r/geography Geography Enthusiast 18d ago

Oman - a country rarely spoken about. What's happening there? Discussion

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Oman is located in a area we heat about a lot for an array of reasons - there are many famous and newsworthy spots close by from dubai to Doha to Iran and Yemen...... what goes on in Oman? Let us know how life is here and any relevant info on its current state....


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u/MotorProteins 17d ago

Yes I understand there is a prisoner loophole in the 13th (that I don't agree with). But you are also kinda making my point. It took 100 years until the civil rights movement. And it's been 60 years since then. Things get better slowly.


u/JohnnyG30 17d ago

The whataboutism in the thread is making my head spin. “But..but…what about the other thing that is loosely correlated?!”

This mindset is why politics are a complete dumpster fire these days. I have no energy for these types of clowns anymore. Nothing they say is in good faith. It’s all shitty set ups to some unimpressive “got ya” moment while completely missing the point being made to them. It’s exhausting. Don’t waste your time, man.


u/StrawberryComplete58 17d ago

How is America still having slavery "loosely correlated" to the claim that the US abolished slavery?


u/JohnnyG30 17d ago

That’s not the point. The point is to redirect conversations to topics that are “loosely correlated” to avoid answers you either don’t like or don’t have.

Look how far you’ve derailed the debate from the main topic. You’ve shifted to like 3 other topics as some sort of justification or comparison that voids the main argument, hence my comment.

We weren’t talking about slavery in the US, but that’s how far you reached to justify your original comment. You aren’t interested in receiving any new or relevant information, which is why I said the other guy is better off not wasting his time. None of what you posted was in good faith lmao. Later tater!


u/StrawberryComplete58 17d ago

It's literally only been one point to contradict the misinformation Americans love to spread about their country.