r/AskReddit Jul 13 '15

What socially unacceptable things are you OK with?


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u/AvatarWaang Jul 13 '15

Eating with your mouth open.

Just kidding, fuck anyone who does this


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15

I have a friend who opens her mouth all the way every time she chews. Bits of food fly out of her mouth with every smack smack smack smack smack of her lips. Its the worst fucking thing ever. And she gets super offended and calls you a piece of shit asshole if you ask her to eat more quietly.

I stopped inviting her over for dinner when we hang out. Now when she comes over, she orders delivery because she never cooks/eats by herself. I can't get away from it.


u/AvatarWaang Jul 13 '15

The worst part is that she's indignant about it. If something I do is gross and offensive, damn right I'm going to thank the person and do something about it


u/iSancty Jul 14 '15 edited Jul 14 '15

The worst part is that u/UzanameFoLyfe is still friends with her


u/AvatarWaang Jul 14 '15 edited Jul 14 '15

I don't think that's enough to break contact with someone, but it's certainly enough to limit my time with them


u/iSancty Jul 14 '15

I swear if I have to hear anyone slosh a gooey banana in their mouth for more than 5 minutes I'd blow my brains out. My dad does this every time and I just have to leave the room.


u/ImMufasa Jul 14 '15

Hell if I can even hear people smacking their gum it drives me crazy.

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u/throwaway0109 Jul 14 '15

I dunno, calling someone (a friend) a piece of shit asshole for asking you to do something is a pretty big reason to not want to deal with skmeone. Maybe it's just me.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

She's part of my main social group, and unfortunately I cannot unilaterally decide for my group that she's out. :/


u/FrancisKey Jul 14 '15 edited Jul 14 '15

There is one guy in my group that tries to make those unilateral decisions on who is out. What makes me sick is that we let him pull it off.

Now I'm honestly scared of him, it's like he can take all of my friends away.

It's not like we all went zero contact with the guy he wanted out. It's more that now, he's not invited on group vacations, has to buy his own tickets individually to concerts, and doesn't feel welcome at some parties.

It's basically because they have the same taste in women and both NEED to be the center of attention when they are drunk.

edit: I guess I need to elaborate that many of us still tried to include him but eventually he just stopped wanting to come around when certain people would be there. I feel for him because he's actually my best friend and room mate. I understand that he doesn't want to go somewhere he doesn't feel welcome.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

Um, so include him then.


u/RedBuffalo1427 Jul 14 '15

First it's making decisions about who the group hangs out with.

Next he's a cult leader. Seriously. Watch out.


u/misteryin Jul 14 '15

I had an ex who did that, yet she would get upset that I kept telling her to close her mouth when she chewed. It was fucking annoying hearing the crunch a few inches from my ear.


u/omar1993 Jul 14 '15

It's almost as if one's eating habits aren't the entire basis for friendship!

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u/catsandcake Jul 14 '15

Oh dear god. I have misophonia and just the idea of watching/hearing/being around somebody who eats like that actually makes me anxious. I don't know how you put up with it!


u/thisisrediculou Jul 14 '15

My mom has TMJ that makes her jaw pop with every chew. She eats with her mouth closed and all but I can't stand the pop pop pop pop pop when she eats, she also chews gum a lot. She can't help it and I feel bad that it angers me. I have TMJ too that makes my jaw lock if I open my mouth too far but thankfully doesn't pop.


u/catsandcake Jul 14 '15

That's so funny! I'm in the exact same situation with my dad. His jaw pops with every chew due to TMJ, and mine pops and locks (but doesn't drop it) when I open it too wide as well. I wonder how common that is, and if there's a genetic aspect to it?


u/thisisrediculou Jul 14 '15

Do you have a hard time eating tall hamburgers? Sometimes I go to take a bite, my jaw locks, and I have to unlock it and try again. Sometimes I give up after the third or so try and flatten the burger as best I can.


u/CodeJack Jul 14 '15

How have you not glued her lips together yet?


u/sir_mrej Jul 14 '15

Now when she comes over, she orders delivery because she never cooks/eats by herself. I can't get away from it.

I've never had a guest order delivery food for themselves while at my house. That's weird.


u/zoraluigi Jul 14 '15

Yeah, that seems like a social faux pas.


u/gundams_are_on_earth Jul 14 '15

I have an aunt staying with us from Nigeria (we're in USA). OH MY GOD. When she chews gum I want to stick a pencil in my ears. And she clangs her teeth on the spoon when eating, especially soup. My grandmother would have beat me red for eating like this.


u/Aurora_Septentrio Jul 14 '15

I even have difficulty breathing through just my nose, but I still stop chewing if I need to breathe. Or at least cover my mouth.

