r/4chan 1d ago




u/DrDMango 1d ago

America’s prudishness is so weird. I guess it comes from how much more Christian it is than any other Western nation.


u/Tsansome 1d ago

Turns out if your country is founded by an ultra-orthodox group of religious nutters whose entire identity is based on a rejection of fun you end up with:

  • 50% of the population being religious nut jobs terrified of any kind of pleasure

  • 50% of the population being total hedonists who identify themselves based on their rejection of the other 50%

While both sides suck, turns out it’s a bit more annoying when group A is always in charge.


u/Orion7734 1d ago

account based in UK

Lol, lmao

u/a-sad-dev 21h ago

Yeah we put most of our religious nuts on a boat like 400 years ago and shipped them off to the new world. Wonder how they got on...

u/bshootingu 19h ago

They literally left to get away from you, interesting historical revision my dude. Do the American revolution next!

u/HDpotato 19h ago

yeah they left... because the brits weren't puritanical enough for them...

that's worse than being put on the boat, so whatever you feel comfortable telling yourself

u/bshootingu 19h ago

Leaving of your own volition is worse than being forced? You sure about that champ?

u/HDpotato 19h ago

champ 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

hi Mr Reddit

u/ThisPresentation5291 16h ago

R*dditor for 12 years

u/KOCEnjoyer 5h ago

You can always tell

u/KairoFan small penis 17h ago

They became the most powerful nation the world has ever seen.

u/hussainhssn /fit/izen 13h ago

Yeah that’s what happens when you have slaves that you force to do work and oceans separating you from the consequences of your actions. Anyone not succeeding in that circumstance is actually retarded.

u/Noke_swog /fa/g 12h ago

Damn if it was that easy why didn’t everyone else do it

u/Jolly-Garbage-7458 11h ago

To answer your question for everyone else reading, most powerful countries at the time did have some form of slaves but obviously that wasn't the only factor in the growth of the United States. I'm very interested in the other users answer though, I know it's gonna be some bullshit.

u/Significant-Pay4621 9h ago

And then imported millions of fanatical Muslims. Seems like you are OK with religious nuts if their skin is a few shades darker than your own.

u/a-sad-dev 8h ago

Wasn’t my choice bud.

u/OnePastafarian 17h ago

Ah britbong detected opinion rejected. TYFS

u/FuckRedditIsLame 21h ago

It's funny, but I think religiousness is kind of wired into American culture so deeply that even the secular movements take on a religious quality - American liberalism for example, is absolutely a religion for those who don't go to church, it's got this severe orthodox aspect to it where the faithful feel empowered to see the heretic as subhuman, and the tenets of this faith are spread to every corner of the earth. There are other examples too, but that one pops out in particular.

u/ConductorBeluga 16h ago

This constant comparison of religion to literally everything else is so boring. Belief in liberalism and democracy is obviously far different from religious belief. In a liberal society, anti-liberal people are allowed to exist. We don't execute fascists and commies anymore. People are allowed to criticize our system which is why liberalism is great.

"the faithful feel empowered to see the heretic as subhuman, and the tenets of this faith are spread to every corner of the earth."

Yeah this is just terrible, edgy framing. Sounds like every kid I went to liberal arts school with.

u/sorryamitoodank /biz/realis 16h ago

The enemies are zealots! You, on the other hand, are so above it. Congrats!

u/LoveYourKitty /fit/izen 17h ago

but I think religiousness is kind of wired into American culture

The only people I know who go to church are minorities. The fuck are you talking about? Have you even been to the US?

u/DrDMango 14h ago

Are you implying minorities aren’t an important part of American culture? Cause they are…

u/LoveYourKitty /fit/izen 14h ago

I am a minority. I'm implying that the USA isn't the evangelical "christofascist" hell scape that European redditors like to pretend it is.

u/DrDMango 14h ago

Oh. Yeah I agree.

u/ElectricSnowBunny [s4s]quatch 11h ago

it is in the south and midwest

u/LoveYourKitty /fit/izen 10h ago

I've lived in both regions for extended periods of time for work, and you're full of shit.

u/Head-Calligrapher-99 13h ago

Religion is a concept of tribalism, what you are describing is tribalistic tendencies that human beings always do regardless of where they live in the world.

