r/amibeingdetained 10d ago

Streamer gets arrested on Tiktok live ARRESTED

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u/MorrowDisca 9d ago

Her being roasted by her 'fans' is the best part of this tbh.


u/awfulcrowded117 9d ago

It really is. Even her fans can't stand her behavior here, and that obviously fake toddler tantrum screaming at the end is a close second.


u/Waste_Hat_4828 9d ago

Them screams are real. Those are the screams of the unknown. She’s scared af cuz she’s never dealt with the police before. Don’t give her that kinda credit. She’s so afraid her only reaction is to scream and cry and beg.


u/NeoLephty 7d ago

I thought the screams and cries were real until just at the end when they stop as if they were never happening so she could ask a question. 

Pretty manipulative. 


u/Waste_Hat_4828 7d ago

My ears couldn’t handle listening to the whole thing.


u/AdamGenesis 8d ago

I'm gonna unmute cuz I wanna hear "screams of the unknown".


u/TonyStewartsWildRide 7d ago

That’s the comment that got me, for the first time, to turn audio on when playing a video.


u/Bloodmind 8d ago

That’s the scream of her delusion of entitlement and untouchability leaving her body. She’s not scared of anything other than accountability.


u/Waste_Hat_4828 8d ago

Again, you’re making her seem brave and intelligent. This is an animalistic response to fear. There is no intelligence in it. It’s instinctive and primal. To say she thought about human concepts like accountability would imply a certain level of calm and intelligence. She has neither. It’s literally programmed into our dna to bite, kick, scream, scratch, roar, and claw our way to freedom. That’s what’s happening, and when it fails, she cries. Which is another primitive survival instinct.


u/Bloodmind 8d ago

Not quite. I’m not saying she consciously thought to herself “oh no my entitlement, my untouchability, they aren’t working, I should express my frustration verbally”.

I’m saying she’s built up a worldview im which she’s invulnerable and in charge, and the screams are her reaction to having her world shattered. It’s like when you’re told a close family member dies and you, at a very deep level, know that the world you knew is never going to be the same. Very common to see folks scream in that situation. They may not be internally articulating the fact that their world no longer exists.

We agree that this reaction is primal and largely involuntary. But it’s not because she’s afraid of the police or going to jail, in particular. It’s a lot bigger than that. The invulnerability she’s always felt she had - which was a big part of her identity as an “influencer” who exists primarily on the relative safety of the internet - has been revealed to be non-existent in the real world. She’s having her delusion dissolved, undeniably, and we’re seeing her reaction to that in real time.


u/Waste_Hat_4828 8d ago

And it’s scary to have your world shattered because?


u/Bloodmind 8d ago

What more explanation is needed? Everything you believed and became accustomed to has changed. The life you’ve become comfortable with doesn’t exist any more. You’re going to have to learn to navigate life all over again.

It’s a pretty big thing to have to face, and it’s scary.


u/Waste_Hat_4828 8d ago

So there’s a ton of unknowns, one could say?


u/Just_Visiting_Town 7d ago

Wait...are you saying that she is screaming because of her fear of the unknown?

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u/Dyslexic342 7d ago

IRL streamers and cops are like flies and shit.


u/Protholl 7d ago

They are screams of somebody that has never been told no or been disciplined.


u/TheKraken51 7d ago

That 100% was fake ass screams and cries for attention, so everyone on her live could hear and she could get a headstart on playing poor-me the-victim when she gets bail.


u/ShoddyIntrovert32 5d ago

She’s screaming for her fans. Trying to play the sympathy/victim card.


u/MaskedJackyl 5d ago

"Those are the screams of the unknown" LOL! Shut up with that dumb shit


u/Combat_Commo 8d ago

Who is she?


u/stampstock 6d ago

Someone who does nothing


u/awfulcrowded117 8d ago

No idea, I was just talking about the video. Watch the comments as the cops roll up, they are overwhelmingly either laughing at her or outright saying things like 'she got what she deserved.'


u/Dyslexic342 7d ago

Sam Hydes Jewish Princess


u/realparkingbrake 9d ago

Her being roasted by her 'fans' is the best part

Followers of such moonbats have been known to tell the streamer that they only watch for the fun parts, like the streamer being arrested or thrown out by security.


u/zupobaloop 7d ago

Moonbat? What is that? Besides a hilarious insult I mean


u/ProlapseProvider 8d ago

There is literally a thing where people only watch to see the streamer get hurt or arrested etc. Ip2 (i think that's it) has streamers filming with their phone with speaker phone on and the viewers can pay to live shout out a comment. So in public there is the inevitable "I hate (insert racial or sexual orientation slur)" which often gets the streamer into a fight.


u/FullBoat29 10d ago

If this is the one I'm thinking of she streamed herself being driven to the dealership where she was already trespassed.

