r/geography Geography Enthusiast 26d ago

Why aren't there any large cities in this area? Discussion

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u/[deleted] 26d ago

Literally opened up google maps on a completely random part of that region. Its because 90% of it looks like this.



u/KingOfYeaoh 26d ago

Lived in both Dakotas for short stints and can confirm this is the general look, especially western North Dakota that isn't the Badlands.


u/Justame13 26d ago

It could also be the none Rockies part of Wyoming and Montana.


u/KingOfYeaoh 26d ago

Yup. You could have told me this was near Sidney or Miles City, Montana and I wouldn't argue that.


u/will592 26d ago

Random award for incredibly rare mention of Miles City, my dad’s hometown and one of the most desolate places I’ve ever been.


u/Heavy-duty-mayo 26d ago

In the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, Violet was depicted as a 12 year-old girl from Miles City, Montana.

I liked they included Montana in the movie.


u/DoggoCentipede 26d ago

I would have liked to have seen Montana...


u/DMaury1969 26d ago

He did! As Alan Grant in Jurassic Park!


u/DoggoCentipede 26d ago

Haha good point.

He also saw Neptune, among other things...


u/DMaury1969 26d ago

Saw it even without eyes!


u/Clit420Eastwood 26d ago

I only remember Miles City because it’s where US-12 breaks off from I-94. Spent a long day of driving where that was the only turn I needed to make


u/-Fraccoon- 26d ago

Whoa. At least they have the interstate nearby. I’ve been working in Watford City North Dakota for the last year and a half. Talk about desolate. The closest City is Williston, ND which is an hour away and Williston is about another hour and a half from just the interstate lol.


u/AwesomeJohnn 25d ago

It used to be even worse. Williston was a tiny town that didn’t even merit a Walmart when I grew up. Had to get to Minot before you found anything

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u/SparkyDogPants 26d ago

MC is the biggest town east of Billings. Have you been there during bucking horse sale? Idk if I would call it desolate

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u/deeznutzzzz1 26d ago

I've never seen so many people that even know miles City exists in one place outside of my own family. Miles City is my hometown as well

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u/Magenta_the_Great 26d ago

Drove to Havre from Missoula and it looked like this for most the day


u/SEmpls 26d ago

Havre has that big hump coming out of the ground


u/Magenta_the_Great 26d ago

It was very exciting to see something not flat when we started to get close

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u/SummitSloth 26d ago

Which hump? Bearpaw mountains?


u/0AGM0 26d ago

Might be talking about the buffalo jump that's actually in Havre


u/dontdoitdoitdoit 25d ago

Is it pronounced like Farve?


u/Cyphermoon699 25d ago

We say it like "have 'er".


u/redwood_rambler 26d ago

I used to work on a sugar beet yard every fall in Sidney. Never seen a more geographically dull place in my entire life.

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u/stevenette 26d ago

Shit, this could be half a mile outside of Laramie.


u/ScuffedBalata 26d ago

It could even be just a couple miles outside of Denver. The outskirts of Denver International Airport looks like this.


u/mayosterd 26d ago

You mean Kansas?


u/StevenEveral Political Geography 26d ago

I remember flying into DEN for the first time. It was scary.

I just remember seeing that flat prairie gradually make its way closer to the airplane as it descended. If you didn't know any better, you would think that the plane is going to crash and the pilot just didn't tell anyone.

Only at the last few seconds do you see the lights, perimiter fence, and other airport equipment appear as your plane lands safely.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

Denver is a great plains city. People seem to be suprised by that who aren't familiar with the area.


u/SmutasaurusRex 26d ago

Hahaha maybe 10 years ago. These days the approach to DIA is rife with Starbucks and McMansion developments as far as the eye can see.

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u/OkExit1613 25d ago

I was surprised by how flat Denver is when I visited it. Pop culture and media make it seem quite different. At least to me, anyway.


u/Justame13 26d ago

Or any stretch right off I-80 till Rock Springs.

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u/karmannsport 26d ago

Knew a girl in college that was from Montana and used to wear a shirt that said “Not everything is flat in Montana.”


u/economaster 26d ago

Yep, anywhere in the rain shadow of the Rockies. Dry with brutal winters.

