r/Marijuana 4d ago

My(25f) boyfriend(27) can't smoke Advice

I smoke a lot, generally I clear a gram of wax every 5-6 days if I'm conservative. My boyfriend is a complete sweetheart, and doesn't mind hanging out with me when I bake up, but he has Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome and can't smoke anything without puking. I can tell he really misses it and I wish he could enjoy it too.

I was wondering if anyone knew of a safe, legal alternative. He's said he can take a hit of a cart once in a while but if he overdoes it he ends up puking anyway. Drinking isn't something either of us are big fans of, so that's out. I don't think either of us need substances to enjoy ourselves but I was wondering if anyone has advice on this topic, it would still be nice if I could have something for him to enjoy too. Thanks to anyone who replies 💜


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u/Illustrious-Golf9979 4d ago edited 4d ago

So I over breakfast have been reading about his condition. It is a rare condition That is growing in line with cannabis movement, but unfortunately It is basically a genetic allergic reaction to Cannabinoids building up in fat deposits. This isn't a "oh, I smoke, and I feel nausea."

Symptoms can last for a week straight of hell.

From what i've read, unfortunately, based on biology, there is no real safe way for him to consume cannabis. We aren't even sure what chemical causes it and know very little about the mechanisms. It tends to show up 1 to 5 years after chronic use. The only real option they give is abstinence. You can use capsaicin to treat his symptoms. Hot showers.

It seems that the symptoms come from a buildup, so aside from lowering body fat and extreme low doses very sparingly, there is not much that can be done for him. I'm so sorry that that's the case. The idea of having this happen to me makes me want to cry.

I will keep reading up on it today, and if I find anything that can help, I promise you I'll send it your way.

I compiled a few peer reviewed articles and Prompted it to organize it to give you a better understanding of what you are dealing with. You should see it somewhere on this thread.


u/Indigoez 4d ago

Thank you so much, you're incredible.


u/Illustrious-Golf9979 4d ago

I'm just trying to help, my thoughts are with you both!