The dealership saw the post, and called the police, so they were basically there waiting for her.


u/no_no_no_no_2_you 9d ago

The dealership saw the post

It looks like she's filming from inside the dealership.


u/FullBoat29 9d ago

There was a part 1 that she streamed before she got there.


u/halogenated-ether 8d ago

The call is coming from inside the house!


u/rhythmchef 8d ago

Hands down all time most traumatizing movie scene for me growing up.


u/zupobaloop 7d ago

That old urban legend made it into a movie??


u/Protholl 7d ago

Why haven't you checked the children?


u/cementfeet 6d ago

It’s your father, and he’s drunk!!


u/thanto13 5d ago

that movie had me so fucked up as a child. anytime i was babysat and the phone rang i got creeped the fuck out


u/Unkabunkabeekabike 9d ago

It's hilarious because she's talking to her viewers like they will save her but most the comments are all "LOL"


u/plasticsearaccoon 9d ago

Hahahahaha the “BYE BYE” was hilarious 😆


u/Terry_Divine 8d ago

called the police


u/shortnix 9d ago

I'm sTreAMiNg LiVe so u CaNt tOuCH me


u/nsfwuseraccnt 9d ago

When internet idiots meet the real world. I love it!


u/Cranks_No_Start 9d ago



u/Gumbi_Digital 8d ago

I need you to articulated why this is an emergency!


u/norfolkjim 8d ago

"I'm not driving!"

<sitting in the driver's seat>


u/Protholl 7d ago

"I'm traveling" (proceeds to dig out the 3-ring binder with the laminated sovereign citizen handbook printouts).


u/JustNilt 9d ago

Love the whole, "I'm not resisting" thing after she literally resisted in an attempt to bring her phone with her.

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u/MrCLCMAN 9d ago

"... A Succulent Choineese Meal!! This is Democracy Manifest!


u/cha614 9d ago



u/Superguy766 9d ago

But, she wasn’t having a succulent Chinese meal.


u/DogSh1tDong 8d ago

Because there is no such thing! ROFL. Gross diabetic level sugar crap.


u/burner7711 8d ago

Ah, I see you know your Judo well.


u/devotchko 9d ago

are you prepared to receive my flaccid penis???


u/CrazeeEyezKILLER 9d ago

That voice is excruciating.


u/squintbro 10d ago

This made me happy


u/biffNicholson 10d ago

what was she arrested for??


u/KaBar42 9d ago edited 9d ago


u/OkieBobbie 8d ago

Frootloops in Kamloops.


u/UncleVoodooo 9d ago

I'm with the woman on this. No charges were ever filed but they feel violence is an appropriate response to not getting up fast enough?

It's weird. Kill a CEO and everyone can relate, but lose $1000 to a dealership and suddenly it's "well she shouldn't have resisted"


u/tripper_drip 9d ago

Yes. You know your not supposed to be there. Hippity hoppity get the fuck off the property. You don't "get" to get up slowly, you "get" to get the fuck out.

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u/chrissie_watkins 9d ago

If someone breaks into your house or business after you've banned them, and they refuse to leave, you can have them physically carried out and charged with trespassing (or not charge them if you want to cut them a break). If they pull away or fight back against the cops removing them from the property, that's a crime in and of itself. It's pretty straightforward.

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u/Usual_Item524 8d ago

Yep, the dude who killed the CEO is going to jail for the rest of his life. Maybe don't kill people. Don't feel bad for him whatsoever.

As for this lady, she's clearly just being a bitch and she's just getting kicked out of the place. She could have just left like a normal human being but she wanted to test some shit out

I'm rooting for the cops in that situation because it's clear she's just dumb and throwing a tantrum

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u/I_Frothingslosh 9d ago

According to someone who commented a couple minutes after you asked, she streamed herself being driven to a dealership where she had already been trespassed. Someone at the dealership saw the post and called the cops, so they arrived shortly after she did.