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u/Ok-Situation-5865 26d ago

I’m originally from a really flat part of Ohio, but the flatness and openness of SD was extremely unsettling to me when I passed through on my way to move out west. It felt like reverse claustrophobia.


u/Flyinghydrant_9124 26d ago

It's like you're spawned on a flat minecraft world.


u/Digitalispurpurea2 26d ago

No water, no trees. Restart for a new seed


u/tothepointe 26d ago

It's a SimCity waiting to happen


u/[deleted] 26d ago edited 19d ago



u/apuginthehand 26d ago

Opposite here — grew up on the front range of CO and I feel uncomfortable when I can’t see the horizon. I live in N Idaho now (which is still part of this circle but mountainous and forested) and still don’t really love being amongst all the trees.


u/Emperor_Neuro 26d ago edited 25d ago

I moved from Denver to Orlando. Every time I go back to Colorado, I’m amazed at just how far I can see. In Florida, there’s almost never a time when the line of sight exceeds half a mile unless you’re at the beach.


u/Okiebryan 26d ago

Once I had a dog run away in Eastern Colorado. We could see him leaving for three days.


u/Existing_Coast8777 26d ago

bro went from the most mountainous state to the least mountainous state

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u/SneksOToole 26d ago

I grew up in Aurora and have since moved east. When I’ve been to the Pacific Northwest, I always feel too crowded by the trees, but I also don’t love the dry and featureless prairie as much either. Texas has been the best compromise so far between big trees and water while also still enjoying wide open spaces, and where I live now (Kentucky) is also pretty good for this, with the bonus of actually having 4 seasons.


u/Whatsthathum Geography Enthusiast 26d ago

My Dad grew up in rural Saskatchewan. He’d say mountains get in the way of the view.


u/grundhog 26d ago

I feel that. I live in the forest but close to the prairie (Minnesota). It is a very dramatic difference and there isn't that much of a gradient. The open spaces have grown on me though. If it wasn't for the wind, maybe I'd live there.

One funny thing is that people from the prairie are often very concerned about trees being too close to the house and falling in it. And they'll tell you if your trees are making them uncomfortable.

Fuck, I shouldn't tempt fate like that


u/blove135 26d ago

It's funny this isn't the first time hearing someone describe the flatness of some areas as being unsettling. As someone who grew up in a really flat part of the country it is the opposite for me. When I travel to a really mountainous or even just really hilly big tree area I get a sense of claustrophobia. There is something unsettling about not being able to see for miles, like I'm trapped in. It's not debilitating or anything and I get over it pretty quickly but it's still there.


u/AwesomeJohnn 25d ago

The only place on earth you can watch your dog run away for three straight days

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u/ScuffedBalata 26d ago

Agoraphobia.  Fear of too much open space. 


u/otoverstoverpt 26d ago

That is a possible agoraphobia trigger but agoraphobia is broader than that.


u/Playful-Wrongdoer-75 26d ago

I thought Agoraphobia was fear of people, large crowds, and such?

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u/BrolumbusChris 26d ago

That’s called agoraphobia! 😁


u/allaboutthosevibes 26d ago

Can you get it from being on a boat in the middle of the sea?


u/Rabbitknight 26d ago

Yep, that and first time out on the plains are when people realize they have it. There's a related ocean-based phobias thalassophobia (large bodies of water in general) and bathophobia (deep water specifically) but that's more about what's below you than around.


u/CaptHoshito 26d ago

As a child growing up in South Dakota, I always remember riding in the car in the dark and seeing the lights of houses so far away that they looked like little boats on the ocean. It always gave me the creeps. I still get creeped out driving across the prairie, it's so desolate. Even in the daytime it's just vast and ugly (most of the year) and it's completely infested with billboards.

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u/BikingDruid 26d ago

My father-in-law had to show some Japanese businessmen some of the land that being used to farm products they were purchasing in western ND. I guess the view of the open sky and flat plains were too much for one guy who refused to get off the private jet b/c he had always seen buildings or mountains back home. It was too overwhelming for him.

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u/havingsomedifficulty 26d ago

Dumb question, but are there seriously just no trees over there?


u/SaltLakeCitySlicker 26d ago

They made houses out of sod in little house on the prairie days and both Indians and the pioneers used buffalo chips (poo) in lieu of wood for fires.

