r/AnalogCommunity 1d ago

Minolta dynax 9 what lens Gear/Film

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Just bought those two cameras. I have no idea about Minolta, just bought them because they were only 60 euros. What lens can you recommend for them, mainly into landscape.


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u/Westerdutch (no dm on this account) 23h ago

Just pick up any of the primes minolta made, they are all very good value for money. Some of the zooms were also very decent, see if you can pick up a beercan for around 30 bucks, not super useful for landscape but still a great lens to own if you are into this system.

For your first lens to try the waters and make sure your camera is functional you could pick up a 28mm f2.8, they usually go for around 30 bucks. Its not a brilliant lens but nice to have for the money anyways. After confirming proper functionality and making sure you like how the camera works you could invest some more money into a 35mm F2, there are a couple different versions but they are all stellar little lenses.

Of just any other lens really, there are many options. Check dyxum.com for all available options and lots of reviews.


u/Relative_Ninja_3664 23h ago

Thanks for the help. Is there any problems with compatibility of Minolta lenses like with canon fd / ef. Or is it more easy with Minolta


u/Westerdutch (no dm on this account) 22h ago

Minolta did have different slr mounts, the old manual one and the newer AF one. You need the latter, make sure that the back of the lens has electrical contacts and that its full frame (so avoid DT) and youll be 99% there as far as the dynax 9 is concerned. The 9Xi is a bit more difficult, iirc that just takes the old screw-drive and XI lenses (no ultrasonic or micromotor lenses).

If you are planning to squeeze the last little bit out of your system then you would also need a lens with a distance encoder for full flash capabilities, that will limit your options somewhat but i personally consider that more of a nice to have rather than a hard requirement (you still get a lot of flash automation with lenses that do no communicate focus distance). If you are not a complete flash nerd then its safe to ignore this whole thing completely though.

Lots of sites that have great information on all of this, the aforementioned dynax.com is a hard recommendation but also pay mhohner.de a visit.


u/Relative_Ninja_3664 22h ago

Thanks so much for all the info, that will provide me a great starting point for further own research!


u/that1LPdood 10h ago

Just look for “Minolta AF” lenses. Those will be the main lenses you’d want for full functionality with that camera.