She was arrested for trespassing. Doing it while streaming was just a bonus.


u/biffNicholson 9d ago

damn, she bought that whole ride.


u/snarksneeze 9d ago

The one to the station was more expensive


u/No-Attempt9398 9d ago

Is this Jerry biff nichols?? 


u/squintbro 10d ago

Never said. I just like watching entitled kids get arrested. But I'm thinking they told her not to stream in the store, and she pissed someone off.


u/SirGrumples 9d ago

You don't get arrested for streaming. You get arrested for trespassing after already being told to leave previously.


u/biffNicholson 10d ago

Huh? what are you talking about? I was really wondering what they arrested her for. you did say it made you happy, but I'm only now thinking of that after you mentioned this.

merry chirstmas


u/Bogn11 9d ago

Bwhahahhaha. Im not resisting bwhahahah.


u/HeraldofCool 9d ago

It's always the ones who struggle that yell I'm not resisting.


u/Secure_Ship_3407 9d ago

Too bad this doesn't happen to all live streamers.


u/seiico 9d ago

Aww. You mean actions have consequences!!?


u/WishboneIll9152 9d ago

She screams pretty loudly for someone having an asthma attack…


u/fogcat5 9d ago

I was amazed how the screams just stopped when she wanted to talk again. I think she's going to learn a lot this year


u/screwyoujor 8d ago

700 viewers? Damn people will watch a block of wood slowly decay if it's pretty.


u/ThreeSloth 8d ago

Oooooh, link?


u/mr_bendos_friendo 8d ago

Incels need something to wack off to...


u/Actaeon_II 8d ago

This is the kind of stream I want to see more of


u/MrMosh024 9d ago

There should be mandatory minimums for influencers. Regardless of the crime, if you’re an influencer you get 30 days in county. Call it a nuisance charge.


u/Wubbywow 9d ago

This comment is so Reddit in a nutshell that I actually lol’d when I read it


u/Aromatic_Contact_398 9d ago

So glad I am 52 now, could not stand another lifetime of delusional kids talking bollocks.....ah ff I better not live to 102...


u/Logan012356789 9d ago

Shockingly my exact thoughts. Glad I’m not the only one like that.


u/Aromatic_Contact_398 9d ago

A merry Christmas to you and yours....🫡


u/Logan012356789 9d ago




I have rights… I’m a ‘murican. 😮‍💨


u/chrsa 9d ago

Pretty sure this was in Canada :) for once we cannot claim this insufferable twat!


u/Few-Statistician8740 9d ago

This is Canada.


u/brownieofsorrows 9d ago

Ah, yes. My favourite track from the canadian hit artist childish gamboni


u/jettpupp 8d ago

Why didn’t you respond after being corrected multiple times, are you as stupid as your meme suggests?


u/t-rex83 9d ago

Did she say "you touched my golden teeth?" I hope I'm hallucinating!


u/Alive_Canary1929 9d ago

The cops broke her teeth.

End qualified immunity.

It makes no sense to have cops be immune from negligence.

Have them buy insurance like doctors / nurses and be held accountable for their crimes.


u/henesyOHS 6d ago

Sounded like she said “you broke my fucking teeth”


u/Skin_Floutist 9d ago

Oh no consequences. What a little cry baby.


u/midwest-distrest 9d ago



u/rdzilla01 9d ago

The second someone verbally threatens to sue someone else any ounce of credibility they had is likely out of the window. I’ll venture to guess she never sued anyone stemming from this ordeal.


u/USACITIZ3N 9d ago

Bwahahaha. This


u/AdditionNo7505 9d ago

“700 people I’m underrest..” she can’t even say the big words.


u/RavenBlackMacabre 9d ago

Her: "Guys! Guys!"

Police: We're not your guys, friend!


u/Zed091473 9d ago

I’m not your friend, pal!


u/mr_bendos_friendo 8d ago

I'm not your guy, buddy!

I'm not your buddy, guy!


u/Select-Table-5479 9d ago

Ahh that moment around 1:05 when she realizes life owes her nothing.


u/bluntrauma420 9d ago

sounds like a first time anal video


u/realparkingbrake 9d ago

Is this one of BJW's moonbat followers? If she was denied service that could mean she tried to buy a car with sovcit nonsense added to the paperwork and the dealership declined to be ripped off.

It's notable that people think the number of viewers they have on a live stream has some legal significance, like they cannot be arrested if a certain number of people are watching.


u/Den_of_Earth 8d ago

It's true. Look at what famous people get away with.
Bu no, not 700.


