r/tenet 18d ago

I fluently speak backwards (phonetically). In August 2024, I was recruited by CERN for a study to invert myself for two years. I reverted in August 2022 and invited people to ask about my experience on r/tenet right after. I'm going to celebrate a brand new year after so long! Ask me.

I haven't shared about my journey on Reddit since two years ago in 2022. Thought I'd re-ignite the discussion now.


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u/MauJo2020 17d ago

Several questions, if you don’t mind.

Did you,or anyone at the CERN lab, use your “invertedness” test the possibility of temporal paradoxes?

Did your experience provide any answers (personally or scientifically) in regards to the nature of time?

Why were you chosen?

Did they run any experiments on you while inverted?

Did CERN run any studies to test the entropy wind theory and the duration of its effect on inverted objects or persons ?


u/--VisualPlugin-- 17d ago edited 17d ago

I made viral TikTok videos prior to the study. I said phrases (mostly from comments) in reverse. I also made educational videos on how to pronounce reversed sounds and made skits about things would work in an inverted world. Mostly novelty stuff, but I showed a lot of passion for reversed chronology.

CERN had to make sure that the person who reached out to me didn't know much about the experiment before I joined. That recruiter basically said that I already have most of the skills needed.

We didn't organise many rigid experiments because I was living life like it was one. When I began, CERN had a journal of observational results written about me. It was my job to make sure they un-collect this information in the first place.

You learn that temporal paradoxes are impossible. I tried. We had a saying at the lab that 'what's happened happened'. If someone said that something happened in his past and I don't see it, I'd have to think that he's either mis-remembering or he's messing with me. The sense to know which is which comes with practice.

I don't remember anything about 'entropic wind theory', but we observed that small masses of inverted matter disappear into the past faster than larger masses. Maybe that's what you're referring to. In the open air, inverted gasses take a couple minutes typically to dissolve, whilst small solids can take some hours. Any collected inverted mass over 5 kg probably won't dissolve for decades. That's why the oxygen masks were fit airtight.