A bunch of plaines states wood for buildings was basically brought from Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota.


u/KingOfYeaoh 26d ago

Not a dumb question at all! No, there are not a lot of trees in western North Dakota/eastern Montana. It's a very dusty/borderline arid area.

When I'd fly back to St. Louis to see family, the sight of trees was a marvel to behold lol.


u/havingsomedifficulty 26d ago

Thanks for reply, I wonder if that’s a dream for allergy sufferers. I love my trees in Texas but damn they come at a high price


u/KingOfYeaoh 26d ago

Can verify that that area is great for allergy sufferers. I had zero issues and didn't even need to take any allergy meds when I lived there.

When I'd go back to St. Louis, the humidity and allergies would almost make me choke lol


u/havingsomedifficulty 26d ago

Dang, I might have to check out the Dakota’s because allergies get worse every year here. In Houston, We got the trees, grass, mold, chemical plants and refineries AND humidity on top of that. I’ve never been that far north tho, might have to check it out. Probably not built for that cold lol


u/gotobeddude 26d ago

There’s some, but they’re either windbreaks planted by farmers or they come in ones and twos. A few hundred years ago the great plains were literally just hundreds of thousands of square miles of tall grass.


u/Playful-Wrongdoer-75 26d ago

We have shelter belts now because of FDRs work programs, a few pines, a few old growth trees, but the prairie is vast open space that’s why Chicago is the Windy City a good gust can pick up speed because there’s nothing impeding it. That’s why the dust bowl was so rough because loose dirt and sand got blown around and could blind you if a particle did enough damage to your eyes.


u/uziturtIe 26d ago

I was working on a wind farm near Dickinson, ND and it starting snowing in June. Don’t miss it


u/TGSHatesWomen 26d ago

“Nobody cares about the Dakotas!” -Monica Gellar

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u/MelodyMaster5656 26d ago


u/Capital_Ad_7691 26d ago

Reminds me of courage the cowardly dog’s house


u/Not_Pablo_Sanchez 25d ago

What’s your offer


u/GusTTShow-biz 25d ago

I’ve been… naughtyyyy


u/therealpanserbjorne 25d ago

Return the slab!


u/Powerful_Variety7922 26d ago

The barely perceptible dot in the center of the photo is a house and not a teeny-tiny speck on my phone?😄


u/OldenPolynice 26d ago

Dental floss crop comin in nice this year


u/NailzAtWork 26d ago

That house looks so small, I could pick it up with my zircon encrusted tweezers.

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u/_Hollywood___ 26d ago

That’s crazy. At least move to the woods so you have some trees to talk to when you go insane.


u/Displaced_Palmtree 26d ago

😂Being that far from civilization in the middle of absolutely nothing by sky and grass would have me scribbling on the walls.


u/OrcApologist 24d ago

If you think it looks bad now, you should’ve seen the 1800s.

Prairie madness was a real thing caused by isolation which led to insanity, depression, violent outbursts and suicide.

Basically year round cabin fever.


u/Firecracker500 26d ago

ngl that looks peaceful af

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u/Illustrious-Being339 26d ago

and if you put a single wind turbine out there, you will hear non-stop about how the "views" are being ruined lol


u/fallenfire360 26d ago

That's amazing where did you take that?

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u/saml01 26d ago

Looks like a dead pixel


u/gaspig70 26d ago

Parts of eastern Washington have a similar vibe.


u/94plus3 25d ago

That's honestly a really nice photo though

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u/bmalek 26d ago


u/Complete-Repeat856 26d ago

Yep, pretty bleak. Awful place to live. During the day, I'd drive for hours just looking at that. During night, I'd imagine that I was driving past mountains, lakes, trees, etc.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

The whole area should have no daytime speed limits on the interstate highways.  A friend who grew up in Nebraska said everything was a 4 hour drive away.  


u/[deleted] 26d ago

Not bleak at all, it’s peaceful and beautiful.

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u/tomdawg0022 26d ago

Your terrain looks slightly less flat


u/Brookstone317 26d ago

No, there is a hill in this picture.