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/look 8d ago

Miranda is a US thing. This was in Canada.


u/LaunchPad101 8d ago

Buh bye..... buh bye..... buuuuuuuuuuuuuuh bye.


u/Potential_Nerve3879 8d ago

Everybody thinks they can sue Everybody, even while they're the ones doing illegal things and being assholes


u/Interesting_Sock9142 8d ago

...I like that she was screaming like she was being murdered and then right back to talking normally


u/RustyDawg37 8d ago

oldie but goodie


u/Future-Specific-5013 8d ago

Her parents did a bang up job with that one.


u/Fraggnetti_ 8d ago

When she says " Holy Fuck" that was the moment she knew.... Yup folks, she fucked up. As an American I am always surprised when a Canadian cop or a Canadian in general Fucks someone up. I mean they are always polite. Every Canadian I've ever met was so nice. Like Seth Rogan, Isn't that late night guy from there (the Drunk one)... John Candy.. I mean come on The Canadians! Trump thinks he's going to Annex parts of Canada... We might be biting off more than we can chew.


u/realparkingbrake 8d ago

As an American I am always surprised when a Canadian cop or a Canadian in general Fucks someone up.

Sadly cops in Canada are not immune to misconduct, and investigations have found large numbers of cases where cops were repeatedly disciplined for serious misconduct without being fired.

In this case someone who is refusing to leave private property is arrested for criminal trespass, she appears to be the author of her own misfortunes. She also seems to think having 700 TikTok followers makes her immune to the law.


u/fuertepqek 6d ago

Do some research on what Canadian companies do to other countries…start with mining of natural resources. They literally kill with kindness.


u/Complete-Mountain-85 8d ago

FAFO,... sometimes karma intervenes...


u/NothingSinceMonday 8d ago

La la looooooser!


u/87turbogn 8d ago

That's right. Squeal like a pig.


u/IntrepidAsFudge 8d ago

shes clearly speaking english but i couldnt understand a word she said.


u/CourteousR 8d ago

Her screams of entitled anguish really made my morning.


u/rational-minded 8d ago

This was awesome to watch. Thank you for posting this.


u/FlowBot3D 8d ago

I believe her story 100%

The whole " just put down a deposit to hold it while we get all the other paperwork sorted" nonsense is a tactic so you can't walk away from the deal once they inflate the interest rate a few points and tack on a bunch of accessories they forgot to mention were already installed like the $1100 seat protection (which is a $5 can of scotch guard) and the $400 wheel locks and $600 trunk carpet.

Now, was she there baiting a reaction so she could film it? Maybe. It's possible for everyone to be terrible here.


u/No_Zebra_3871 8d ago

you can hear the cuffs go on and her say ouch lol. They're tight for a reason, and they do that shit on purpose.


u/Jappachai 8d ago

Did he tell him to call 9-9-1 or am I not hearing that right?


u/Nuclearpasta88 8d ago

loool. i cant wait until the tiktok BS trends are over and a thing of the past. Hopefully it gets banned like they keep saying.


u/RiczeDic 8d ago

Alright there George Floyd


u/MisanthropicCumLord 7d ago

Floyd George's daughter.


u/Salty_Talk_2870 8d ago

SEE YA!!!!!


u/tonykea2015 8d ago

Touch my phone !! 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/IndividualAd3877 7d ago

Be a shame if she tripped and broke her nose while in handcuffs


u/KazoWAR 7d ago

sounds like she was never told no.


u/Crepes_for_days3000 7d ago

I cannot stand the way she talks.


u/Dyslexic342 7d ago

That must be enough acting, quits her portrayal of Dicaprio in The Revenant. What am I being arrested for in her normal voice. People always putting on a show, need to understand why no one comes to aide them when the sky is always falling.


u/HiddenPalm 7d ago

Why is everyone here angry with her? I dont know who she is. Is she pro-Israeli or something? What did she do? Why was she arrested?


u/Due-Recover-8897 7d ago

Am I wrong for laughing at the end?


u/BigDrewLittle 7d ago

Honestly, if this is unedited, I am not exactly team state here. Given the context of only what is shown, I do not, at any point, ever hear the boars in blue give her anything remotely close to an explanation of what she is being arrested for. I hate sobshits too, but let's not pretend the fingermen are on the side of the people, either.