It's not that hard.


u/everyonecallsmekev Jul 14 '15

That person would be banned from my house.


u/Darkleptomaniac Jul 14 '15

It's fucking worse when you ask someone to try eat quieter and they go out of their way to eat even louder, like grow the fuck up you disgusting piece of shit.


u/RamboNinjaJesus Jul 14 '15

My brother does the same thing. I've politely asked him if he could eat more quietly, but he just yells at me for mentioning it. Rage has been slowly building inside of me not only because it is disgusting, but it seems to just piss me off.


u/Zerosen_Oni Jul 14 '15

I'm not sure how someone can be so easily angered at you for them being an idiot


u/prophet-zero Jul 14 '15

That person is not your friend.


u/xkamikaze Jul 14 '15

Is your friend from China/Taiwan? I noticed they do that and it's gross. Note: my parents are from there.


u/coding_is_fun Jul 14 '15

Throw her delivery in the toilet?



u/AdviceWithSalt Jul 14 '15

I... Don't think I could stand that...


u/kombucket Jul 14 '15

Shes no friend of mine


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

my dog does the same thing

so annoying.


u/Caneiac Jul 14 '15

Fuck this if one of my friends did this I'd the them to close there fucking mouth when they eat. It's rude, annoying, and just gross. I don't care if I come across as an asshole, if you do this fuck you and the click you claim.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

Id drop her or risk a murder charge.


u/GreetingsNsalutation Jul 14 '15

She would no longer be my friend.


u/Blacksheepoftheworld Jul 14 '15

How is she still your friend!?


u/Has_Two_Cents Jul 14 '15

this would cause me to not be friends with a person


u/Martholomule Jul 14 '15

You should tell her that the entire internet says fuck you, you gross pig


u/Allimack Jul 14 '15

One thing parents can do if they have a kid (over age 8) who is eating this way is to place a mirror in front of them and have them watch themselves eating. This can be done in a light, fun way and can provide a positive level of self awareness (and wouldn't hurt a few adults to try on their own if they worry they are gross eaters). If she is sensitive but you really want to get some closure on this, film her eating and at a later time show it to her. She may hate you for it, but at least she will see proof of what you are saying and can make an informed decision as to whether she wants to improve herself (or not). And if not, and you are stuck with her, just absent yourself from her presence as much as possible while she is eating.


u/pagirl Jul 14 '15

have you told her? At that point it seems like it would help her.


u/slhendrix Jul 14 '15

She sounds lovely.


u/Austion66 Jul 14 '15

You're a stronger person than I am. Eating that way irks me in a way I don't quite fully understand..


u/TheCarlton562 Jul 14 '15

I don't know why but suddenly it seems like my whole family does this when I remember my parents always saying not chew with your mouth open. I sit there wondering if I'm the only one who still adheres to this rule


u/RedCat1529 Jul 14 '15 edited Jul 14 '15

Ugh, my friend's husband does this. His table manners are appalling - he talks while he has a mouthful of food, chews with his mouth open, makes loud slurping noises, and worst of all mashes every mouthful of food against his front teeth with his tongue. If you don't think thats gross, run to a mirror and try it - remember to keep your mouth open while you do it!

Oh, and he's a greedy pig too. I'm a slow eater, so if it's a help-yourself meal, I'll finish a tiny portion in the time it's taken him to finish the rest of the dish. I've mentioned this behaviour is not polite, and he has thanked me for the insight into Australian culture, but he soon back-slides. It's truly disgusting to sit with him during a meal - I spend most of the time averting my gaze.

I invited his lovely wife over for dinner tonight, she just texted to let me know that he's coming too. :(

Edit: added emphasis to the worst bit.


u/BiochemGuitarTurtle Jul 14 '15

Yuck, I would video my friend doing it and insist on them watching to be absolutely sure they knew how gross they were.


u/Conhairs Jul 14 '15

Next time she does it smack her in and the mouth and say "EVERYTIME YOU SMACK I SMACK" and I bet she will stop real quick.


u/FuzzyD00m0203 Jul 14 '15

Punch her in the throat. She'll quit doing that real fast.


u/ChipSchafer Jul 14 '15

This is my roommate. I feel like we've given him too much shit though, he often doesn't order food when we go out or eat around other people. :/


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

Ever tried jamming something unpleasant in there?


u/jostler57 Jul 14 '15

God I hate this, too! I have 2 friends that do it, and it drives me nuts.