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u/CommercialExotic2038 26d ago

That has a tiny bit of incline! 😳


u/Anikama 25d ago

That would look amazing with a bunch of bison on it

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u/Jugales 26d ago

Look at all that space for activities!


u/misirlou22 26d ago

Plenty of space to set up a badminton net


u/Jugales 26d ago

Thinking too small. We can set up at least 3!


u/misirlou22 26d ago

Ooh get a tournament going!


u/Bob_Majerle 26d ago

I have a boombox I can bring. Got lots of batteries


u/cowfishing 25d ago

noise ordinances are pretty strict there.


u/Nani_the_F__k 26d ago

Not enough people in the area

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u/Physical_Ad_4014 26d ago

Nope too much fucking wind, it makes local news if the wind doest blow for a few hours.


u/TherianRose 26d ago

It fucken W I M D Y

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u/catdaddyxoxo 25d ago

Pickle ball courts!


u/Nuclearcasino 26d ago

Particularly ICBM silos.


u/ibonek_naw_ibo 26d ago

This is the correct answer


u/Cwylftrochr 26d ago

You can buy decommissioned missile silos. Lot of potential there.

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u/jomegared 26d ago

Nuclear sponge strategy area. ;)

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u/Fantastic-Ear706 26d ago

Ah the great plains! This is what excited many settlers to come to north america. Although, it has vastly changed since then lol


u/Little_Injury402 26d ago

Interesting! How has it vastly changed if you don't mind me asking? As someone from the west coast I'd think it hasn't changed at all!


u/Fantastic-Ear706 26d ago

I am speaking on behalf of Canadas grasslands/great plain is one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world.

American Serengeti by Dan Flores goes into great depth about what used to be one of the greatest landscapes in the world. Almost all the flora and fauna has been wiped out or depleted to endangered status to make way for farming.


u/altjacobs 26d ago

One of my favourite things to do in the summer is drive around east/southeast alberta and look for the ungrazed pastures, and if I'm lucky I'll find some heritage rangeland or protected areas.


u/Fantastic-Ear706 26d ago

Hahah yup, the Cypress Hill are quite a beautiful area. If you head over to the Sask side you can check out the Grasslands National Park. Other then that you might find a quarter or two of ducks unlimited, wildlife lands or wildlife habitat lands. They allow grazing in some of those lands though lol


u/altjacobs 26d ago

Every summer I tell myself I will get to Grasslands, and I never do. Maybe next year.


u/Jonathan358 26d ago

i yearn to feel the rumble of a million giant bison stampeding under my feet


u/Apprehensive_Camel49 26d ago

Love the Dan Flores shoutout!


u/UtahBrian 26d ago

With the aquifers drying out, maybe someday in a few decades we can set aside at least ten million acres for conservation, cut down the fences, replant native grasses and get the buffalo migrating again.


u/-BlueDream- 25d ago

And invasive species. The tumbleweed is a example of one particularly bad one because it's nearly impossible to eradicate.

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u/ScuffedBalata 26d ago

The vast majority of the US prairies/Plains is untouched. There is a bit of farming, but in places like Wyoming, eastern Colorado central SD, Montana, etc. (most of that circle$, it’s less than half, maybe even 20% or less that is farmed in many places.  

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u/InsideAd1368 26d ago

Much less native plains vegetation. Much more farmed crops


u/earthhominid 26d ago

When Europeans first encountered it, the American great plains were some of the most fertile grain growing lands on earth. The many feet deep top soil facilitated insane grain and legume production as well as robust livestock development.

Since then, industrial ag production has decimated the local soil systems. 

Basically, fertility that hadn't been encountered since the dawn of agriculture drew people in 2 centuries ago. Now those areas have been pretty well decimated to the point that they are comparable with other global grassland ecosystems


u/Character_School_671 26d ago

A little overwrought I think.

It's still very, very productive by any measure. Especially by yield, which is the essence of productivity.

Yields are not less than when the sod was broken. They are more.


u/[deleted] 26d ago edited 2d ago



u/Character_School_671 26d ago

This is a valid point. It's one of the concerns I have as a farmer. That you can inadvertently select for plant varieties and soil organisms that are less nitrogen efficient, because they are getting it provided to them.

But there also have always been inputs. They just changed over time. The Midwest traditionally had a much more varied cropping system, so their inputs were manure and a nitrogen fixing crop or crops.

So when one measures corn yield it would have to take that into account - those rotations were the input, and they had a cost and footprint associated as well. Also, if those rotations pushed your Corn Harvest to every other year then the total yield would be divided by two, making it even worse.

