r/4chan 1d ago



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u/DrDMango 1d ago

America’s prudishness is so weird. I guess it comes from how much more Christian it is than any other Western nation.


u/Tsansome 1d ago

Turns out if your country is founded by an ultra-orthodox group of religious nutters whose entire identity is based on a rejection of fun you end up with:

  • 50% of the population being religious nut jobs terrified of any kind of pleasure

  • 50% of the population being total hedonists who identify themselves based on their rejection of the other 50%

While both sides suck, turns out it’s a bit more annoying when group A is always in charge.

u/trainderail88 18h ago

You'd have to go back a long time to find actual religious people in charge rather than baby blood drinking hedonists who occasionally pretend to be religious such as we have now.

u/Tsansome 18h ago

If you genuinely believe there’s a sinister cabal of blood drinking overlords you have mental illness.

You have a sinister cabal of overlords who run your existence anyway, they’re the oligarch class. I don’t know why you have to invent this whole ‘tHeY dRiNk mUh BaBiEs bLuD’

u/trainderail88 18h ago

Do I think people in power stand in a dark room around a chalice of baby blood while chanting to moloch? No.

Do I think geriatric politicians desperate to cling to power would take a serum derived from infant stem cells? Yes.

Quite frankly, if you don't think rich and powerful people would stoop to those levels for chance to prolong their lives you're naive. There's even a tech milionaire named bryan Johnson who proudly and openly uses his sons blood to try and stay young.

You even agree there's a sinister cabal of oligarchs, so I don't understand why the idea of them using even ghoulish methods to stay in power is a logical bridge too far for you.

u/Tsansome 17h ago

Because the idea of infant stem cells being some holy grail of immortality is fucking idiotic.

Literally even the most basic understanding of stem cells would kill this idea.

u/trainderail88 17h ago

Does Klaus Schwab make you dress like a character in the fifth element too, or do you only have to tickle his fupa with mustache?

u/Tsansome 17h ago

I’m a handsome man and I know it, I have self-confidence out the wazoo; you’re going to have to try a different direction if you’re trying to get under my skin.

If you’d commented on my big Greek nose then maybe my eye might have twitched a tiny bit, but the fupa tickling moustache? Nothing but assuredness there mate.

u/Croc_Chop 10h ago

You're both arguing with each other while wanting the same thing.

From what I can see from both of your comments is that yeah Theres a bunch of Rich fucksticks trying to make your life worse to make theirs better even when they don't really need it.

u/A_for_Anonymous 2h ago

It's not baby blood. It's baby foreskin the ones in power are obsessed over.