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u/Tsansome 21h ago

What a lack of historical identity does to a mf

u/FuckRedditIsLame 21h ago

"Diversity at any cost is our strength, and it must become yours too! Accept the inevitable dilution of your culture joyfully!" Shouts the rootless American or Australian with no cultural identity beyond the flag they fly (and are taught to hold in contempt).

u/CheesusChrist21 21h ago

This is what brain death looks like

u/Tsansome 21h ago

You sound like you’re great fun at parties mate.

Increase the lithium.

u/FuckRedditIsLame 21h ago

> You sound like you’re great fun at parties

Peak Average Redditorism. But regardless, I don't need to medicate myself for knowing the truth.

u/Tsansome 20h ago

Common British expression but ok lol

And you know the truth eh? Gonna tell us all about George Soros and adrenochrome are ya? Maybe sprinkle in some references to Hyperborea?

Fuckin dweeb

u/FuckRedditIsLame 20h ago edited 20h ago

No. The truth is simply that these are rootless, diluted people, and they act accordingly, as they proudly list the racial fractions of their families: "Oh, I'm half German, 1/16th Cherokee, also with some Scottish and French lineage!"

u/[deleted] 20h ago edited 20h ago

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u/ConductorBeluga 16h ago

Nah, I love being multicultural, it's based as fuck. I can get a localized version of any food I want in the world, I can socialize with and fuck around with people of every world culture and ethnicity in any major urban area, and best of all I almost never have to be subjected to listen to any British accents. Our culture is Western multiculturalism and everyone loves it and wants to move here all the time. Stay mad bonger

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u/TurkeysCanBeRed 17h ago

“Ultra-orthodox” lmao

Not all Protestants reject fun. Anglicans and Methodists don’t hate fun.

u/Tsansome 17h ago

I mean the Puritans who founded the initial colonies were ultra orthodox which was my point.

They literally didn’t even celebrate Christmas because it was too fun. Their Christmas was an entire day of prayer and apologising for sins.

But sure Anglicans seem chill and Methodists are a’ight. I’ve always been partial to quakers, myself. They seem like good eggs.

u/luckac69 14h ago

Well for some reason, it’s the non religious types who are the most against the sexuality.

The religious types are too, but I’d say to the same extent they are against violence. So they at least make sense

u/throwaway3point4 /vg/ 21h ago

As much as I don't like Protestantism, it's not really fair to pin the blame on them. It usually isn't their faults. Governments and legislative bodies use the complaints of one or two individuals to justify blanket/overarching legislative action, which is often done for the purpose of some kind of less-admirable reason.

That reason can vary from simple and non-conspiratorial, "We're too fucking lazy to deal with any possible future bitching and moaning about this topic so we're just going to nip this whole ordeal in the bud" (gonna be real, this is me assuming the laziest outcome. not even sure if it's realistic), to more agenda-driven purposes such as "I've/We've wanted a justification for prohibiting this and this whining person gave it to us, now I'll/we'll blow it out of proportion and make it illegal", or "Someone promised money if I passed this piece of legislation, so I'll try and find an individual to justify passing it", and so on; you get the idea.

Is it true that the individuals who are used in order to justify this legislation might be Protestant, or even might mostly be Protestants? Yeah, probably. These issues are then typically politicized afterwards, so that you feel like you have to align yourself with them if you're of X belief or Y political leaning, so what happens is that, even afterwards, it's likely that a lot of people who initially didn't agree with it were gaslit into agreeing with the legislation.

But this happens with every problem. Gay rights activists (including Lesbians here) used to disagree vehemently with lots of legislation around transgenderism, but then they were thrown into the mix with the catch-all term of "LGBTQ+"; suddenly, if you disagree with the hyper-progressivism of the LGBTQ+ movement - even if you, yourself, are a progressive - you are considered a "fundamentalist", or "traditionalist", or "conservative" or whatever other synonym that fits here idfk. Point is, it goes both ways; sometimes it's for making things illegal, and sometimes, it's for legalizing that which should've remained illegal. Same goes for turning something into a social issue when it shouldn't be one, or for downplaying a social issue which should be broadcasted more.

