What is it that appeals to you about stoicism, or are you here in bad faith? I’m trying to understand your sentiment, but it’s very fundamental to the philosophy that you recognize there are things in our control and things that are not in our control.
Do you feel unseen? Are you hurting? What gives you the impression that this is not a life worth being grateful for? Simply because it isn’t constant bliss? I genuinely want to understand your thought here.
Please do not try to lecture me about what is or isn't stoic. I cannot control that I was born. I'm not grateful for it. I don't care about being seen. Life itself is pain. I never said anything about the worth of life. I may also be a hedonist, but most likely not by your definition. Wouldn't constant bliss be incredibly boring? I don't care about your wants. It's great you have strong feelings one way or the other. I too have preferences, but those are mine and inconsequential. Do you think I chose my name on a whim?
You may feel like life is pain, but it doesn't really have to be that way, you can try and give some attention for your mental health and understand how you can live a life that feels better to you
I hope this isn't unsolicited advice, but Im a pretty pessimistic dude, and this is usually how I deal with that question
At the very least, there are many creature comforts that can be had now that no one else in history had. Moreover, there is some degree of power we have over our world (even if it has to be hard earned or just a bit) which means that we can find the internal peace to live in the world. This also means that there is something that can be done you that can help yourself and other people by just doing that thing. It varies, but it can be found
Ultimately though, the best thing to do is to find a good environment to thrive in. That is ultimately where you will find the ability to grow in. Something that gives you control and autonomy, something that gives you breathing room, that sort of thing. And that sort of thing is achieved through consistent effort, which doesn't have to be hard, but doing it everyday is
I hope this helps, it is an everyday battle to deal with whatever brings about seeing life as a burden (which isnt always an inaccurate assessment). If you want some practical advice that has genuinely really helped me make a change in my life, Id recommend watching a video on "atomic habits." Its the only book thats had a real change on my life, so I hope it can help you
I'm not in need of, asking for or here for advice. Life is a burden, but that's kinda just the nature of life. If it was easy and wasn't work to be alive then everyone would do it and there wouldn't be any problems. I have autonomy and am thriving with the things I can control. That is to say my situation and daily going ons. The only things in my whole life that consistently go good for me are the things I do for myself. That may be sad, and I may be unlucky, but it's still true. I still can't help that I exist or was created, nor am I trying to. Also still not going to be grateful for this stupid gift that was forced onto me. It will always be true that if I never existed I would never have had any problems, but here I am existing and having problems.
u/Some_Stoic_Man 14d ago
I awoke, so no.