So while the systems have definitely changed, the larger part of the yield increase I would argue comes from synthetic fertilizer Plus simply genetic improvements in breeding varieties.

The effort that goes into plant breeding for staple crops around the world is massive, and it yields steady returns each decade.


u/Mimiatthelake 26d ago

True, but that productivity sacrifices healthy soil.


u/rasquatche 26d ago

EXACTLY! The greed mindset tells us more is better!

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u/Mimiatthelake 26d ago

The soil was so productive that good soil care techniques (composting, crop rotation etc..) were deemed unnecessary. The Dust Bowl and the depleted soil forced people west.


u/Msanthropy1250 26d ago

This is quite false. Yields for corn and soybeans in eastern South Dakota where I farmed are much higher today than they were 30 years ago. Modern no till practices conserve soil and moisture, and planting populations have steadily increased. Climate change has actually benefited the area (so far), as the growing season is now about a month longer than it was in 1980.


u/earthhominid 26d ago

You're comparing contemporary results, after decades of soil conservation practices being recognized and then widely implemented (like the "modern no till" that you mention) as well as utilizing modern breeding and synthetic fertilizer technology, with the transition between historical prairie ecosystems and annual grain cropping in the early 1800s.


u/Setting_Worth 26d ago

You'd be wrong about that but thanks for contributing something that you just imagined to be so

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u/-Ximena 26d ago

This is terrifying.


u/sentimentalpirate 26d ago edited 26d ago

As a Pacific Northwesterner, when I visited the Kansas City area it almost made me queasy looking at the horizons and not seeing foothills, mountains, or water. I really did not expect how disorienting it was going to feel. I mean I didn't expect it to feel like anything. But all of a sudden it was like vertigo, or like I could fall off the earth into the sky. I didn't realize how much of my life was constantly in a valley or on a hill next to a valley.


u/OldBallOfRage 26d ago

My mother has this problem, she complains when there's 'too much sky' due to unbroken flat terrain. This place would be her personal hell. WAY too much sky.


u/One-Earth9294 26d ago

Sounds like the opposite of a sailor. I can't imagine ANY of them ever complain about the times there's maximum sky lol.

It's when there's less of it they got a problem.


u/Ranew 26d ago

It goes both ways, I'm from the circled area and being in mountains or dense cities is a personal hell.

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u/CookieLuzSax 26d ago

Same. Grew up in the Appalachians and lived there my whole life until I joined the military. So far Texas, and South Carolina have been an incredibly strange feeling.

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u/Hanzer0624 26d ago

Same for me growing up in New England then visiting family in Minnesota. It always felt so vast and open. Like the sky was too wide.


u/boomfruit 26d ago edited 26d ago

Experienced that last year going to Indiana after living on the West coast my whole life


u/DarklySalted 25d ago

Indiana has Dollar Generals to break up the skyline

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u/Rxasaurus 26d ago

Coming from Arizona I couldn't get past not seeing a mountain anywhere. 


u/Morbidfuk 26d ago

This reminds me of The Expanse books, where the people from Mars will freak out being on Earth and the Belters would absolutely lose their shit if they ever came to Earth and saw an open sky.

I have never experienced such openness before, I wonder if I would have a similar reaction.

I had an opposite experience before being in a deep forest. I was laying on a bench looking up at the tall trees surrounding me, not much sky visible. It felt like I was enveloped or cradled by the earth, it was a very calming and natural feeling. The wind would blow and it sounded like the ocean in the trees, it felt like the earth was breathing.


u/ArtemisElizabeth1533 25d ago

I’m from Seattle and my friend lives in Southern Alberta. We drove from her town to Calgary, basically 2 hours on flat ground with NOTHING else in sight. It was wild and I couldn’t do it. Felt much better once we went up north to Banff.


u/KrispyKreme725 26d ago

I get the same feeling seeing the ocean. It just goes on forever.

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u/TacticalFailure1 25d ago

Plains fever is real


u/The-Tonborghini 26d ago

A friend of mine had the same reaction when they visited me in North Dakota! (They grew up in Utah and have only lived in mountain areas) They mentioned that it felt like being in the middle of the ocean with how disorienting it is.

