r/gunpolitics 9d ago

Where gun control leads Misleading Title


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u/ChristopherRoberto 8d ago

I hope people realize they're being conquered and erased at some point before it's over.


u/idontagreewitu 8d ago

When have the English people NOT been conquered? Living under a monarchy for hundreds of years, feudalism before that, The Roman Empire before that.


u/ChristopherRoberto 8d ago

There's always hierarchical power. But the power today isn't supporting the English, it's eradicating them.

A conquering army has been brought in to loot, pillage, and rape the country to death, but everyone's acting like it's not happening due to the intense media control. This should have been treated as a war many years ago, and responded to as a war.


u/Tantal-Rob 7d ago

The whole Western world is under dire threat. The controlled media is much more dangerous than any government today.