u/fuertepqek 6d ago

You instantly lose if you’re in private property. If you’re being trespassed you need to leave the property immediately because if you don’t, you get arrested. Cops only exist to protect private property.


u/CuppaBKjoes 7d ago

What did she say when the cops first showed up? I didn't understand it either time she said it.


u/Daveprince13 7d ago

This lady just lives in the dealership or something? I’ve seen more than one video of her getting in trouble here


u/Laughing-at-you555 7d ago

literally resisting while saying she is not resisting.


u/BallStab 7d ago

Wish this would happen to people on TicTok out in public.


u/DieselKraken 7d ago

In 20 years she will be so embarrassed about this. Forever enshrined in history.


u/OwnCurrent7641 7d ago

Even her livestream ‘fans’ think she’s a joke


u/Stringdaddy27 6d ago

I love how in the middle of her waterworks tirade where it sounds like she's being gutted with a blunt knife, she instantly composes herself to ask what they're going to do about the car.


u/fuertepqek 6d ago

She’s pleading for help from all the people making fun of her. She really thinks she has 700 friends. Hehe.


u/Forward_Cricket_9743 6d ago

Why don't they ever tell you what your arrested for


u/PandorasFlame1 5d ago

Someone posted a link to another sub where someone explained. She was refused a sale, tagged the wrong dealership in a rant on social media, demanded $1500CAD to remove the review, and then showed up in person to cause a scene when they refused to pay.


u/Pyro3090ti 5d ago

So she's just dumb then.


u/MotherofFred 6d ago

This is police brutality! You dropped my fucking keys!


She is not being too influential on those cops.


u/GhostofAyabe 6d ago

She’ll be OK, that one guy sent her a rose, this redeemable for a Temu tool set.


u/HumansWillEnd 6d ago

What was she arrested for?


u/Classic-Reflection87 5d ago

For me it’s that she starts crying uncontrollably then in a split second speaks regular to the rite at the end. My 3 year old does that. How pathetic. Throw her in the ocean on her period.


u/byebyebrain 5d ago

i cannot imagine the internal joy she is feeling that she will now be MORE Famous than she was before because of this video.

I would imagine that many streamers would die on a live stream if they could see how many followers they would get once they were dead.


u/ChallengeRationality 5d ago

I like where she is wailing like she is being physically tortured and then in the same breath calmly says, "what am I being arrested for?"


u/Thysguy 5d ago

Apperantly she tried to buy a truck somewhere else and when they refused she posted a video with the wrong dealership tagged. The KFL manager asked her to remove the tag as it obviously wasn't them and she demanded $1500 to do so. When they refused she showed up in person and made a scene so they called the cops and here we are.


u/jacobeisenhour 5d ago

this is the best advertisement ford has ever done


u/clezuck 5d ago

What do you bet she tried to use the "I'm an influencer" line and tried to get free shit?


u/NewClearBomb22 9d ago

China was hoping their TikTok app would turn every American(and Canadian) kid into this....and unfortunately it's been working.


u/TheDudeInTheD 9d ago

I hope Kamloops reinstates the charges against her and she gets a dose of fafo.


u/nativedawg 5d ago

F the cops ANNND the asswipes who support what the police did ......


u/Bright-End-9317 9d ago

Sounds like she the dealership stole 1,000 dollars from her. Fuck the dealership. Fuck the police


u/Significant_Sign_520 9d ago

They never sold her anything. They refused her service.


u/UncleVoodooo 9d ago

They took her $1000 and refused her service


u/Select-Table-5479 9d ago

according to her.


u/UncleVoodooo 9d ago

According to her signed affidavit of an event that took place in a public business with dozens of cameras and plenty of paperwork trails for easy subpoenas. .


u/tizuby 9d ago

The place to handle that is small claims court, not stupidly going back to a place you (general you, not personal) were trespassed from.


u/UncleVoodooo 9d ago

how come everyone thinks she trespassed? She said she was waiting for a manager *like they asked her to*


u/tizuby 9d ago edited 9d ago

Because she had previously been trespassed from the dealership (those would be part of the "legal threats" she mentioned).

They told her to sit and wait for the "manager" which was actually "sit and wait for the police to come arrest you because we already told you not to come here".


u/UncleVoodooo 9d ago

I've asked 11 times so far where people are getting the idea she previously trespassed. Everyone ignores that question.