For me it’s the opposite, if I’m in a large city I get almost claustrophobic by being surrounded by buildings. I will never visit NYC again for that reason, thought it was a super cool place and loved the Broadway shows, but it made me feel way too uncomfortable.


u/PurpleDuckbills 26d ago

And I experienced the opposite moving from Texas to the PNW. It’s was oddly disconcerting NOT seeing the horizon all the time.

I’m getting used to it now and I can see how the closeness of the trees can be insulating in a way. But occasionally I need some wide open spaces, and I can take a jaunt over the Cascades and get some breathing room.


u/thundernlightning32 26d ago

Living near or by water hardwires you biologically I remember reading an entire book about it when i was in HS


u/No-Translator9234 26d ago

East coast where I grew up has a lotta visual clutter too.  Driving around Wyoming had to at effect for me. 

I understand “Big Sky” now like it just looks .. bigger ..  I’d love to go to badlands and in the leadup to it drive around somewhere thats totally flat for miles. 

I live in Alaska currently and I find real mountains to be a little claustrophobic haha. I think I’m finding east coast scenery was my happy medium. 


u/jazzani 26d ago

Meanwhile I have the opposite problem. Lived on the prairies my whole life and then I went to university in Montreal for 2 years. Don’t get me wrong, Montreal is beautiful. But living downtown surrounded by skyscrapers made me feel sooooo claustrophobic and trapped. I used to take the metro to the very end of the line just so I could stand in a Walmart parking lot to see the sky and not have tall buildings right around me. lol


u/antilumin 26d ago

Lol I had a different reaction moving from Midwest (including KC area) and eventually ending up in the PNW. My reaction was mostly "there's so much green!"


u/unclestinky3921 26d ago

I trained in Calgary and one of my instructors took me to a neighboring town. On the very open road I commented that I could see the curvature of the Earth. He was not impressed.


u/bauhausbunny 26d ago

haha finally someone puts it into words…I get nauseous even laying on a blanket and looking straight up at the sky for too long. wide open flat spaces are disorienting. there’s gotta be a term for this!


u/speedy_delivery 25d ago

I grew up in Appalachia. I agree, the plains are unsettling. 


u/ForeignBarracuda8599 25d ago

Kansas City is full of rolling hills and valleys as well as a river running right through it?

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u/Watahoot 25d ago

As a Great Plains local, the exact opposite applies to my worldview and I find that so interesting and lovely.


u/sentimentalpirate 25d ago

It really is neat how many people have said that (and who have had a similar feeling to me). It's a reminder that we as people aren't just naturally cut out for one type of home. We can make many places feel safe and homey.


u/Throwaway8789473 26d ago

And Kansas City is downright hilly and wooded compared to, like, Nebraska or west Kansas.


u/yurnxt1 26d ago

Nebraska isn't as flat as one would think unless you are traveling the Platte River valley along I-80 and I'd wager Omaha is as hilly if not even more hilly than KC too.

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u/Cullygion 26d ago


u/-Ximena 26d ago

I'm afraid to click. I don't even know what liminal means. I reject this offer.


u/ReticulatedPasta 26d ago

Liminal just means “transitional.” Like an oddly moody but otherwise empty and not particularly functional hallway between rooms.


u/-Ximena 26d ago

Thanks. I tried it. I still hated some of the posts I saw. Creepy things lurk in the darker pictures. 😩


u/ReticulatedPasta 26d ago

Yeah in the context of the sub it does seem like they’re more interested in the creepy / scary aspect. But I don’t think it necessarily has to be like that to be “liminal.”


u/TherianRose 26d ago

Agreed. Liminal spaces are more about taking something familiar and sticking it in a different context, it makes our brains go "wait this isn't how I usually experience this, what's going on??"

A great example is visiting a familiar chain like McDonald's when you're in a different city. They usually look nearly identical inside despite being in a different location. For a little bit, your brain expects to walk outside into your usual city and not the new one. Hope this helps!

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u/Overwritten_Setting0 26d ago

Thanks. Best new sub in a while


u/havingsomedifficulty 26d ago

Seriously, where are the trees???


u/ubiquitousanathema 26d ago

It's so deeply unsettling to be there and drive for hours with no noticeable change

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u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/ScuffedBalata 26d ago

Because cities require water. Virtually zero major cities were just plucked down on a flat piece of land.

