r/amibeingdetained 12d ago

Streamer gets arrested on Tiktok live ARRESTED

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u/Select-Table-5479 11d ago

according to her.


u/UncleVoodooo 11d ago

According to her signed affidavit of an event that took place in a public business with dozens of cameras and plenty of paperwork trails for easy subpoenas. .


u/TechnicolorMage 11d ago

You say this like an affidavit is proof of something.

Them: "according to her" You: "yeah but she wrote it down!"



u/UncleVoodooo 11d ago

why is this sub such a bootlicker sub? holy shit

Lawyers don't generally take cases involving false affidavits in places with paperwork trails. I'm generally inclined to support the little guy. I hate "influencers" as much as the next guy but I hate dealerships that take advantage of 20 year old kids even more. It happens a LOT.

and guess whose side the cops are *always* on?


u/realparkingbrake 11d ago

why is this sub such a bootlicker sub?

Why do some people blindly believe anything and everything that someone who comes into conflict with the law claims happened? The auto dealer has the same right you do to exclude someone from their property. If she's been told to leave and refused, that's criminal trespass. There is no, Oh but she's really pissed off so that trumps the law. If she had a dispute with the dealership, small claims court is cheap and quick, it's set up to work that way.

This woman thinks the number of viewers she has on TikTok carries legal weight, like the cops cannot arrest her because 700 people are watching. She tries to grab up her paperwork as they are trying to cuff her, who is stupid enough to do that and then insist she isn't resisting? Streamers as a group say incredibly dumb things, like they cannot be arrested until they have called their lawyer--guess how much legal right you have for your lawyer to be present at the scene of your arrest--hint, it's zero.

The cops are not there because she's wearing an illegal brand of shoes, the dealership has called them and her refusal to cooperate points to trespass. Even if she thinks she has a valid reason to camp out and annoy the dealership, the law is on the dealership's side if they don't want her there.


u/UncleVoodooo 11d ago

"Why do some people blindly believe"

Bro you're talkiing about what happened at the dealership 2 years ago. I'm talking about the current fucking lawsuit against the cops for wrongful arrest and 2 weeks worth of medical bills. Taxpayers are on the hook for this settlement. She has a tiktok. Time hasn't stood still since the livestream.


u/TechnicolorMage 10d ago edited 10d ago

A lawsuit existing is not proof of wrongdoing. Did the cops do something wrong? I dunno, maybe. But someone saying they did doesn't prove that they did.

This is the blind belief the previous commenter was talking about. This is the type of behavior/rhetoric that undermines actual reform. You're the person people point to and go "see how brain broken these people are" when anyone tries to have an actual, sane conversation about cops being bad or the police system as a whole needing structural change.

But feel free to disregard because anyone who doesn't immediately fall in line is a 'bootlicker'. The sad part is that you don't even recognize the irony.


u/UncleVoodooo 10d ago

lmfao you guys are hilarious. They've got you sounding like the insecure abusers now: "oh UncleVoodoo is the reason cops are mean :( "



u/TechnicolorMage 10d ago

Oh okay, so we can also add illiterate to my previous assessment of you.