Which is all to say, it's not the case that "Group A is in charge". It's more that Group A has the semblance of being in charge, when the reality is that they're just a fabricated social group that doesn't actually exist in individual parts, but only exists as a whole for the purpose of being used as a scapegoat for criticism against legislators and government entities, when it is actually the case that they are responsible for the legislation which passes. Group A changes from "religious fundamentalists" into "LGBTQ+ progressives" when legalization is in question, changes to "the scientific community" when medical/health legislation is involved, changes to "manufacturers and entrepreneurs/companies/businessmen" when terms of service, technology, and the right to repair are involved, and so on, so forth. There's always a group out there ready for legislators to pick from in order to justify the next law they want passed.

And the same happens for social issues, of course, as I alluded to before. I won't go rambling on about that; I'm sure anyone who read all the above can get the picture at this point.

u/Tsansome 21h ago


u/throwaway3point4 /vg/ 21h ago

Legislative bodies use individual people within large groups in order to justify passing legislation. The legislation is then politicized (typically by media) and the groups, as a whole, are gaslit into accepting it (small aside: this is called "manufactured consent" in politics) and aligning themselves to it. Sometimes this is done for political reasons, some for deeper politics/conspiratorial reasons, some simply for money, some just because the legislators are lazy (though that's probably giving too much benefit of doubt). So while it is the case that they're sometimes gaslit into agreeing or aligning themselves with the policies and/or legislation, they're simultaneously being used as scapegoats. The real danger, imo, is when the group, en masse, actually changes their minds to agree wholesale to the societal aspects of this gaslighting (I think the LGBTQ+ progressives are probably the most worrisome).

also a literal chatgpt summary:

Governments often use the complaints of one or two individuals to justify broad legislative actions, typically for self-serving or agenda-driven reasons. These reasons range from laziness to political or financial motivations. Groups like Protestants or LGBTQ+ activists are politicized and used as scapegoats to justify laws. In reality, these groups are not in charge; they are manipulated by legislators to support or oppose specific issues. This pattern occurs across various topics, from social issues to legislation on technology or healthcare.

best I can do for ya

u/Tsansome 21h ago

Upvote for the effort

u/trainderail88 15h ago

You'd have to go back a long time to find actual religious people in charge rather than baby blood drinking hedonists who occasionally pretend to be religious such as we have now.

u/Tsansome 15h ago

If you genuinely believe there’s a sinister cabal of blood drinking overlords you have mental illness.

You have a sinister cabal of overlords who run your existence anyway, they’re the oligarch class. I don’t know why you have to invent this whole ‘tHeY dRiNk mUh BaBiEs bLuD’

u/trainderail88 15h ago

Do I think people in power stand in a dark room around a chalice of baby blood while chanting to moloch? No.

Do I think geriatric politicians desperate to cling to power would take a serum derived from infant stem cells? Yes.

Quite frankly, if you don't think rich and powerful people would stoop to those levels for chance to prolong their lives you're naive. There's even a tech milionaire named bryan Johnson who proudly and openly uses his sons blood to try and stay young.

You even agree there's a sinister cabal of oligarchs, so I don't understand why the idea of them using even ghoulish methods to stay in power is a logical bridge too far for you.

u/Tsansome 14h ago

Because the idea of infant stem cells being some holy grail of immortality is fucking idiotic.

Literally even the most basic understanding of stem cells would kill this idea.

u/trainderail88 14h ago

Does Klaus Schwab make you dress like a character in the fifth element too, or do you only have to tickle his fupa with mustache?

u/Tsansome 14h ago

I’m a handsome man and I know it, I have self-confidence out the wazoo; you’re going to have to try a different direction if you’re trying to get under my skin.

If you’d commented on my big Greek nose then maybe my eye might have twitched a tiny bit, but the fupa tickling moustache? Nothing but assuredness there mate.

u/Croc_Chop 7h ago

You're both arguing with each other while wanting the same thing.

From what I can see from both of your comments is that yeah Theres a bunch of Rich fucksticks trying to make your life worse to make theirs better even when they don't really need it.

u/Timpstar /h/omo 15h ago

Yeah the difference, nobody tries to stop them from living a life free of "hedonistic" pleasures; they are more than welcome to abstain from tobacco, alcohol, casual sex and whatnot.

But then when you turn it around there is always pressure from fundies to ban/ostracize stuff that deviates from their percieved "correct" way of living.

