r/moderatepolitics unburdened by what has been 24d ago

Trump Team Weighs Options, Including Airstrikes, to Stop Iran’s Nuclear Program News Article


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u/Sabertooth767 Neoclassical Liberal 24d ago

Why not? Israel proved you can strike Iranian nuclear facilities and Iran can't do shit about it.

I've grown weary over the fearmongering by the Democrats. The nuclear deal is moronic and has only enabled Tehran. They are completely and utterly incapable of waging a war against the United States. They can't even touch Israel!

I'm not saying that we necessarily should use military force against Iran, let alone invade, but to take it off the table is foolish.


u/Remarkable-Medium275 24d ago

I have absolutely no complaints about being hawkish on Iran. My complaints is the isolationist rhetoric about Ukraine, only for him to be a standard hawk on everyone else.


u/andthedevilissix 24d ago

I'm in favor of giving Ukraine weapons forever because that's great way to fuck with Russia.

I think at some point the Ukrainians are going to have to give up some territory and make peace though, perpetual war with Russia is great for the US but not so great for Ukraine.


u/Davec433 24d ago

The difference with Ukraine is they’re not our ally and Russia isn’t threatening us.


u/autosear 24d ago

Russia is directly threatening us. Putin even recently declared the sale of Alaska to be illegal. They threaten us every single day that we don't retreat from the global stage and give up our influence to Russia.

Also Ukraine essentially is our ally. We promised to protect them if they would give up their nukes.


u/natigin 24d ago




Ukraine had a handshake deal with the US to defend its sovereignty in exchange for Ukraine giving up their nukes. They were effectively an ally.


u/Davec433 24d ago

“Effectively an ally.” I guess Biden and the Democrats screwed that up then.



I think they have shown themselves to be a capable ally in the future, and eventually a valuable member of NATO.


u/Remarkable-Medium275 24d ago

Russia isn't threatening us...

Who the fuck is the one propping up and allying with Iran!

They launch cyber attacks, attacked our soldiers in the middle east, constantly try to undermine our hegemony, and support basically every regime opposed to us, from assas to Maduro. Stop.


u/BigfootTundra 24d ago

Ukraine is not our ally? We convinced them to get rid of their nukes because we’d protect them. If that’s not an ally I don’t know what you think the word “ally” means.


u/WulfTheSaxon 24d ago edited 24d ago

Promising to protect each other is indeed what defines being allies, but the US never promised to protect Ukraine. The promise, such as it existed (as an unratified commitment by the Clinton administration binding only on itself), was for the US to not invade Ukraine itself, and to refer the matter to the UNSC if Ukraine was attacked with nuclear weapons (where Russia would promptly veto any response).

Neither of those things was even a new commitment, because the Memorandum was specifically written to not create any new obligations that the US didn’t already have under the UN Charter and other international law. So the US isn’t any more committed to protecting Ukraine than any other UN member.


u/Neglectful_Stranger 24d ago

I think it's fair to ask what the end goal is with Ukraine, because we do have a sort of end goal for bombing Iran (eliminating nuclear facilities), but what is the end goal with funding Ukraine? It's basically impossible for them to reclaim their lost land short of Russia collapsing, so what exactly are we aiming for?


u/Remarkable-Medium275 23d ago

The end goal is killing Russians. A weaker Russia is the goal. Ukraine winning their own territory back is their own objective. Our foriegn policy objective is to weaken Russia, which is accomplished by destroying their war machines and sending as many Ivans back in a pine box as possible. We still win by expending zero American lives while the Russians becomes a nation of cripples and widows.