Is there any tactful way of asking them to stop?


u/Masuchievo Jul 14 '15

Turn it into a game and start throwing raisins or small nuts into her open cavity.


u/Karl_Marx_ Jul 14 '15

Who is this bitch? I'll send her an anonymous message telling her to close her fucking mouth.


u/Cheeseologist Jul 14 '15

Your friends call you a "piece of shit asshole"? Sheesh. You must be either a REALLY big asshole who can only get friends that merely tolerate you, or you have shitty friends.


u/lose_not_loose_guy Jul 14 '15

I don't think any jury will convict you if you murder this friend.


u/NoobCanoeWork Jul 14 '15

Why are you friends with that person? ew


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

I almost instinctively downvoted you because of how much I was annoyed by that story. Then I realized it wasn't your fault...

Sorry you have to endure that.


u/FeculentUtopia Jul 14 '15

When you're next forced to eat in her company, mimic her manners and see how she likes having to see it from the other side.


u/Theyellowk123 Jul 14 '15

Lip smackers are always so fucking defensive about it


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

Grow a pair of balls and tell that rude bitch to shut her fat pig mouth. Most of us learned to not chew like a disgusting slob before we could shit in a toilet. God your friend sounds horrible.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

You should stop letting her in.


u/Abundantjade Jul 14 '15

Was hoping for a happier ending to this tale


u/pmckizzle Jul 14 '15

tell her to fuck off


u/Nickisadick1 Jul 14 '15

It's your duty to destroy her.

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u/MissBubbleButt Jul 13 '15

You should watch my brother eat, I bet a part of your soul would die from disgust


u/AvatarWaang Jul 13 '15

Or a part of him would die from getting hit


u/MissBubbleButt Jul 13 '15

Hahah, normally I just walk away from him


u/heethar Jul 13 '15

Misophonic here. I love you.


u/Freddy216b Jul 14 '15

I read up on this and have now self diagnosed myself as such. I feel genuine anger and disgust when I hear sounds made by people eating. Not crunching because I can rationalize that but that sound of chewing air, or smacking, or gulping. Basically any sound made by the person while eating that isn't the food being bitten.


u/heethar Jul 14 '15

I have had it for 23 years now but didn't know what it was until a few years ago, being that there is still so little we know about the condition. I'm sorry you have to live with it. :( It sucks a bag of dicks.

You should check out the Misophonia Activation Scale, if you haven't already. The link has some great resources, too! Also, if you have any questions about it, feel free to message me!


u/Freddy216b Jul 14 '15

Reading the scale I'm usually level 3 but have experienced 4. I am self diagnosing so it could be any number of things and I could be wrong but it sounds like me. It could even just be confirmation bias too.


u/Cheshamone Jul 14 '15

I'm normally a 2-3 with similar triggers, but I have one specific trigger that makes me spike up to level 9. Sucks big time.


u/AvatarWaang Jul 13 '15

I don't know what that means but I love you too


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15



u/ctaps148 Jul 14 '15

Oh god nobody tell tumblr or else we'll have "TRIGGER WARNING: SOUND" plastered all over the place


u/AvatarWaang Jul 14 '15

Thanks, TIL


u/R9014 Jul 14 '15

you should probably stay out of /r/asmr, then.


u/MCCuddlePuddle Jul 14 '15

Holy shit I think I might have this.


u/3rd_Shift_Tech_Man Jul 14 '15

Wait. What about loud eating in general like slurping, scraping your fork on your teeth, etc?

I'm normally pretty chill, but once we're eating and there is noise outside of typical conversation, I have to take a moment to collect myself so I don't go apeshit.


u/cara123456789 Jul 14 '15

It includes a lot of things including breathing, swallowing, snoring etc. Personally a bad one for me is hearing people brush their teeth. I just want to either run away or a scream and punch them in the face


u/Frans421421 Jul 13 '15

We should start a club. Then get our private army and then create the perfect dystopia.


u/ZenDragon Jul 14 '15

The club is over at /r/misophonia


u/heethar Jul 14 '15

I used to joke about moving to Singapore because of my misophonia. Chewing Gum Ban in Singapore


u/Matti_Matti_Matti Jul 14 '15

Is that Japanese singing soup?

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u/Quick_Over_There Jul 14 '15

You almost had me for a second there.


