r/geography Geography Enthusiast 17d ago

Oman - a country rarely spoken about. What's happening there? Discussion

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Oman is located in a area we heat about a lot for an array of reasons - there are many famous and newsworthy spots close by from dubai to Doha to Iran and Yemen...... what goes on in Oman? Let us know how life is here and any relevant info on its current state....


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u/StrawberryComplete58 17d ago

The USA has slavery to this very day, no wonder wounds can't heal.

Read the 13th in full


u/MotorProteins 17d ago

Yes I understand there is a prisoner loophole in the 13th (that I don't agree with). But you are also kinda making my point. It took 100 years until the civil rights movement. And it's been 60 years since then. Things get better slowly.


u/StrawberryComplete58 17d ago

It's not a loophole, it's a feature. Have you ever wondered why the US has the most people imprisoned? It's specifically so they can lease oligarchs slave labour.

Frankly calling the consistent enslavement of minorities a "loophole" is ethically repugnant.


u/MotorProteins 17d ago

Yea a purposeful loophole. I don't even understand why/what you are arguing at this point? I agree it's not a good loophole, we are on the same side but you are so unlikeable.