r/moderatepolitics unburdened by what has been 25d ago

Trump Team Weighs Options, Including Airstrikes, to Stop Iran’s Nuclear Program News Article


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u/Flatbush_Zombie 25d ago

These are Israel's plans. Trump will do their bidding. So much for avoiding World War 3.


u/Sabertooth767 Neoclassical Liberal 25d ago

Ah yes, WW3. US and allies versus Iran and.... Shi'ite militias?

Iran has no friends. A war against Iran would have no impact on the lives of most Americans. Park a Carrier Strike Group in the Gulf and let 'er rip, we win.


u/Flatbush_Zombie 25d ago

You've never heard of Russia? They were fighting side by side in Syria for the last decade and Iran has given them plenty of weapons for use in Ukraine.

Even parking a carrier strike group, as you say, would still risk substantial American lives and likely result in heavy losses: Iran is not Iraq circa 2003. But I shouldn't be surprised, I don't think any Trump voter actually cared about the risk of war.


u/obtoby1 25d ago

Actually, comparing Iran to 2003 Iraq is apt. When the coalition attacked Iraq, they faced an army of 538,000 active soldiers, 650,000 reservists, 12,000 special Republican guards, 75,000 Republican guards, 30,000 paramilitary forces, and 6,000 Arab volunteers.

Meanwhile today Iran has around 610,000 active soldiers, and 350,000 reservists.

In terms of equipment, while the total number isn't known, all Iran has is Soviet era equipment. Against any modern western nation, especially America, their equipment, no matter what quantity would never out match our quality.

As for Russia, they just fled from Syria and are bogged down in Ukraine. They wouldn't care what happens to Iran enough to get involved outside of token economic support and maybe a few special service troops.