r/idiocracy May 15 '24

"Your honor... just look at him" a dumbing down

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u/snackpack333 May 16 '24

You wouldn't call police departments institutions then


u/bielsasballholder May 16 '24

Yes. They’re institutionally racist against whites, also. 


u/snackpack333 May 16 '24

Oh please explain this one


u/bielsasballholder May 17 '24

They have “diversity” hiring polices. Which means they discriminate against white people.

Also, the number of white people killed is hugely disproportionate to the number of white people who commit crimes and resist arrest, which implies anti-white racism.

Mostly the police are anti-male, though.


u/snackpack333 May 17 '24

Take a look at sentencing and conviction rates since your so convinced everyone's out to get the white man


u/bielsasballholder May 17 '24

I have. 


Black people commit over 50% of violent crimes, but make up only about 20% of those killed by cops. 


u/snackpack333 May 17 '24 edited May 17 '24

I said severity of sentencing and conviction rates.

Besides which, your dumbass didn't even read the article you posted! Wow lmao. Also what if you were able to use any sort of reasoning you'd try and link violent crimes againsts police vs fatal police shootings.

The irony throughout this sub is...chefs kiss


u/bielsasballholder May 18 '24

So you think that blacks committing more of almost every violent crime (and crime in general), to the tune of about 4-500%, correlates with whites attacking cops more than blacks? 😂😂

Blacks have far more interactions with cops and exhibit negative behaviours with cops far more than all races, including resisting arrest, running, having illegal weapons, lying about having weapons/drugs, lying in general, being aggressive, reaching for a weapon etc, all of which increase the chances of a police shooting, but whites are shot more. 😂 Find this data yourself, I’m not your PA.

This is because there’s been decades of pro-black, anti-racism, anti-white propaganda and ideology propagated, and cops know that any action against blacks will result in claims of racism and social unrest. As happened with George Floyd.


u/snackpack333 May 18 '24

Then your dumbass references george Floyd which counters your argument. Chefs kiss. Read the shit you post