r/aquarium 7h ago

Freshwater Ich?

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Hello does anyone knows if those little balls on my betta are ich?

r/aquarium 7h ago

Freshwater Is this stand strong enough? 120 gallon


Hello everyone. I picked up this 125 gallon tank and stand from a friend.

As far as I can tell, the stand is built from 1/2 inch thick wood, possibly a hardwood since it was quite heavy. There are no 2x4s or other supports

With the way the sump is setup, I have to run the water pretty high so it will be a continuous 120 gallons or so. Making it pretty heavy.

Will the stand (given good condition) be strong enough to support this weight reliably? Any help would be much appreciated it's my first time with a tank this size.


r/aquarium 8h ago

Photo/Video Blood parrot with white spots

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I have two blood parents that I’ve had since they were the size of quarters. They are both together in a 200 gallon tank no problems with them all seem happy and healthy. One has developed white scales on its body. Not sure what it is. Need help figuring it out.

r/aquarium 9h ago

Freshwater Does anyone know what this yellow algae is

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Recently set up this 20 gal it’s about two weeks old. There’s this yellow algae growing that doesn’t look like any of the algae I’ve seen in my other tanks. It appears to only be growing on the glass. Does anyone know what type of algae it is or what it indicates about the health of the tank

r/aquarium 9h ago

Freshwater Does anyone know what this yellow algae is

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Recently set up this 20 gal it’s about two weeks old. There’s this yellow algae growing that doesn’t look like any of the algae I’ve seen in my other tanks. It appears to only be growing on the glass. Does anyone know what type of algae it is or what it indicates about the health of the tank

r/aquarium 18h ago

Photo/Video Help identifying bug

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Small bugs jumping on water surface and crawling around on glass. Does anyone know what they are?

r/aquarium 7m ago

Photo/Video What could this be? Set fish tank up 4-5 days ago. Havent introduced any fish yet.

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r/aquarium 3h ago

Discussion Weird white stuff in tank 🤔🤷🏾‍♀️

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Little over a month ago I posted a photo of my tank with some stringy white stuff floating around (pic 1). I initially thought it was a type of algae, or something that bloomed from my leftover sand (it smelled like rotten eggs and I took out most of it a few months prior). Redditors said it could be hair algae. I dosed my tank with algae-fix and it seemed to lessen.

In the past couple weeks, green algae had taken over the spout of my filter, so the spores were spreading 24/7 (pic 2). Today I did a 30% water change, scooped up the algae carpet, rinsed my sponges, and scrubbed the filter spout. Then I started dosing my water with its treatments. I noticed the AquaSafe by Tetra was really visible, like pouring oil into a pot of boiling water. A few minutes later, I see the white stringy stuff again! So it's this water conditioner giving me issues.

Disheartened, because I've used this brand (pic 3) since the start of keeping an aquarium, 6yrs, and this is the first time I've seen anything like this! I don't think I'll ever buy it again. For now, I have to wait at least a week for this stuff to solidify so it's easier to catch and take out of my tank. I'll also continue dosing with algae-fix to keep the green algae at bay.

r/aquarium 4h ago

Question/Help Can I keep a group of these guys in a 10 gallon by themselves? They’re emerald blue rasboras.

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r/aquarium 2h ago

Freshwater Emergency fish help!!!!!! (Please don't judge, this is my first time having fish and I'm a minor)

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My tank has been cycling for over 2 weeks and everything has looked good, the pH is maybe a tiny tiny bit high (little above 7.0) but everything else is perfect. I've had plants and driftwood since week one and got fish today. I acclimatized the fish in the tank for 30 minutes before using a net and getting them in the tank.

The corys are perfectly fine and normal, but the tetras are not!!! Since I put them in, they started exhibiting really weird behavior, they would swim around frantically and then go limp and not move for about 5 seconds. I turned off the lights and assumed it was stress. It's been about an hour and I just went to check on them and they are laying fully down on the substrate not moving. I can't tell if they are breathing. Did I just kill all of my tetras?!? My water temp is about 75 and everything else is normal what is happening!!!?

r/aquarium 2h ago

Question/Help Where to order fish from online?


r/aquarium 4h ago

Freshwater Is two internal filters too much on a 60 litre/15 gallon tank


So I have 3 tanks running right now 1 30 litre tank for orange shrimp and snails (with one internal filter) 1 100 litre tank for just aquatic plants(first time so not putting fish in yet) and my main tank which is 60 litre and I’m currently running a tetra whisper 15-20 gallon per hour ,unfortunately I only have duckweed in this tank and artificial plants ,I have 8 guppies 2 cobies and one bristlenose pleco living in the tank ,I have a spare smaller filter that I used previously in my shrimp tank ,would it be okay to add it in beside my filter or is there downsides to it ?

r/aquarium 5h ago

Question/Help Weird white stringy thing coming from snail?

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I've had this nerite snail for about a week now, and all has been fine. The past few days he's been hanging out under the filter, and today when I checked him, I saw this weird white string coming out from his butt(? Idk but its the opposite end as his antennae)

Is it just weird poop or something to worry about?

r/aquarium 5h ago

Freshwater Best tank mates for silver dollars?


I have a 90 gallon tank, and I have 8 spotted silver dollars, is there anything else I should add?

r/aquarium 6h ago

Freshwater Hospital help?


