r/peacecorps Oct 20 '24

Whereabouts violation In Country Service

For those who lied to whereabouts and got caught was it an immediate ad sep?


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u/koryisma Oct 20 '24

Depends on CD. When I served, our first CD would literally admin sep anyone for any infraction. There was a group of 5 who said they would be in a town for a festival - but all the hotels were full. So they went to a town 10 miles away to crash at a volunteer's house. Like - the suburbs. And they didn't call in the change. First infraction - every one got admin sep'd. 

The next CD who came in was the opposite. I saw someone tell him they hitchhiked to get there (admin sep offence under first CD), and it was like the new guy didn't even notice. Didn't say a word. I was shocked.