I think being religious and firm in your beliefs is based. But whenever your beliefs make you want to restrict others personal freedoms you become a loser instead.

u/[deleted] 13h ago

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u/2-inches-of-fail 23h ago

Lol, what Christian values do you think American society upholds?

u/icemancrazy 23h ago

Cut the foreskin

u/GuardBreaker 16h ago

that's actually a uhh... 👃 thing... go ahead and look up "Metzitzah b'peh" 👀

u/Head-Calligrapher-99 13h ago

Paul has entire dialogues with Jews where he says to Jewish people that they should not cut off their foreskin (Galatians)

u/icemancrazy 16h ago

More christians do it than jews tho

u/GuardBreaker 16h ago

only because it was reinforced by a faux doctor by the name Kellogg, yes the very same cereal one. That dude has done irreparable damage to American society.

Go ahead and look up why he promoted it too lol.

u/icemancrazy 15h ago

Yeah but Christians practice it now

u/panjeri 22h ago


u/Fabulous-Oven-8457 21h ago

Is that from the book of Job?

u/DrDMango 14h ago edited 14h ago

I mean the sort of idea of Christianity that is so popular today, whatever that may be.

u/Purplefilth22 22h ago

Trust me it isn't the Christians clamping down on freedom of expression. That's honestly boomer thinking that dates back to the Satanic Panic in the 70s/80s.

(funnily enough the allegations of wealthy people abducting children for abuse was actually true. Cough Epstein cough)

Especially in entertainment or the rating agencies for what gets advertised. I wonder which foreign powers/ideologies have HEAVY laws against what can be shown to their populace.

u/AuxiliarySimian 17h ago

Look at the comments on any movie trailer involving demons or nudity. The pearl clutching over Oppenheimer's nude scenes was fucking ridiculous.

u/FoxCQC 22h ago

Puritanical culture still has a grip on America.

u/krismasstercant 18h ago

Like how it applied to painting nudes women on planes in ww2 ? Gtfo

u/laserdicks 23h ago

Consider which sex suffers from each type of thing. It will not seem weird any more.

u/TheHornySnake 17h ago

Nah, Brasil, México, Peru, Uruguay and basically the American latin whole are way more christian than USA and still don't have that problem, Sex in the media is more of a first world problem, "It hurts real woman, it devious our kids is seeing woman as sex toys" and other shit, not saying that this problem don't happen in other countries but holy shit in USA, Canada and other Europeans countries this shit bombs

u/DrDMango 14h ago

Are those countries Western?

u/TheHornySnake 13h ago

Well, we consider that we are, maybe a french man will say that any country that is not northern is not western but we have basically the same base values

u/Liebermode co/ck/ 21h ago

America is not "christian" by a longshot lmao, it is as secular as it gets

u/LoveYourKitty /fit/izen 17h ago

It's only people who have never been to the US saying that it's puritanical because they get their viewpoints from Reddit.

u/gheendade 14h ago

Ppl acting like praying at dinner table church on Sunday and mom destroying the goon stash is nazism with christian characteristics

u/LoveYourKitty /fit/izen 14h ago


u/IWearClothesEveryDay /fit/izen 13h ago

I think it’s equally likely that it’s people who live in the USA and just don’t go outside

u/[deleted] 22h ago


u/Thanag0r 22h ago

That's just not true, if you ask American Christian people they will tell you that everyone else is a heretic.

u/[deleted] 21h ago


u/Thanag0r 21h ago

I'm literally from eastern europe, Poland is half hyper religious and Russia just pretends to be (it's absolutely not like that in reality).

The rest of eastern Europe is just totally normal, actually it depends if you think that people that go to church twice a year are super religious or not.

u/yidaxo 21h ago

Eastern Europe is a bit more Christian

not really
in name only, sure

u/GreeceZeus 15h ago

I JUST read in a German newspaper that the difference between the US and Europe is that in the US, calling for armed resistance against the government is deemed as more okay by free speech standards than showing nudity on TV.

u/Ilovegap97 3h ago

What Prothestantism does to MF. Fuck you Marthin Luther.

