r/CapitolConsequences Jan 26 '23

Sovereign Citizen Pauline Bauer convicted of all charges, including felony obstruction CONVICTION


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u/AspiringChildProdigy Jan 26 '23

Libertarians are just conservatives who don't think Republicans are quite selfish enough.


u/systembusy Jan 26 '23

The “reason” I’ve seen given before is “I vote red cuz taxes, pls don’t hold me accountable for anything else the party does”


u/ghostalker4742 Jan 26 '23

If you let them talk long enough, it always boils down to: "I want to live in a developed nation, but not pay any of the taxes that are required to keep it running. Taxes are theft."


u/jingois Jan 26 '23

"I really enjoy the complexity of maintaining health insurance and all the time-wasting bullshit associated with how that costs me literally twice as much as any other developed nation - so I also would like to apply that to my police force, fire department, road maintenance, and garbage collection".

"Also I've seen just how dumb cunts can be, and I'd love for them to be driving around in completely unroadworthy vehicles as fast as they like with as many weapons as they like, because I'm under the delusion that in a completely deregulated economy I would be a billionaire genius able to afford to pay people to protect me, unlike now where I am confined to my parent's basement due to the OPPRESHUN of the STATE"


u/aeschenkarnos Jan 26 '23

I would be a billionaire genius able to afford to pay people to protect me

Another interesting concept in the context of libertarianism.

"Hey, why are we protecting this mouthy guy with the bad haircut?"

"He's paying us."

"Why don't we just off him and take all his stuff?"

"Because it's ... oh, I guess it's not illegal. OK."


u/jingois Jan 26 '23

Ah you see, this is why in addition to paying these people, you also pay another company to maintain trusted reviews of protection guys and keep all your money in fucking crypto or some dumb shit to add even further layers of inefficiency.

It's like they want to take international relations, where each fucking country spends like a decent chunk of their GDP on defence and literally apply that model to your HOA without any of the economy of scale.


u/golfkartinacoma Jan 26 '23

Moonshine would probably be a more valuable currency than digital tokens you can barely power or trade anymore. And then someone takes over the review site in a raid and covers it up because no one is funding journalism and the one eyewitness was hunted and killed before they could post to social media. It would be mercenaries and mall ninjas all the way down, and the amount of people keeps shrinking as their gear is collected.