r/nashville Bellevue Sep 13 '24

Belmont Law Dean Gonzales Backs Harris Politics

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Alberto Gonzales, a Republican who served as AG for Bush, publicly endorsed Harris. He is Dean of the Belmont College of law in Nashville.


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u/tn_jedi Sep 13 '24

We do but apparently Trump supporters would give that away for safety from brown people. The safeguards require maintenance, and we could absolutely lose our Democratic Republic.

Harris is a gun owner, Republicans have already supported gun control (Reagan as governor, assault weapons ban in Congress). The unrealized gains tax is a tricky idea, but so was the income tax when It started under Lincoln. Congress makes the laws, not the president. It is impossible to look at Trump's record honestly and support him and be a patriot, because it requires one to put a person above one's country. As far as what is unconstitutional, let's not forget that the supreme Court upheld separate but equal at one time. And we were founded with the Three-Fifths clause.


u/pcm2a Sep 13 '24

Only the left makes things about color, like trying to hire based on color and create segregated spaces. Normal people don't want that. All people are shades of wheat, look up a color chart.

Make sure to vote like your country depends on it.


u/tn_jedi Sep 13 '24

Having studied propaganda from 1930s Germany I suspect you're not hearing what's being communicated. Trump's model wife came over on a genius visa, but no scandal there. We finally get a black president and Trump calls for a birth certificate. Good people on both sides in Charlottesville, except one side has a crap ton of Nazis. Where's the wall plan for Canada? C'mon man, it's pretty clear.


u/jake300win46 Sep 15 '24

He should have to have the birth certificate. We also need a wall and better security from Canada.