u/Paratrooper101x 19h ago

Look up guys like Harvey Kellogg. National leaders used to advocate for shit like seeing your foreskin closed so you couldn’t masturbate. Our puritanical routes are ABSURD

u/Significant-Pay4621 23h ago

Is this what the 4chan sub has been reduced too?  Finding cringe reddit posts so you can repost them on reddit? 

u/spilleddrinkcombo 19h ago

4chan sub was never good

u/Keyboardpaladin 16h ago

Everyone says this about every sub ever, or if not, then it's "this sub sucks now" but don't leave

u/cawksmash 16h ago

greentext got overtaken by the same “people” who post on circlejerk subs. this sub is one of the last remaining spots on the entire website where you can try and have a conversation that isn’t absolutely r-slurred

u/TNTspaz 15h ago edited 14h ago

I mainly use this sub for the actual real back and forth comments that aren't the normal redditors tbh.

Couldn't give less of a fuck about the actual post

u/clickmeok /wsg/y 17h ago

Always has been


u/Longjumping_Visit718 1d ago

No one's afraid of you doing a videogame in real life because you're a beta, but the dirty old men in charge of society are afraid of you having heterosexual intercourse--with real women--because then every woman under 40 won't give them chance if they literally have any other option.


u/doxenking 1d ago

I don't think that's correct.


u/Expensive_Concern457 1d ago edited 1d ago

Lmao cope. The “dirty old men in charge of society” have billions of dollars, they’re doing just fine and they literally don’t think about us at all.

u/HypedUpJackal fa/tv/irgin 20h ago

This can be seen by the dumbass decisions they keep making when they produce video games, like Concord.

u/Keyboardpaladin 17h ago

Seriously, their money can buy beautiful women you can't even imagine


u/nebraskatractor 1d ago

Fictional violence doesn’t cause real anguish. Fictional sex causes real lust.


u/Tsansome 1d ago

Imagine publicly admitting that your impulse control is so low that a couple titties send you into uncontrollable horniness.

Americans are bizarre. Cannot relate.

u/nikoll-toma 22h ago

meanwhile germans put naked chicks in ads for fucking butter

u/Tsansome 22h ago

Butter comes from milk, milk comes from tits.

Flawless continental logic, the Amerimutt mind cannot comprehend.

u/spilleddrinkcombo 19h ago

butterface germans

u/Thanag0r 22h ago

You know that normal people don't care that there are some naked chick in the ad?

It's literally the same as some naked buff dude in a perfume ad.

Nobody cares except for 12 year olds, religious freaks and incels.

u/AMC2Zero 20h ago

Unfortunately the people complaining make a disproportionate amount of noise compared to the people who don't care thus we get moral panics.

u/HassanyThePerson 20h ago

It doesn’t have to be about him specifically. There are many people with porn addictions, but few with gore and violence addictions even though many people are heavily exposed to both.

Someone who’s addicted to shooting games has a video game addiction, someone who’s addicted to hentai games has far more serious issues.

u/nebraskatractor 18h ago

Sounds like you have porn induced ED and are lashing out inshallah

u/Tsansome 18h ago

A. My mighty and priapic erections are beyond your imagination.

B. Inshallah means ‘God Willing’ which doesn’t make grammatical sense in your sentence unless you want me to lash out at you (which is very kinky).

C. Seek help, touch grass, increase the Lithium.


u/Expensive_Concern457 1d ago edited 1d ago

Bro I’m sorry but this comment says more about you than anybody else. Fictional sex is equally as fictional as fictional violence for most. Maybe if you’re 13 and have never been in a relationship you’ll have a hard time telling the difference between fiction and reality but otherwise this disconnect solely exists in mentally challenged folks.

u/RevanchistSheev66 21h ago

You are completely wrong, because grown men are still complaining about sex appeal in video games and currently there’s a culture war surrounding it

u/Timpstar /h/omo 15h ago

grown "men"

talks about coomers who shit themselves at the sight of a woman with less than double-D's in their slop media.