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15



u/AvatarWaang Jul 13 '15

If your mouth is open I don't care. It's that smacking sound and the food going flying from your mouth that I can't stand.


u/ZzombieCake Jul 13 '15

Who does that lol.


u/AvatarWaang Jul 14 '15

I've noticed it mostly with younger kids, but you'll see it rarely with older folks as well, just check out the other comments


u/CodeJack Jul 14 '15

I have really bad hayfever and it's no excuse. You can hold your breath for 10 seconds while you chew.


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15

Besides that some people consider it rude it's fucking annoying


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15 edited Aug 07 '19



u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15



u/adaminc Jul 14 '15

In some Eastern and South-Eastern societies, it is considered polite to eat with your mouth open, or to slurp loudly (soup/noodles/etc...), as a sign of respect to the chef.


u/piratesas Jul 14 '15

Do not go to China, the smacking and slurping is them being considerate of our eating habits.


u/AvatarWaang Jul 13 '15

To be fair, eating noisily is how it's done in Asia


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

To be fair, they're here now.


u/felza Jul 14 '15

Idk, I've been taught all my life to eat with my mouth shut. I srsly can't deal with people who chew and make that loud chewing voice. I had a friend who does this over skype all the time and for the worse his comp's mic picks up the tiny-est of sounds. Its so fucking loud I can barely hear the game we are playing :/


u/pushforwards Jul 13 '15

They are praising their food :3 and showing gratitude. At least thats a Chinese friend explained it to me.


u/FuckedByCrap Jul 14 '15

Still disgusting.


u/pushforwards Jul 14 '15

Not disagreeing


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

downvoted for ":3"


u/pushforwards Jul 14 '15

Unintended cat pun as food


u/jhutchi2 Jul 14 '15

Is this a stereotype that I don't know about? Because my Korean buddy is the loudest chewer I've ever encountered.

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u/QueenAlpaca Jul 14 '15

My boyfriend has a really bad habit of this. He originally did it to annoy his awful mother, but then made it into a habit. I just tell him I don't feel like listening to pornos every time we eat.


u/Roast_A_Botch Jul 14 '15

I don't feel like listening to pornos every time we eat.

Ohh, he's a moaner. You're a better person than I, I've not asked girls out again after hearing them eat. I can't stand lips smacking, loud swallowing, crunching, and especially moaning. Moaning is the fucking worst.
Like seriously, you're having a fucking orgasm over macaroni? WTF is wrong with you?


u/QueenAlpaca Jul 14 '15

He's not a moaner actually (thank god), but just the smacksmacksmack makes it sound like a messy porno.


u/GPcouple07 Jul 14 '15

Not everyone who does this does so out of bad manners. I have broken my nose several times and I don't breath through it very well anymore.


u/chronolockster Jul 14 '15

Hey, I only do that because I sometimes can't breathe through my nose. Sometimes I'll close my mouth and hold my breath but then I hate the meal.


u/Blackwood42 Jul 14 '15

I don't care much about eating with your mouth open, it's the sound I can't stand...hearing people eat is disgusting..

I'm ok in restaurants where there's some background noise, but I hate going to people's houses for food.

Even when I was living with people I preferred to eat alone unless we were sat in front of the tv or something.

If it's too quiet I just won't eat, partly because I can hear other people chewing and that's awful, and also I'm aware I can't eat silently and the thought of people hearing me eat puts me off..


u/indil47 Jul 14 '15

I have a basic rule: I don't want to hear, see, or smell what people have in their mouths.

I can't even stand people brushing their teeth around me. Blech.


u/sophiatheworst Jul 14 '15

I love my husband, but he is the worst about this, even when I ask him to close his mouth.


u/TheViolentDelight Jul 14 '15

Oh thank god this was a joke


u/andyweir Jul 14 '15

Man one time I was on campus trying to study and I was hearing this weird and annoying slurping/gulping sound. I'm like "wtf is this shit!"

I get up to look around to see what it was and I hit the corner and it was a girl eating some chicken nuggets with her mouth open.

I was horrified. Sounded like that monster from Jeepers Creepers eating a leg


u/falcoperegrinus82 Jul 14 '15

My coworker does this. That mac and cheese stirring noise makes my blood boil.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

Oh my god, this bugs me so much. And it's even worse when they become mouth breathers at the same time. And then as if that wasn't enough, they try to talk to you!

Coworker has been doing this. All day meetings and he's .......just.... FUCK!

