I have a friend who opens her mouth all the way every time she chews. Bits of food fly out of her mouth with every smack smack smack smack smack of her lips. Its the worst fucking thing ever. And she gets super offended and calls you a piece of shit asshole if you ask her to eat more quietly.
I stopped inviting her over for dinner when we hang out. Now when she comes over, she orders delivery because she never cooks/eats by herself. I can't get away from it.
The worst part is that she's indignant about it. If something I do is gross and offensive, damn right I'm going to thank the person and do something about it
I swear if I have to hear anyone slosh a gooey banana in their mouth for more than 5 minutes I'd blow my brains out. My dad does this every time and I just have to leave the room.
I dunno, calling someone (a friend) a piece of shit asshole for asking you to do something is a pretty big reason to not want to deal with skmeone. Maybe it's just me.
There is one guy in my group that tries to make those unilateral decisions on who is out. What makes me sick is that we let him pull it off.
Now I'm honestly scared of him, it's like he can take all of my friends away.
It's not like we all went zero contact with the guy he wanted out. It's more that now, he's not invited on group vacations, has to buy his own tickets individually to concerts, and doesn't feel welcome at some parties.
It's basically because they have the same taste in women and both NEED to be the center of attention when they are drunk.
edit: I guess I need to elaborate that many of us still tried to include him but eventually he just stopped wanting to come around when certain people would be there. I feel for him because he's actually my best friend and room mate. I understand that he doesn't want to go somewhere he doesn't feel welcome.
I had an ex who did that, yet she would get upset that I kept telling her to close her mouth when she chewed. It was fucking annoying hearing the crunch a few inches from my ear.
I don't think the United States is one of them, which is where I'm from, and I believe the other poster and get gross friend are as well. Otherwise it wouldn't be an issue.
Oh dear god. I have misophonia and just the idea of watching/hearing/being around somebody who eats like that actually makes me anxious. I don't know how you put up with it!
My mom has TMJ that makes her jaw pop with every chew. She eats with her mouth closed and all but I can't stand the pop pop pop pop pop when she eats, she also chews gum a lot. She can't help it and I feel bad that it angers me. I have TMJ too that makes my jaw lock if I open my mouth too far but thankfully doesn't pop.
That's so funny! I'm in the exact same situation with my dad. His jaw pops with every chew due to TMJ, and mine pops and locks (but doesn't drop it) when I open it too wide as well. I wonder how common that is, and if there's a genetic aspect to it?
Do you have a hard time eating tall hamburgers? Sometimes I go to take a bite, my jaw locks, and I have to unlock it and try again. Sometimes I give up after the third or so try and flatten the burger as best I can.
I have an aunt staying with us from Nigeria (we're in USA). OH MY GOD. When she chews gum I want to stick a pencil in my ears. And she clangs her teeth on the spoon when eating, especially soup. My grandmother would have beat me red for eating like this.
It's fucking worse when you ask someone to try eat quieter and they go out of their way to eat even louder, like grow the fuck up you disgusting piece of shit.
My brother does the same thing. I've politely asked him if he could eat more quietly, but he just yells at me for mentioning it. Rage has been slowly building inside of me not only because it is disgusting, but it seems to just piss me off.
Fuck this if one of my friends did this I'd the them to close there fucking mouth when they eat. It's rude, annoying, and just gross. I don't care if I come across as an asshole, if you do this fuck you and the click you claim.
One thing parents can do if they have a kid (over age 8) who is eating this way is to place a mirror in front of them and have them watch themselves eating. This can be done in a light, fun way and can provide a positive level of self awareness (and wouldn't hurt a few adults to try on their own if they worry they are gross eaters). If she is sensitive but you really want to get some closure on this, film her eating and at a later time show it to her. She may hate you for it, but at least she will see proof of what you are saying and can make an informed decision as to whether she wants to improve herself (or not). And if not, and you are stuck with her, just absent yourself from her presence as much as possible while she is eating.
I don't know why but suddenly it seems like my whole family does this when I remember my parents always saying not chew with your mouth open. I sit there wondering if I'm the only one who still adheres to this rule
Ugh, my friend's husband does this. His table manners are appalling - he talks while he has a mouthful of food, chews with his mouth open, makes loud slurping noises, and worst of all mashes every mouthful of food against his front teeth with his tongue. If you don't think thats gross, run to a mirror and try it - remember to keep your mouth open while you do it!
Oh, and he's a greedy pig too. I'm a slow eater, so if it's a help-yourself meal, I'll finish a tiny portion in the time it's taken him to finish the rest of the dish. I've mentioned this behaviour is not polite, and he has thanked me for the insight into Australian culture, but he soon back-slides. It's truly disgusting to sit with him during a meal - I spend most of the time averting my gaze.
I invited his lovely wife over for dinner tonight, she just texted to let me know that he's coming too. :(
Your friends call you a "piece of shit asshole"? Sheesh. You must be either a REALLY big asshole who can only get friends that merely tolerate you, or you have shitty friends.
Grow a pair of balls and tell that rude bitch to shut her fat pig mouth. Most of us learned to not chew like a disgusting slob before we could shit in a toilet. God your friend sounds horrible.
u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15
I have a friend who opens her mouth all the way every time she chews. Bits of food fly out of her mouth with every smack smack smack smack smack of her lips. Its the worst fucking thing ever. And she gets super offended and calls you a piece of shit asshole if you ask her to eat more quietly.
I stopped inviting her over for dinner when we hang out. Now when she comes over, she orders delivery because she never cooks/eats by herself. I can't get away from it.