They are in the absolute minority, along with the other side of this "culture war". We're talking about a couple of thousands of people among millions who actually participate in it wholeheartedly; the rest don't give a shit and play games that are good/marketed well.

u/RevanchistSheev66 13h ago

If you’ve interacted with many younger boys, they are deeply influenced by these few influencers and what not making a big deal of this. We’re talking about the next generation. If you want to brush it off, you’re just perpetuating this nonsense

u/nebraskatractor 18h ago

Bro um actually if fake diarrhea spraying into your mouth and up your nose gives you a boner then my mom said it’s okay because you can always get therapy and if that doesn’t work then just make the most of your life and pray for forgiveness. Ja bless

u/Tsansome 17h ago

Mental illness

u/Queen_Aardvark 22h ago

"I wish Steam sold rape simulators" is what I'm hearing here.

u/Expensive_Concern457 22h ago

“I have a porn addiction and hate myself for it so I’m projecting it on the normal people with the ability to differentiate the real world from fiction, these people must therefore be pro rape” is what I’m hearing here.

u/Queen_Aardvark 22h ago

So where do you buy your rape simulators from now?

u/Expensive_Concern457 22h ago edited 22h ago

I rape the fuck out of the ogres instantly every time I launch a total warhammer campaign because I fucking hate them and they annoy the shit out of me in late game.

Best of luck on becoming normal.

u/Jack-of-Hearts-7 16h ago

Can't relate


u/Mister_GarbageDick 1d ago

What game is this that’s a cool looking gun

u/Salt_Lingonberry1122 23h ago

Fear 3

u/nikoll-toma 22h ago

is it any good?

u/Eevee136 /aco/lyte 22h ago


u/Name62 15h ago

No & def not as good as fear 1 which is a masterpiece even nowadays

u/Nick182112 13h ago

Not as good as the first 2 but I enjoyed it. Kind of a weird plot tho

u/fishi5645 15h ago

I mean,its not a masterpiece but is still a fun game. I remember the coop was great if you can get a friend to play it with you.

u/spiritofporn 20h ago

I miss the original fear so much.

u/Name62 15h ago

So play it

u/MoaningMushroom 23h ago

It is F.E.A.R. 3


u/Never-Preorder I 🤎 ASS 1d ago

It's not only america though, globally violence is somewhat acceptable while sexuality is a taboo in video games. It is also just in video games, in most other occasion sex is more acceptable (a teenager watching porn is not a big deal, yet watching war footage and cartel executions sounds concerning)

As for why it is like that, my theory is that video games are still widely regarded as a "entertainment for kids and teenagers" and sexuality in games would be immoral. Violence also took a lot of hits during "video games are too violent it hurts our kids brain making them sociopaths" wave, but it become forgotten as more video games have been made and violent video game pool became diluted and more and more adults started playing video games.


u/Tsansome 1d ago edited 23h ago

It’s like no one here is old enough to remember when porn and games intermingling was fine.

I remember banging BMX XXX and unlocking footage from random New York strip clubs. Shit was off the hook for a 13 year old kid.

A lot of the reason it’s not kosher anymore was the formation of these Nancy Reagan type organisations of stay at home mothers screaming “won’t somebody think of the children!” because they had nothing else to do except drink vino and blast Valium.

Edit: bro definitely whacks off to censored porn and black dicks then posts about ‘great replacement’ on 4chan.


u/Never-Preorder I 🤎 ASS 1d ago

It was never fine. It's not our fault your parents were regarded to let you play that shit.

u/Queen_Aardvark 22h ago

I think it's feminist busybodies now complaining about boobies in vidja.

u/Babki123 23h ago

It's mostly a consequenxe of America being a power house tho.

There used to be many media way less prudish in other country ,like france where topless women where nomal in any kind of movie that have now disapear to seduce the giant murican market or by cultural osmosis.

Like when the Eurocuck forced the African to wear bra, the Mucan pushed the eurocuck to censor their nipple 

u/DrDMango 14h ago

I agree.

u/Rainboy97 23h ago

It's because fictional sex turns you into a real coomer.

u/ProtoLibturd 23h ago

Murder and mayhem are part of the greater plan. You have been included in this greater plan. Training and desensitising is good.

Sexy time is not part of the plan unless it's busy life, and for that, you've got bambi sleep.

u/isuxirl 18h ago

Aren't the Chinese even more prudish than Americans?

u/LoveYourKitty /fit/izen 17h ago

Is this sub being AstroTurfed? Poster is not American and only posts unintelligible anti-American spam.