I just put my “sick” guppy into a hospital tank. He was swimming on his side I literally mean fresh water from the tap with aqua safe literally nothing else now he’s swimming fine?? I thought he had swim bladder I literally just spent an hour setting up a hospital tank. What do I do? Do I treat for swim bladder or not?

r/aquarium 6h ago

Discussion Safe to sand down/Dremel edges of aquarium hides?


Hello!! I have this aquarium hide that my ride just love, the rest of my tank is entirely natural wood and plants that provide hiding spots. I try my best to only use natural materials with my fish but they just really love this one basic plastic aquarium hide I got years ago. While cleaning their tank I noticed there’s some sharp edges inside the hide, I don’t want this to hurt them and was wondering if it would be safe to sand/buff down those edges with a dremel, then clean the plastic hide? I would just get rid of it but they really love it and would prefer to just make it safer. (Context if helps, I have a 50 gallon freshwater tank with 5 corys, 1 bristlenose pleco, and 1 rope fish. I noticed a while back the bristlenose had an injury which I quarantined and treated and he made a full recovery, but I suspect it’s from cutting himself on the sharp plastic)

r/aquarium 7h ago

Question/Help Mollies Slowly Dying Off

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Hello! I was hoping someone might be able to assist with diagnosing why I seem to slowly be losing my Molly colony…

They seem to get progressively more lethargic until I find them on the bottom not moving much unless they get startled then pass soon after. Some of them seem to have some white lumps that looks more like pimples/cysts, rather than ich, of various sizes. I have once seen larger one burst but was unable to find the fish again to take a photo.

Water parameters are normal and it’s a well established planted tank: Ammonia: 0 Nitrites: 0 Nitrates: ~30

I just started dosing PraziPro since the closest thing I have been able to find is possibly skin flukes?

Any help is appreciated!

r/aquarium 9h ago

Freshwater New 55 Gallon Prospect


Right now I have a 20-gallon planted tank with LOTS of guppies, around 4 octo cats, and one black kuhli loach. Along with mystery and ramshorn snails.

But at PetSmart they have a 55 on sale that would fit very well where my 20 sits. I have till February to get it. Ill sell my 20 and everything that goes with it if nobody in the family wants it. (if anyone has pointers on how to sell on Facebook let me know, Id like to sell some of the guppies as well)

I was thinking about the types of animals id put in the new tank and would like your input:

guppies (shorter/round fins), kuhli loach (a variety), more octos.

Small Schooling species like zebra danios and neon tetra

And the crap shoot list; Borneo loach, golden wonder killifish, Corydoras catfish, bumble bee gobies, shrimp (I know that ones is a stretch).

I thought about striped Raphael catfish because I've had them in the past and they were pretty neat, just to have as a peaceful centerpiece in a tank with smaller fish. But the size concerns me with any of the species that likes to stick to the ground. So maybe a spotted would do better because its smaller?

Either way, I want to create a complex aquascape with many plants and hiding spaces. I purposely chose fish like the golden wonder killifish, zebra danios, and neon tetra so they could prey and fed off of the guppy fry.

r/aquarium 11h ago

Showing Off My 10 gallon overgrown badis tank

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Just wanted to show my 10 gallon tank I’ve been leaving to grow with no maintenance :)

r/aquarium 13h ago

Freshwater Plant Question / ID cross posting

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r/aquarium 13h ago

Question/Help Sakura Shrimp Not Thriving in 30L Tank – Need Advice

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Hi everyone,

I’m looking for some advice regarding my 30L tank with Sakura shrimp. I’ve noticed that the shrimp population is slowly decreasing over time, and I suspect something isn’t right in the tank. Here are the details:

Tank Setup: • Size: 30 liters (approx. 8 gallons) • Temperature: No heater, room temperature fluctuates between 19–21°C (66–70°F). • Plants: The tank is well-planted with a variety of plants. • Algae: Despite the plants, there is algae present, which I suspect could be blue-green algae, though I’m not sure.

Water Parameters: • NO2, NO3, NH4, NH3: All at 0 ppm. • pH: 8. • Carbonate Hardness (KH): 5. • General Hardness (GH): 18. • Water Source: Tap water. • Water Changes: I perform a ~50% water change weekly.

Actions Taken: • Since the pH is 8, I’ve recently added a “teabag” with Indian almond leaves to try to lower it naturally. • The tank does not have a heater, unlike my other 120L tank, which I’ve been running successfully for over 15 years at 24°C (75°F) with no issues.

Observations: • My 120L tank has been stable for years, with healthy plants and fish. However, my Sakura shrimp in the 30L seem to struggle. • The shrimp often hide, and their numbers are dwindling gradually.

Questions: 1. Could the pH of 8 and/or high GH (18) be causing stress to the shrimp? 2. Is the lack of a heater an issue, considering the temperature stays between 19–21°C? 3. Could the algae (possibly blue-green) be harmful to the shrimp? If yes, how can I confirm and deal with it? 4. Are there other factors I might be missing that could lead to the shrimp not thriving?

I’d greatly appreciate any advice or tips from experienced shrimp keepers. Thanks in advance for your help!

r/aquarium 14h ago

Photo/Video What’s happening

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Just wondering what’s happening to my betta, it used to be completely blue bust has recently started changing colour. Just wondering if it’s normal or something wrong. Cheers

r/aquarium 14h ago

Question/Help Sick Guppy/Guppies
