r/unitedkingdom 26d ago

Police officers say cannabis is effectively ‘decriminalised’ in the UK .


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u/MondeyMondey 26d ago

Good! It’s not a real crime like murder or whatever, mind your business!


u/TwentyCharactersShor 26d ago

Because drugs dealers and growers are well known to be law abiding citizens that break no other laws such as trafficking, abduction or murder. Those Mexican cartels are just misunderstood

Obviously, everyone on reddit gets their weed from an ethically sourced eco-hippy.


u/Admiral_Eversor 26d ago

Fr the only reason weed coincides with criminality is because it's illegal. Make it legal and all that goes away instantly.


u/dth300 Sussex 26d ago


u/Euclid_Interloper 26d ago

I think it's safe to say that Canada fucks up every good idea that it comes across at the moment. From Cannabis to Assisted Suicide, the Trudeau government just seems to fumble.

There's two ways to look at it. Either 'don't do it, look at Canada' or 'look at Canada, let's do it differently'.

I prefer the second. One bad example of governance shouldn't kill an idea stone dead if we can learn the lessons from others mistakes.


u/Xenasis Manchester 26d ago

The headline of the article is that it's preventable:

'Four years into legalization, the problems that have kept the unlicensed system in business are largely preventable'

Most people get their weed legally, and dealers are absolutely not nearly as much of a thing now. The only reason grey market stuff still exists is because the government has ridiculous rules on how much you can put in an edible, which your article points out.

Source: I live in Canada.