h ago

Discussion Fantasy Nostalgia Bundle: 3 TOS/TMP Ships You'd Give All The Monies For (Along With The Ark Royal) -- No Wrong Answers

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