r/CapitolConsequences Jan 26 '23

Sovereign Citizen Pauline Bauer convicted of all charges, including felony obstruction CONVICTION


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u/fluffyflugel Jan 26 '23

Maybe I misunderstand, but if you’re a ‘sovereign citizen’, and you don’t acknowledge the authority of the country in which you are dwelling, why protest and obstruct said country ‘s election processes. What does it matter to you? Just remain in your compound and keep your own counsel.


u/Hairy_Combination586 Jan 26 '23

LOL look at you trying to be all logical and shit 😁


u/rkincaid007 Jan 26 '23

So many questions… hopefully plenty of time for her to ponder the answers. But I’m doubtful she’ll come to any correct conclusions l.


u/Indifferentchildren Jan 26 '23

After the first couple of years it should at least become obvious that she is, in fact, subject to that court's jurisdiction.


u/evemeatay Jan 26 '23

I’m starting to think maybe I can not, in fact, dismiss the court’s jurisdiction over me.


u/fuzzi-buzzi Jan 26 '23



u/coolgr3g Jan 26 '23

Seriously though, why do they think the libs drink baby blood? Where is the proof of that? It's just blood libel at this point.


u/tirch Jan 26 '23

It’s blood libel. I believe it actually predated the whole Q thing in modern history among the far right conspiracy groups but it really took off once social media gave them a place to spread it.


u/RegressToTheMean Jan 26 '23

It's anti-semitism. It goes back to at least the 16th century and possibly further back. It was the accusation that Jewish people were killing (sometimes by crucifixion) Christian children and drinking their blood.

This is merely the newest iteration of it and the idiots swallow it hook, line, and sinker.


u/tirch Jan 26 '23

Exactly this, however in the USA it's being repurposed and expanded to include anyone who threatens the Right wing minority rule. Whatever the Republican party has become can't win majority rule except in gerrymandered districts or areas that are red like rural areas.

They've expanded their wrath to include anyone they can use to create fake outrage - gay people, trans, drag queens and to include immigrants and minorities who are poised to be an overwhelming majority vote in the next decade. Their media manufactures outrage porn, first to get them to vote, but as they lose the majority in more places, to normalize fascism and insurrection and voting shenanigans and election related violence. Americans need to reject this absolutely with each election and our justice system needs to prosecute and convict these people to the fullest extent of the law or the US is done.

The USA came really close in 2021 to not being a thing anymore.


u/xeromage Jan 26 '23

With the way every other crazy accusation turns out to be a thing the Republicans were actually doing... I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop on this one.


u/cperiod Jan 26 '23

I kinda already assumed they kept some on tap at their cocaine orgies.


u/TheMagnuson Jan 26 '23

If you wanted to paint your enemy as the worst thing ever, what would you accuse them of?

Murder - Yes

Rape - Yes

Being literal blood suckers / drinkers - Yes

Cannibalism - Yes

and worst of all, doing all these things to children - Yes

It's literally just their attempt to demonize their enemy as the worst possible thing there is.


u/coolgr3g Jan 26 '23

You would think people would see through the propaganda at this point in the hundreds of years of history it's been used.


u/twitch1982 Jan 26 '23

If there's one thing I'm sure of in this country, its that if anyone would was drinking blood, it would be all the oligarchs, not just the liberal ones.


u/Rookie_Day Jan 26 '23

They still need to watch some TV, and FoxNews makes them feel better.


u/VulfSki Jan 26 '23

You're surprised that these people don't use any logic in their actions?

The funny thing is by being a sovereign citizen, they claim that their vote doesn't count and that they have no say in how our country handles thing.


u/Seeker80 Jan 26 '23

Some of the J6 rioters claim that they didn't even vote in the first place.


u/it_mf_a Jan 26 '23

Because it's entirely bullshit from grown up children. It's just blah blah me me me blah blah more me everything is about me blah blah I get to do anything I want and you don't blah blah me me me blah blah.


u/golfkartinacoma Jan 26 '23

Well there are also Libertarians who vote 100% Republican. Just one of life's little mysteries /s


u/AspiringChildProdigy Jan 26 '23

Libertarians are just conservatives who don't think Republicans are quite selfish enough.


u/systembusy Jan 26 '23

The “reason” I’ve seen given before is “I vote red cuz taxes, pls don’t hold me accountable for anything else the party does”


u/ghostalker4742 Jan 26 '23

If you let them talk long enough, it always boils down to: "I want to live in a developed nation, but not pay any of the taxes that are required to keep it running. Taxes are theft."


u/jingois Jan 26 '23

"I really enjoy the complexity of maintaining health insurance and all the time-wasting bullshit associated with how that costs me literally twice as much as any other developed nation - so I also would like to apply that to my police force, fire department, road maintenance, and garbage collection".

