r/moderatepolitics 26d ago

US appeals court rejects Nasdaq's diversity rules for company boards Culture War


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u/DrunkCaptnMorgan12 I Don't Like Either Side 26d ago

These have to be the silliest rules or standards companies have ever tried to put in place. I don't know about anyone else but I don't care what race, gender, sexual orientation or about any of that stuff. Just hire the best person available. If it happens to be a woman, a transgender person, a minority or whatever, that has Jack Squat to do with anything if they are the most qualified, hire them. No body cares or at least I don't.


u/All_names_taken-fuck 26d ago

No one has ever said hire less qualified candidates based on race or gender. There’s rarely just one candidate with great qualifications. If everyone has equal merit/backgrounds, then hiring comes down to “who do I personally like?” It’s been shown that most people will hire someone of the same race/sex because subconsciously that’s who they feel more connected to. DEI is trying to remove that unconscious bias by requiring that people with the SAME qualifications but of a different gender or race are hired. Because bias is unconscious the “hey, don’t just hire people who look like you” part has to be said out loud and sometimes mandated.


u/andthedevilissix 25d ago

It actually happens all the time in tech and in academic science - On one hiring committees for faculty at UW Seattle that I was on they went with a less-qualified/ less published/ lower producing candidate who happened to be a favored minority over a brilliant asian American guy whose publication record left the others in the dust and whose teaching record was also good (rare!).

I've also had to work with several "DEI" hires in tech, who were hired at the height of the 2020 stuff. They weren't good at their jobs and ultimately didn't last, so I don't think the policies were helping anyone except for the FAANG company that got to report those "diversity" numbers to investors.