Super nice guy. But for fuck sake just close your damn mouth!


u/OogaBoogaDoog Jul 14 '15

Pretty much anybody that does this devolves to a stupid barbarian.


u/jupiter78 Jul 14 '15

I was raised in a family that all did this. It wasn't even until high school that someone pointed out I did it and I tried to stop. I still do it sometimes out of habit.


u/AvatarWaang Jul 14 '15

That's why I love my mom. She was always on our asses about that from the start so it's inconceivable how one could do this.


u/GTFrostbite Jul 14 '15

Up vote for comment and for username.


u/eleanor61 Jul 14 '15

I'll add chewing gum with one's mouth open...like a cow chewing her cud. Ugh.


u/AvatarWaang Jul 14 '15

Somehow less disgusting to me because you miss the food flying everywhere, but a very annoying sounds still


u/eleanor61 Jul 14 '15

True, maybe not as disgusting but still distracting.


u/inimtheTARDIS Jul 14 '15

Just git back from Korea, every Korean does this, it bothered me so much.


u/AvatarWaang Jul 14 '15

Someone else mentioned a lot of Asians do this. I'm no expert, but I believe it's a cultural thing to eat loudly as a sign of respect/complimentary to the chef


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

having a big problem trying to get my 7 year-old to stop this. We warn him at every meal, he stops for a minute or two, then starts up again. i don't know how to make him stop


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

I was about to open a can of righteous whoop-ass on you, thank god you were kidding.


u/ihatehills Jul 14 '15

Second this. Had lunch with someone today who talks with their mouth full. Food fell out of their mouth. Still haven't regained my appetite.


u/Bhuge1977 Jul 14 '15

We have a guy at work we call shrapnel because of this. You have to stay out of the blast radius.


u/hellschatt Jul 14 '15

Seriously I couldn't care less about that. You could eat naked in front of me chew unrhythmically while farting rhythmically every 2 seconds and it wouldn't bother me as long as your farts don't smell like gorgonzola that you've bought 2 months ago.

I went to Asia and especially in China it was awesome that nobody cared about how you eat. People eat how they want and you feel 100 times more comfortable while eating in a restaurant. The food becomes automatically more delicious than it already is.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

What, like right away? Or after they've finished chewing?


u/hivesteel Jul 14 '15

Whenever I forget my headphones at work, it's the worst because of these morons.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

This would be my answer, actually. I don't do it, but I can definitely say it doesn't bother me at all.


u/TheLuckman Jul 14 '15

My significant other does this and I can't for the life of me get her to stop. Anyone have any ideas? Anyone?? Please, I'm begging you [serious].


u/Krono5_8666V8 Jul 14 '15

Horrible. I literally refuse to eat with loud eaters. I've had friends where I've told them that they either learn to chew with their mouth shut like an adult, or fuck off around meal time.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

My roommate chews like a wild horse. When I tell him to fuck off and stop it, he bitches that he grew up that way and can't.

So now I smack him when he does it.


u/Thebiglurker Jul 14 '15

There's actually good reason this taboo. It's gross, and you're more likely to choke when you do it (especially talking with your mouth full)


u/a_talking_face Jul 14 '15

That is my fucking pet peeve. Especially if you make noises while you chew. Nothing makes me hate you more than hearing your chewing sounds.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

fuck my parents do this and i can't stand it


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

Chewing chips and gum with your gob wide open is the worst


u/kawaii_song Jul 14 '15

went to a high school where it was 80% asian+indian (so 40% for each) school

most of them ate with their mouth open and I was disgusted. I became a bit of a racist since the stereotypes were true

the other 20% was white and other (17% and 3%)

I was in the 'other' category


u/King_of_the_Hobos Jul 14 '15

only if they stop eating while I fuck them


u/Tromboneofsteel Jul 14 '15

I have a buddy that for some reason must have something to eat whenever we're playing a game, and never mutes his mic while he's doing it. I just want to throw up every time I hear someone chewing.


u/Psylink Jul 14 '15

My ex brother in law used to chew with his mouth open and moan and groan like his taste buds were orgasming. I always wanted to hit him in the face with a brick when he did it.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

fuck you, it tastes better.


u/AvatarWaang Jul 14 '15

Your blood shall taste better than hearing you eat.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

I just kicked out my roommate; I told him it was because he stole liquor and made me late for work for the last two months ... But it was really because he eats with his mouth open.


u/IMolestBodybuilders Jul 14 '15

Reading this with a british accent is really funny hehehehehehe


u/AvatarWaang Jul 14 '15

Sorry, I'm an American.


u/insmek Jul 14 '15

You know what man, I get it. You don't like it. It's "bothersome" to you.

