r/moderatepolitics unburdened by what has been 24d ago

Trump Team Weighs Options, Including Airstrikes, to Stop Iran’s Nuclear Program News Article


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u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/HarryPimpamakowski 24d ago

Yes. It’s ridiculous that we get to decide which states are nuclear and which ones aren’t. Especially at Israel’s bidding (a country that clandestinely developed its own and isn’t a party to the treaty on  non proliferation) 

Who’s the only country that has actually used nuclear weapons? Oh that’s right, US! 

Besides, we had a plan in place that was scrapped by Trump. Diplomacy was an option. Iran having nukes might actually prevent a hot conflict between it and Israel. 


u/WulfTheSaxon 24d ago

Iran was already violating that “plan”.


u/HarryPimpamakowski 24d ago

When was that? Before or after we exited it in 2018 and re-applied sanctions?


u/WulfTheSaxon 24d ago edited 24d ago

Before. Since literally Day 1 they were hiding how close to a bomb they’d already gotten, despite a central pillar of the deal being fessing up to all past activity so that Western intelligence could get an idea of what and who to look out for if it resumed, and to get an accurate estimate of their breakout time – which was massively overestimated due to the lies.

As one visible example, they publicly filled the calandria of their reactor with cement… and kept a secret spare set of calandria tubes. They already had a final, component-tested design for a miniaturized nuclear warhead and had started building production-scale facilities when they paused the program in 2004 and sent it deeper undercover.