r/Switzerland 1d ago

I don’t get one old ppl joke

I work part time at Migros and only in the last 2 days 3 elderly ppl were joking about needing the receipt for the tax declaration. I don’t get the joke😭 all of them said it jokingly but whenever I made an hypothesis the next one falsified it, so can anyone here explain what’s the deal plz? Thanks guys


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u/Assaina 1d ago

I work in a pharmacy and I hear that same joke at least 10 times a day. Closely followed by "I don't need the receipt, unless you want to run after me?" ("Sie wemmer jo nid nochrenne, oder?") and "noone will give me the money back LOL".

My best guess: it must be hardcoded into their brains.


u/Educational-Leg1402 1d ago

Omg exactly that wording but in French here lmao


u/iATlevsha 1d ago

Well at least for a pharmacy it might be even reasonable: health related expenses above some percentage of income are tax deductible


u/_Administrator_ 1d ago

In some cantons all costs are deductible. Starting from the first franc.


u/alexs77 Zürich 1d ago

Which ones would that be? Zurich, by chance?


u/perskes 1d ago

As it should be..


u/Ok_Replacement6164 1d ago

Which cantons?


u/BictorianPizza Bern > Netherlands 1d ago

The second one is definitely a line I’ve heard my boomer father mutter before… sigh