r/prisonhooch 5d ago

Stomach pain

Just made a pretty decent hooch. And by pretty decent I mean the color was nice and it felt strong, the taste was dreadful. Anyways, I fill up 1 cup. Perfectly fine, I get a little tipsy but shits still ok. I go for cup 2. Very drunk with intense, searing stomach pain. It's having me hold my stomach and roll on my bed like a baby. Took everything i had not to puke. It fades after about half an hour and I get ti sleep. Next morning, do the same thing. Drink 1 cup, perfectly fine. Cup 2, same story. A bath calmed my stomach this time. Now time for day 3. I wanna see if the 2 cup theory is true, or if 1 cup will also hurt me and I just didn't give it enough time. Pour 1 cup, spill it everywhere. Pour it again and drink. Funnily enough I was pretty used to the taste so I didn't really mind it. I almost thought it tasted good. Anyways, it got me kindof drunk but I had no pain. Idk why I'm posting this, just thought somebody might know that hooch can hurt you if you have a sensitive stomach like me and allowed the yeast to keep living (at least that's what I think happened)



u/Zelylia 5d ago

Did you let it fully ferment and cold crash it ? Otherwise yeah it might be a sensitive stomach


u/MushySunshine 5d ago

I did cold crash. It was mostly fermented


u/Zelylia 5d ago

Perhaps letting it ferment that little bit longer will help your stomach out ! Patience really is key


u/Savings-Cry-3201 5d ago

If you don’t let it fully ferment then cold crashing isn’t going to remove the active yeast and you still invite discomfort. Let it fully ferment and the yeast drop out first.


u/DuckworthPaddington 4d ago

You had a tiny little fermentation vessel in your belly. Whats the name gonna be?


u/MushySunshine 4d ago

Gilbert sprinkedongle


u/Ok_Duck_9338 4d ago

The pains people go through to advance science! You may be the Marie Curie of hooch, although I contest the title.