The green text doesn't even make sense, there are tons of games that display sex and nudity.

u/automatic_shark 23h ago

Only one of those is allowed in schools. It ain't sex

u/axelkoffel 22h ago

I think it's just an adaptation of movie standards. Gore in movies is (almost) always fake. Nudity in movies is (almost) always real. So nudity has been the bigger taboo, because actors do actually show their own bodies.
It doesn't make much sens in games tho, where everything is fake. But it is what it is. Then there's also sex, but that part has always been wierd to me in games that do it (Dragon Age: Origins, Baldur's Gate 3). Two ragdoll bodies doing the moves, except they can't really touch each other, so textures won't overlap.

u/send_ASMR 20h ago

What a genuinely, deeply retarded post. The type of person concerned with sex in media wouldn't like this either.

u/Mineral_Water18 16h ago

This shit must hit different if you have room temperature iq.

A game like this has a rating forbid it from being sold to anyone below 18

There are porn games that you can sell to people above the age of 18

Wtf is this dude talking about? How is one "fine" and the other one isn't?

u/bensisnss 15h ago

You wanna read that one again chief?

u/Mineral_Water18 14h ago

Am I missing something or is my comment unclear? My point is that violent and sexual content are held to the same level as scrutiny and one isn't necessarily allowed while the other one isn't.

What was the point the original post tryna make?

u/bensisnss 14h ago

no they aren't, a rape scene is not gonna be as acceptable by an audience as a murder scene and you know that

u/Expensive-Many9705 13h ago

I would rather have the violence.

u/MasterYargle 21h ago

Unrelated, but it’s crazy how dogshit porn games are lol . Take one look on steam, and it’s like you got transported back 30 years

u/Ill_Guess1549 20h ago

violence is a method sex is the reward.

violent video games are a training tool.

u/Lustgartenknecht 19h ago

>Be immature society living in the internet

>Be afraid to spell s*x

I remember the days when the internets were a pure chaos

u/SouthAggressive6936 17h ago

I like America, I think Americans should fuck more and make more Americans.

u/keeleon 15h ago

This game is rated M. If you can play this you can watch whatever porno you want. I'm not sure what your point is.

u/VidyaGameBoy 13h ago

Looks like sex to me.

Change yourself, not the system.

u/hiimkir small penis 11h ago

sex, unlike gore, is disgusting and savage

u/Hoz85 8h ago

Let me tell you what Murica told me about freedom:

  1. It's not free.

  2. Cry is free.

  3. Profit.

u/QuESt115 7h ago

Videogames used to have a lot of tits and fucking. God of war 1-3, Dante’s inferno, max Payne 3. It’s gotten more prudish in recent years tho


u/WeTheNinjas 1d ago

In America the depicted scene also happens in schools!

u/LandoChon 23h ago

What game is this?

u/tacobellbandit 18h ago

What does this have to do with America?


redditoids think that every country besides america is just a 24/7 orgy in public, apparently

u/CaesarsArmpits 18h ago

What game is this? Metro or something?

u/Salaino0606 17h ago

How else are you gonna try keeping the birthrate low and school shootings high?

u/[deleted] 13h ago

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u/coom_accumulator 10h ago

I mean there’s plenty of people that don’t think this is fine either

u/philmarcracken dabbed on god and will dab on you too 17h ago

Theres little sympathetic reaction in children to violence, unlike sexual themes they're not prepared for. Hell most adults get squeamish around the topic of teaching sex to kids, because they barely understand the reasons behind reproduction in that fashion

u/G14DMFURL0L1Y401TR4P 17h ago

That's some puritan murican take if I've ever seen one. Children have a much more visceral reaction to seeing gore than they do to seeing sexual themes they often don't even understand what's happening in.

u/philmarcracken dabbed on god and will dab on you too 17h ago

Children have a much more visceral reaction to seeing gore than they do to seeing sexual themes they often don't even understand what's happening in.

They don't, and porn exists purely on the basis that one is much stronger than the other.


u/TheSgLeader 1d ago

It already does make sense. Degenerate.

u/2-inches-of-fail 23h ago

We have 8 billion people on the planet and rising. Need to keep the death rate high and the birth rate low.


u/Glitzarka 1d ago

conservatives don't like hot girls or penises with including balls


u/TwumpyWumpy 1d ago

with including

Is English your second language?

u/LoveYourKitty /fit/izen 17h ago

post hands