They sent her legal threats to remove her tiktok, not about trespassing. That's why she went to talk to the manager


u/Inevitable_Channel18 9d ago

She claims she went there and was asked to wait for a manager. The dealer claims she wouldn’t leave. My guess is they already knew about her using social media to blast them about the $1000 she says they’re holding and not returning so they called the cops on her rather than actually getting any manager to deal with this. To me this sounds like a Tik Tok influencer calling out a dealership for shady shit and dealer getting pissed off. IF that’s what indeed happened, then they’re going to have more than a $1000 problem. The livestream of the arrest is funny though

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u/TechnicolorMage 9d ago

You say this like an affidavit is proof of something.

Them: "according to her" You: "yeah but she wrote it down!"



u/UncleVoodooo 9d ago

why is this sub such a bootlicker sub? holy shit

Lawyers don't generally take cases involving false affidavits in places with paperwork trails. I'm generally inclined to support the little guy. I hate "influencers" as much as the next guy but I hate dealerships that take advantage of 20 year old kids even more. It happens a LOT.

and guess whose side the cops are *always* on?


u/realparkingbrake 9d ago

why is this sub such a bootlicker sub?

Why do some people blindly believe anything and everything that someone who comes into conflict with the law claims happened? The auto dealer has the same right you do to exclude someone from their property. If she's been told to leave and refused, that's criminal trespass. There is no, Oh but she's really pissed off so that trumps the law. If she had a dispute with the dealership, small claims court is cheap and quick, it's set up to work that way.

This woman thinks the number of viewers she has on TikTok carries legal weight, like the cops cannot arrest her because 700 people are watching. She tries to grab up her paperwork as they are trying to cuff her, who is stupid enough to do that and then insist she isn't resisting? Streamers as a group say incredibly dumb things, like they cannot be arrested until they have called their lawyer--guess how much legal right you have for your lawyer to be present at the scene of your arrest--hint, it's zero.

The cops are not there because she's wearing an illegal brand of shoes, the dealership has called them and her refusal to cooperate points to trespass. Even if she thinks she has a valid reason to camp out and annoy the dealership, the law is on the dealership's side if they don't want her there.


u/UncleVoodooo 8d ago

"Why do some people blindly believe"

Bro you're talkiing about what happened at the dealership 2 years ago. I'm talking about the current fucking lawsuit against the cops for wrongful arrest and 2 weeks worth of medical bills. Taxpayers are on the hook for this settlement. She has a tiktok. Time hasn't stood still since the livestream.


u/TechnicolorMage 8d ago edited 8d ago

A lawsuit existing is not proof of wrongdoing. Did the cops do something wrong? I dunno, maybe. But someone saying they did doesn't prove that they did.

This is the blind belief the previous commenter was talking about. This is the type of behavior/rhetoric that undermines actual reform. You're the person people point to and go "see how brain broken these people are" when anyone tries to have an actual, sane conversation about cops being bad or the police system as a whole needing structural change.

But feel free to disregard because anyone who doesn't immediately fall in line is a 'bootlicker'. The sad part is that you don't even recognize the irony.

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u/realparkingbrake 9d ago

According to her signed affidavit

Sovicts are obsessed with the idea that they can scribble down their version of events and get it notarized, and it becomes an Affidavit of Truth that a court has to accept as proven fact. They don't understand that all a notary does is certify that someone proved their identity and signed a document in front of the notary of their own free will. That's it. You could get a grocery list notarized, doesn't give it legal weight.


u/UncleVoodooo 8d ago

Jesus christ but you just take the dealership at their word of "making online threats"

sluuuuuuuuuuuuuurp that cop dick


u/Few-Statistician8740 9d ago

Wasn't even at the dealership she was arrested at


u/realparkingbrake 9d ago

Sounds like she the dealership stole 1,000 dollars from her. Fuck the dealership. Fuck the police

There is a pack of sovcits active at the moment who are following their "guru's" advice on buying cars without paying for them. They think that scribbling some magic sovict spells on the purchase agreement means the dealer or finance company cannot come after them when they don't make payments. Some of them have already met the repo man and his tow truck, but their "guru" blocks them from posting on his social media channels quickly when they mention his scheme didn't work.

Part of the "gurus" instructions include billing or suing the dealership if they refuse to accept the modified paperwork the sovcit has scribbled the nonsense on. People who work at car dealerships are typically happy to meet someone who wants to buy a car, so if this young woman was refused service, it's because they have already realized she is up to no good.


u/persephone7821 8d ago edited 8d ago

I went to the og video where she was refused service. It sounds like she was trying to pay cash up front for the vehicle and was refused. The claiming discrimination.

