r/unitedkingdom 25d ago

Police officers say cannabis is effectively ‘decriminalised’ in the UK .


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u/ByteSizedGenius 25d ago

I'm not a fan of this halfway house approach when it comes to the criminalisation of things. It's either something we care enough about for the law to be there and Police Officers enforce it or it's not and subsequently shouldn't be criminalised and funding organised crime. I'm all for a pragmatic age limit given the adverse effects it's shown to have in juvenile heavy smokers, but I think it's time we cut out the dodgy middle men and women and make the state some money with taxation.


u/RandomUsername1604 25d ago

If the police are giving up then it's time for sensible regulation 100%


u/Square-Competition48 25d ago

The worst part about the police choosing to give up is that at any moment they can choose not to.

This is the kind of thing that inevitably gets used against people who “look like criminals” and not enforced if you don’t which might as well have a skin colour gradient when it’s the police making that call.


u/Euclid_Interloper 25d ago

Peter Griffin was right.