r/moderatepolitics 21d ago

Democrats should pay attention to Kristen McDonald Rivet's election postmortem Opinion Article


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u/pixelatedCorgi 21d ago

the racist jokes at MSG

The joke about Puerto Rico made by, a comedian, that Puerto Ricans and Latinos at large didn’t give a shit about?

a “hero” who killed a homeless black man

The guy who was rightfully acquitted of murder because he subdued a raging lunatic on an NYC subway car??


u/DeafJoo 21d ago

Okay. Kyle Rittenhouse.

Im not a big fan of the far left as well. They are not going away.

The key is how do we level the playing field so our fringe doesn't hurt us. It's not getting rid of them - that's impossible.

So we need political and propaganda tactics the GOP uses so it's not a weakness


u/pixelatedCorgi 21d ago

Kyle Rittenhouse

The kid who was brutally attacked at a riot and shot his attackers, and was also acquitted of murder in a very obvious case of self-defense???

I’m not sure these examples are helping your case.


u/Hyndis 21d ago

The misinformation on the Rittenhouse trial in particular was staggering.

I was only disinterestedly following the trial at first and it sounded horrific. Rittenhouse did premeditated murder against 3 black people? He went there to go human hunting for sport? Thats what it sounded like on the reports from MSNBC.

I found out that the trial was live streamed and so checked out a live stream of the courtroom proceedings to see what kind of horrific monster this Rittenhouse person was....and it turned out what was actually happening in the trial was nothing like what was being reported on outlets like MSNBC.

From watching the trial, it was a clearcut case of self defense. One of the prosecution's own witnesses admitted to illegally carrying a gun to the protest (he was a convicted felon and had a concealed pistol) and admitted he wanted to kill Rittenhouse. Skateboard guy was trying to crush Rittenhouse's skull with the skateboard, with the way he was swinging it. Even the forensic evidence was terrible, the prosecution showed a blurry video that had about 9 pixels in it and they couldn't explain how it was enhanced to somehow clearly show gun and which way the gun was pointed from a photo blurrier than Bigfoot and Nessie riding on drones to the airport.

Yet to this day, people believe the MSNBC (and similar "news" sources) version of events, which is so different from the real court proceedings that its fictional.


u/pixelatedCorgi 21d ago

He crossed muh state lines!!!!!

The facts of the case and the way mainstream media was reporting it was truly a bizarre dichotomy.


u/Hyndis 21d ago

The state lines thing was particularly baffling to me. People can go from state to state for any reason or no reason at all. There's no passports needed to go from state to state, no restrictions, no checkpoints, nothing. You can just do it if you want. I've personally crossed into Montana solely and purely to make a Hunt for the Red October meme.

The city of Kenosha is also only about 5 miles from the state border. People cross the state border all the time to go grocery shopping or to commute to work.


u/pixelatedCorgi 21d ago

It’s crazy right. They just… let you do it.