r/asktransgender 2d ago

So is this the female experience?

So I'm 21f I've recently moved and I've started going on walks and two separate times within the few times I've gone walking the first time this guy honks at me as I'm going on the opposite side then turns around asks if I want a ride I tell him no and he asks again and I say no and walk away and then he leaves and comes back to ask for my number the second time the guy in a pickup truck drives past me honks and I keep walking and he kept going past but I noticed he stopped a little bit away and honked more and I keep walking having a creeping suspicion he's going to come back and sure enough he drives past me pulls into a driveway in reverse and stares at me for a second and I'm kinda just like walking and I feel like REALLY uncomfortable at this point but luckily he just drove past me again so is this how the average female experience?


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u/StudyDelicious9090 2d ago

Yeah. I (mtf) don't even wear makeup or dress femininely outside of work, and this crap still happens despite being in my mid-30's. It's so gross. Like no, I'm not going to have sex with you just because you, a random stranger, propositioned me for it. The gall, I swear.