r/diabetes_t1 [Editable flair: write something here] 1d ago

Please help Graphs & Data

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I’ve been on a pump for about a month now and everything has been great until yesterday when I think I got sick (Or I just felt weird) and my sugars WILL NOT COME DOWN! I’ve called my clinic and I’ve tried something new but something still isn’t working. It takes what seems like 5-8 corrections to get my sugar down and when I finally do get it down I need to eat again and then the cycle repeats. I’m mentally tired from this I just need some help.


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u/EnoughNumbersAlready 1d ago

I hate to say this but I wish my CGM graph looked like this over 24hrs.

If you’re sick, then it’s natural that your blood sugars will be higher. I suggest taking a slightly higher dose of long acting insulin (I’m on MDI so I’m sorry that I can’t speak to pump equivalent of upping your dosage).


u/Naanya2779 1d ago

How do you determine how much to increase your basal when you’re sick? My daughter is MDI too and we struggle with the higher sugars when she is sick. Her basal insulin only doses in unit increments so we have been hesitant to mess with it.


u/EnoughNumbersAlready 1d ago

Ok so I am on Humalog and Tresiba quick pens which also have unit increments. I only increase my Tresiba by 1-2 units when I’m sick. So I normally take 28 units per evening but when I’m sick and running higher than usual, I start increasing it to 29 (if I have the 100ml quick pen) and see how that goes for 2 days. It takes my body about 2 days to adjust to a new dosage.

If I have the Tresiba 200ml quick pen that only has increments of 2, then I go from 28 units to 30 units since there is no choice for smaller increments.

My doctor sometimes doesn’t give me the same size Tresiba which is why I’ve adjusted to using either.