But seriously, fuck you.

I can't help that I do this. I don't like that my default chewing state is with my mouth open. I've heard it my entire fucking life, and I'm sick and fucking tired of hearing about it. If it was just as easy as closing my mouth, you don't think I'd do it? This isn't on purpose. It's not meant to annoy you. I'm sorry. I'm just sick of hearing about it.


u/AvatarWaang Jul 14 '15

It's the easiest thing in the world. Just shut your damn mouth and make that your habit. If you think about it each time you eat, it'll become habitual. Look at all the other comments and see how much everyone hates it.


u/insmek Jul 14 '15

You didn't read a thing I said. If it was that easy, I would just do it.


u/AvatarWaang Jul 14 '15

Plenty of other people have changed. Clearly you have such a weak constitution you can't do the same.


u/insmek Jul 14 '15

You don't think I've grown tired of hearing about it for more than twenty years? If it was so God damn simple, I would just do it, I promise. It just isn't.


u/Hubley Jul 14 '15

It's so noisy :(


u/Gary_FucKing Jul 14 '15

Haha food tastes better for me when I eat with my mouth open so it's always a decision between enjoying my food more, and not being hated by everyone for miles around. I really love food tho so I just say fuck eeeerry one else most of the time.


u/AvatarWaang Jul 14 '15

If you're by yourself it doesn't matter, it's more about being respectful top the people around you when you're in public


u/Tbern05 Jul 14 '15

This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Probably because when I was younger my dad engrained in my mind that I need to chew with my mouth shut (I don't disagree) but now I notice more and more that he's a hypocrite for being the loudest motherfucking eater on the planet. I have to bite my tongue all the time, because it drives me crazy and I don't want to be a dick. Then again, I'm trying to teach him his own life lessons so maybe I should speak up.


u/AvatarWaang Jul 14 '15

He probably knew he was the worst and wanted to save you


u/Tbern05 Jul 14 '15

Seriously. My uncle, my dad, and my grandpa are horrible at eating discreetly. Luckily, most of my cousins and myself have broken the cycle. My brother is somewhere in between. He slurps when he's drinking from a can and it drive me fucking nuts.


u/rebelaessedai Jul 14 '15

groan My husband does this. I've talked to him, our friends have talked to him. Nope, he just keeps doing it.


u/JaxonOSU Jul 14 '15

I'm a bit late to the party, but I actually don't mind this as long as I can't HEAR it...


u/Antarcaticaschwea Jul 14 '15

My mouth is so small I can't get a good chew if I don't open my mouth. So eating in public sucks because I don't want to be THAT guy. But when I get home, you can bet your ass my mouth is wide open on every bite.


u/-5m Jul 14 '15

Ugh I hate that - especially when they are noisy eaters aswell


u/faux-name Jul 14 '15

I know this is a big deal on reddit. I don't really get why this bothers people so much.


u/Vagina_of_the_Moon Jul 14 '15

I babysit for two boys, 7 and 9, who don't know how to stop doing this. I have to sit at the dinner table with them and put up with their lackadaisical jaws. Who the fuck is going to hire someone who chomps like these bozos?


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

I eat with my mouth open. .

eat your mum out that is


u/AvatarWaang Jul 14 '15 edited Jul 14 '15

Look mate. I'll be honest with you here. I'm a 200 pound male. When I was born, I weighed 8.6 pounds. My sister weighed 8.4. I have 2 brothers, both weighed 10 pounds. If you think my mom will feel anything you go right on ahead, she deserves to be happy and if you make her happy then you eat that roast beef.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

Pretty sure there's an app for that


u/colinsteadman Jul 14 '15

Probably best if you don't visit China


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

My stepbrother has the worst manners at the table. He could sound like he's sucking up a squid but just be eating an egg salad sandwich.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

I have yet to meet anyone who does this, is it even possible?


u/wartywarlock Jul 14 '15

Coworker literally sounds like a crippled pantomime horse. clop, ssshhhtlup, CLOP, tub tub.


u/tikiman6 Jul 16 '15

It's not impolite in some countries...


u/AvatarWaang Jul 16 '15

I do not live in those countries


u/tikiman6 Jul 16 '15

Yeah, but fuck everybody who does, right?


u/AvatarWaang Jul 16 '15

Now you're getting it

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