Virtually every city in the world is at some kind of water feature, geographic, landmark, crossing point of travel, or trade routes, coastline, or something else.

There is just no reason to walk across an empty plane like that and suddenly say “I want to put a city here.“

That is why there are very few cities on the plains. 

There are a bunch of small towns that were originally set up as trading posts for travelers, or stopping points for the old-fashioned railroads that needed water every hundred miles or so, but those never grew beyond a few dozen people in most cases. The largest of them are places like Grand Island, Nebraska, which might have something like 10,000 people, but even that one is on a river.


u/NathanArizona_Jr 26d ago

The Missouri River runs through OPs map. You can see it, it's massive. I think historically it was difficult to navigate though


u/GiantKrakenTentacle 26d ago

Steam ships travelled basically all the way up into central Montana.

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u/SirMrMan66 25d ago

It’s not just water but all kinds of resources including biological ones. That part of the world is just generally inhospitable to life. All kinds of life. The biodiversity of the United States falls off a cliff the further west of the Mississippi you go until you get to the west coast. Not just animals, but plants too. There can be a ton of trees, but not many different kinds of them. And they don’t support that many different animals.

This is an issue noticed in the very earliest explorations of the continental US and was a problem early on. Life is harder out west and so there is generally less life around because of that.

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u/KakaoFugl 26d ago

Next question - why does 90% look like this?


u/Fantastic-Ear706 26d ago

It’s the great plains! Lol Glaciers flattened it


u/RoryDragonsbane 26d ago

Glaciers caused the central lowlands, but didn't go far enough to form the Great Plains. They were once the bottom of a sea




u/[deleted] 26d ago

The Appalachian mountains were so heavy, they pushed the Great plains under water


u/GooGooMukk 26d ago

Sitting in the rain shadow of the Rockies; enough water for grass, but not for trees.

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u/Step_Aside_Butch_77 26d ago

Confirmed: no cities.


u/me729 26d ago

Big sky country


u/Custodian_Carl 26d ago

Just wait until it snows, it’s not really the snow more so the wind whipping those micro ice crystals 65mph+ across the surface of the earth.


u/Right_One_78 26d ago

And because it looks like this the winter wind from the North has no barricade, it is just bitter cold all winter long.


u/PhotoJim99 26d ago

It looks like that in Canada, too, but that didn't stop five cities of >250k (Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg) from developing, three of which are over 800k and two over 1.1M.


u/Superior_Lancers 26d ago

This region is the bane of me in geoguessr. I somehow always click North Dakota on Kansas or something and lose.


u/r_r_w 26d ago

There is simply too much of it.


u/Blavingad 26d ago

It wouldn’t look that if there was a city though!


u/BerozgaarVyakti 26d ago


u/[deleted] 26d ago

it reminds me of those horror stories, where youre on an empty road and keep driving, but it keeps repeating endlessly.


u/BerozgaarVyakti 26d ago

pretty sure I had a childhood nightmare like that


u/StevenEveral Political Geography 26d ago

I have some relatives who live in the plains area of Montana. You could drop 10 more pins on random locations in that area and you would get almost the same view every time.


u/DenseVegetable2581 26d ago

Yeah you can watch your dog run away for a couple of days in most plains states


u/[deleted] 26d ago

i mean they are called the plains for a reason


u/Keyspam102 26d ago

Grew up in North Dakota and can confirm, this is basically it. (Outside of badlands/medora areas). It’s even a bit flatter in eastern ND.


u/CoughRock 26d ago

looks like a perfect place for solar/wind farm. No need to compete land with farm/wild life.
If only there is a cheap way to transport power out of there.


u/str85 26d ago

I'm from Sweden, opened google maps to see if an area this large could really contain that much "empty" land. Zoomed in on some random spot and found something called "Swedes forest township cemetery" 😅

But ya, that whole area is shockingly open.


u/EmmaLaDou 25d ago

Lots of Swedes settled in this part of the U. S. in the 1800’s

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u/LilBottomText17 26d ago

isn’t that what almost all places looked like (empty) before people settled there?


u/zigbigadorlou 26d ago

Some places have trees


u/libmrduckz 26d ago



u/RedRedBettie 26d ago

We have trees and mountains on the west coast

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