Californian, er, now Tennessean- moved here during Covid. Not because of politics, but because my family couldn’t afford a home in CA big enough for spouse and I to both work from home. The no state income tax is great, esp when I didn’t get a COL pay decrease for moving here. It was 90% a financial decision & I lived here for almost a year, years ago for work.
What’s also nice? People aren’t assholes here. They’re sincere and easy to talk to. Not in a hurry. Do they drift across the double yellow lines? Yes, but that’s a story for another day. Bonus points for them not being near as superficial or status-focused. (I don’t spend much time in Brentwood/Franklin where you’ll likely beg to differ.)
Lots of parts of california are red, such as the Central Valley (which is poorer) and wealthier/older areas (I’d guess Palm Springs, but could be wrong). I certainly grew up around some of the same folks that would fit the stereotype out here too. I still go back to my hometown on occasion and it feels more like TN than it does the parts of california most people think of.
Anyway, it’s great what Newsom is doing IMO. At this point we’re afraid to grow our family because of the ass backward law(s) out here and the small (unlikely possibility) % of having a pregnancy complication.
Tennessean transplanted from one of the only Blue counties in Florida and I’d have to agree wholly with your statement. COL and financial reasons brought us here, but people just seem nicer. More sincere. Less self centered. The conservative politics is honestly kinda confusing to me in that sense- unless everyone is just nice to your face but secretly hates you behind your back lol
I agree with you, too! Maybe the state is just gerrymandered to shit. I’m seeing some other states being forced to redraw their maps. If only we were so lucky…
To me that is the stupidest thing ever. Anyone with common sense should know that whatever restrictions are in place are only temporary until the covid emergency was over. After which life goes back to normal. The thought that you'd uproot your life, move away from family and friends, maybe quit your job, leave behind your social support network, disrupt your children's lives and remove them from their friends, and all of that because of a temporary health measure is beyond my comprehension.
that forced many to go out of business because there werent enough business to stay open. people didnt want outdoor seating or delivery from sit down restaurants. so yeah, covid restrictions annihilated private business/restaurants
So, you’re not going to even try to empathize with these small business owners they never saw this coming. A lot of them lost everything. We’ll see how cavalier you feel when it’s you that gets rocked like that
It’s unbelievably greedy of these people to think that them making money should have taken priority over emergency public health measures that saved thousands of lives. They really think we should have sacrificed so many people so they could make their Mercedes payments?
You think small restaurant owners are trying to make Mercedes payments? I don’t think any of them were wanting to risk lives to be open. But more should’ve been done to help them financially
This is just untrue. The cost of living in TN is so much lower that middle class California could afford a nice house here easily. But the people that I've met you have moved here are not super wealthy. They just owned a home in California that they could sell.
I do think it is primarily taxes, but there is a vocal subset that actively call themselves “California refugees” because they fled Newsom’s “oppressive” COVID policies and other “woke” policies. I have spoken to more than one of them. They are the worst.
Met some transplants from Cali in a group setting last year. Asked why they moved here and they said, word for word, "We felt like we were being persecuted for our views." I almost gagged. A few sentences later they mentioned they were conservative and had voted for Trump.
They are definitely out there and think this is where they're most welcome.
Unfortunately you are wrong, as demonstrated within the first 15 min I saw my extended family for the first time in a few years. After we all said high and hugged and stuff that was one of the first words out of their mouth followed by a rant about immigrants.
I’m sorry you feel that way, friend. What is it about my post makes me delusional, may I ask? Always looking to learn how I can better express my ideas to people with differing beliefs and always up for a chat.
Oh, I see. You didn’t read my second comment in this chain, literally responding to the person who made a similar comment when I first made this comment. It’s ok, gut reactions are gut reactions.
I recognize that most transplants came for the no income tax and all that jazz, but I’ve heard people refer to themselves as “California Refugees” running from California’s draconian wokeness. It was those people I was referencing.
They are real people. Not delusions.
Hope that helps clear things up.
Have a lovely day and good luck hitting up girls on NashvilleGW!
they are saying that a lot of republicans left California due to liberal policies and moved to places like Tennessee. This commenter is happy because they know that when those people see advertisements about liberal policies from the governor of their former home state, who they probably dislike, will make them unhappy and the commenter is taking joy in their displeasure.
yeah np. Back in 2021 there was a recall vote to oust Newsom from office, he received donations in order to campaign to win that vote. He ended up winning but still had money left over that has just been sitting until now. He has decided to spend it to run ads in red states. Those ads are on liberal policies surrounding birth control, reproductive rights and abortion access. He is doing this, likely, as a way to both change minds and get support in general.
u/MumblyJohn Feb 26 '24
Love this. All the California transplants that came running from Newsom’s “wokeness” are gonna hate that he’s sending his love from CA.