r/nanotank Dec 12 '24

Recommendations for keeping tank cleaner Help

Hi all. Have a 6 gallon Fluval Edge. Gravel substrate, a large rock, a large branch, one fist sized Anubis, a scattering of java moss, and something else that is skinny and tall with tiny oval leaves that is probably 10-15 stalks. The tank has 2 guppies, 7 ember tetras, 1 nerite snail and a whole colony of cherry shrimp. I know the tank is overstocked, but what could I do to help keep the substrate cleaner other than vacuuming? It doesn't seem like the gravel gets moved around at all and it accumulates a ton of junk. I saw somewhere it said trumpet snails will get into the gravel, but worry about their population exploding and not leaving enough biofilm for the shrimp


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u/Independent_Push_159 Dec 13 '24

Trumpet snails do an amazing job in the substrate. They won't get everything the shrimp want to eat, don't worry about them. Shrimp will be hoovering up leftover food, bits of biofilm the snails can't get, all sorts of crud.


u/PerusingPerson Dec 13 '24

Will trumpet snail population get out of hand quickly? It's a small tank- what do we think the odds of a single trumpet snail reproducing area?


u/Independent_Push_159 Dec 13 '24

I'm not going to lie, there were a lot of them. But "Is it a problem?" is a question to which the answer is a matter of personal preference. I like them, and didn't have issues with them being there. Others don't like to see snails at all, others like a happy medium. I know people have used assassin snails to keep trumpets under control, adds to the ecological complexity of your little habitat so it's a valid choice. Mine arrived on their own so I don't know if one on its own would be a likely breeder.