"Also I've seen just how dumb cunts can be, and I'd love for them to be driving around in completely unroadworthy vehicles as fast as they like with as many weapons as they like, because I'm under the delusion that in a completely deregulated economy I would be a billionaire genius able to afford to pay people to protect me, unlike now where I am confined to my parent's basement due to the OPPRESHUN of the STATE"


u/aeschenkarnos Jan 26 '23

I would be a billionaire genius able to afford to pay people to protect me

Another interesting concept in the context of libertarianism.

"Hey, why are we protecting this mouthy guy with the bad haircut?"

"He's paying us."

"Why don't we just off him and take all his stuff?"

"Because it's ... oh, I guess it's not illegal. OK."


u/jingois Jan 26 '23

Ah you see, this is why in addition to paying these people, you also pay another company to maintain trusted reviews of protection guys and keep all your money in fucking crypto or some dumb shit to add even further layers of inefficiency.

It's like they want to take international relations, where each fucking country spends like a decent chunk of their GDP on defence and literally apply that model to your HOA without any of the economy of scale.


u/golfkartinacoma Jan 26 '23

Moonshine would probably be a more valuable currency than digital tokens you can barely power or trade anymore. And then someone takes over the review site in a raid and covers it up because no one is funding journalism and the one eyewitness was hunted and killed before they could post to social media. It would be mercenaries and mall ninjas all the way down, and the amount of people keeps shrinking as their gear is collected.


u/ButterPotatoHead Jan 26 '23

Someone else compared libertarians to house cats. They claim to be completely independent but really depend entirely on the house in which they live.


u/InsertCoinForCredit Jan 26 '23

So, Republicans.


u/chaoticmessiah Jan 26 '23

Yeah, former wrestler Kane is a mayor in Knoxville, TN and a famous libertarian, yet his tweets are absolutely 100% MAGA nutjobbery.


u/InsertCoinForCredit Jan 26 '23

A Republican who's not selfish enough? No such thing. Libertarians are just Republicans with enough vestigial shame to not want to be associated with Republicans in public.


u/JeddakofThark Jan 26 '23

I found libertarianism when I was in high school and Clinton was president. I got pretty serious about it.

It was absolutely mystifying to me that all the rage they expressed when Clinton did things they didn't like just wasn't there when W did the same things.

I haven't been a libertarian in a long time and I still don't really get them.


u/Valdrax Jan 26 '23

It's almost like the entire sovereign citizen's movement is one giant bad faith argument.


u/cmcdonal2001 Jan 26 '23

What I don't get is how they feel they're exempt from a country's rules just because they claim not to be a citizen of that country. You don't get to go to Germany or Japan or any other country on Earth and claim you can do whatever you want because you're not a citizen there; why would that be the case here?


u/InsertCoinForCredit Jan 26 '23

You're using logic with morons. That's like trying to stop a runaway freight train with farts.


u/NDaveT Jan 26 '23

This person was in the documentary "Shadowland". I don't think she got into the sovereign citizen nonsense until after she was arrested. She started taking "legal" "advice" from a sovcit nutjob in her town. She strikes me as the kind of person who will always choose bad advice over good advice.


u/InsertCoinForCredit Jan 26 '23

But the bad advice is so conveniently easy and gives her everything she wants! The good advice is so damn inconvenient and restrictive! Who would want to listen to that?!


u/i8noodles Jan 26 '23

Ahh u forget but. They only claim sovereign citizen when it is convient for them. The moment something conflicts with there ideals they suddenly become super patriotic


u/InsertCoinForCredit Jan 26 '23

They don't have any ideals beyond selfishness and greed.


u/robreddity Jan 26 '23

Yeah don't overthink it... it turns out she's an idiot.


u/ANGLVD3TH Jan 26 '23

Because they reap all the benefits while suffering none of the downsides, so they still want to guys who they beleive will benefit them more to win.


u/Tall-Presentation-39 Jan 26 '23

Happy cake day 🍰


u/Fmartins84 Jan 27 '23

Can't logic with this people. If they say 2+2=2222 that's it, they'll die defending it


u/antiquemule Jan 26 '23

Good point. Noted.


u/eyvduijwfvf Jan 26 '23

Happy cake day!