I'm confused why everyone is dicking on her when it looks like she just went to buy a car. Was refused and upset, so she posted about it on social and they called it "threatening" and banned her from the premises. I get she shouldnt have gone back, but it seems like she shouldn't have been banned to begin with, What am I missing here?

Edit:https://www.tiktok.com/@lexsanchezgallo/video/7160734511989378309?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7452650751532303918 here's the vid I am talking about. Yeah she's annoying af and I hate her but idk if she deserved all that.


u/ItsRobbSmark 7d ago

Yeah, conveniently leaving out the part where she randomly decided she was going to pay $5,000 less than the price for the car and then accused the guy of beating women and so he promptly told her to fuck off. He's not beholden to deal with some Karen trying to make issues thinking it will get her a discount...


u/persephone7821 7d ago

wtf, do you have a source for that?


u/ItsRobbSmark 7d ago

She literally says it in the video you linked...


u/persephone7821 7d ago

Sounds like the price reduction ask and the accusations came post refusal to sell and strong language on his part. Like I said I do not like this girl, but that doesn't mean she was treated properly.


u/ItsRobbSmark 7d ago

I mean, it doesn't sound like that if you just listen to the story she is telling in the order she tells it, but enjoy simp'ing I guess...

It's not a hard concept. They don't have to sell her a car. Even if it were just her being annoying, they're not beholden to sell her a vehicle... Again, that's not how she tells the story of it going down, but even if it was, refusing service to someone isn't "treating them improperly."

I don't even find her that annoying. Just literally if you listen to her, she got shitty with a salesman over "language" that she wouldn't even reference what was said. The salesman steps back from the sale. This is where the video begins being filmed and she complains about the wait for a test drive. She then says on camera that now they're going to take $5,000 off the car. Video ends, she obviously tries the whole bullshit of demanding the 20% discount, the dealership then outright refuses to sell her a car completely and trespasses her. Like an entitled moron she comes back another day thinking internet clout will get her what she wants. It doesn't.

It's not a hard chain of events to follow lol.


u/persephone7821 7d ago

Dude, people are allowed to have different perspectives without it being “simping” what a disgusting connotation on your part.

For the record I am a hetero cis woman, literally 0 attraction to this annoying little twat. But there’s this concept you have clearly never heard of or used. Critical thinking, in a non biased way. It’s easy to put your bias on it because she is annoying and entitled and I’m pretty sure if I ever actually spoke with her I would want to punch her just based off who she is. Sure I could just be brainless and dick on her like everyone else because I don’t like her, but I’m not an asshole.

But again, that doesn’t mean they had a valid reason to refuse service to begin with. I find it hard to believe when she was going in to buy a car cash, that she would immediately start calling names like that.

Furthermore according to her story she asked several times to test drive the car. Wasn’t allowed to then asked to put a down payment on it with an elevated price tag. She says that pretty clearly.

From that alone I would have been pissed myself, and yes men in dealerships do, do that shit. Again, if you listen to her story if sounds like they were mistreating her from the start and she started snapping back. I had one do that exact same thing to me and tried to get me to sign a jenky piece of paper like the one she was holding as well. I didn’t snap back I just found a new dealership, but that’s not the point here.

The point is according to her story, she was mistreated and lashed out. Then the dealership banned her for threatening messages, because she posted that very video online.


u/ItsRobbSmark 7d ago

It's simping because you're quite literally ignoring the chain of events she's describing to stick up for her. Don't care if you're a man, woman, or what your sexual attraction is. You obviously have some inherent pull to this girl to try to gaslight the literal fucking events she's describing in the video into being something different despite it being her own words.

She wasn't able to test drive the car because in the middle of the sale she insulted the salesman and accused him of being a misogynist. Like why do you think they had her sitting at that table waiting for someone else to handle her? Never mind, don't answer that because it will just be another comment ignoring reality just for the sake of being argumentative rather than acknowledging the chain of events she herself is describing.

Like I said, there's really nothing egregious happening to her here, but enjoy simping. Anyone who watches the video will clearly see what she is saying. Maybe they'll actually hear it rather than trying to simp for her because they had a bad experience at a dealership that they're projecting onto her, who literally just had to wait for another salesman to be available because she insulted the salesman dealing with her like a fucking Karen.


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