r/sysadmin Aug 07 '23

CEO want to cancel all WFH Question

Our CEO want to cancel all work from home arrangements, because he got inspired by Elon Musk (or so he says).

In 3-4 months work from home are only for all hours above 45 each week. So if you put in 45 hours at the office, you can work from home after that. Contracts state we have a 37,5 hour week.

I am head of IT, and have fought a hard battle for office workers (we are a retail chain) to get WFH and won that battle some time ago.

How would you all react to this?

Edit: I am blown away by all the responses, will try and get back to everyone


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u/bofh2023 IT Manager Aug 07 '23

Tell him that hiring and training new people involves real cost to the business, and people WILL quit over this.


u/SAugsburger Aug 07 '23 edited Aug 07 '23

This. Unless your company is paying F you type wages you will see a significant uptick in turnover and it will be considerably harder to replace them with comparable employees unless the company is willing to pay considerably higher wages than companies that offer more generous WFH options. I think one failed assumption on the CEO's part is that while there are a decent number of people that want to work for SpaceX or Tesla even if it means being regularly in the office or even making slightly less than what they could earn elsewhere, but I wager that there isn't a similar following for OP's company nor their CEO. If your CEO doesn't have millions of followers on social media you can't assume that you will have similar results.