r/canadaguns 23h ago

Safe to shoot?

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Was given an old sporterized Enfield by a neighbor, I've only put one round through it and the brass cracked almost all the way around. I know case head separation is a thing and can be dangerous but ive never experienced it. so just wondering what yall think?



u/LananasCourageux 18h ago

Pitch it. Even if you don't get gas back in your face, the rest of the case will get stuck in the chamber which is enough of a pain to extract to end a range day.


u/___spaghetti___ 4h ago

Good point, thanks for the input.


u/MostEnergeticSloth 17h ago

Factory or reloaded ammo? Either a hot round or well used brass if it's a reload, or your rifle's headspace is shot if it's a factory round. I personally wouldn't shoot it again without getting the headspace checked.

It's possible it's a bad factory round, but that's definitely the least likely.


u/___spaghetti___ 4h ago

It was a factory federal power shok. Thanks for the info, it will be going up on the wall as some garage decor.


u/selair_chapman 11h ago

Not really "unsafe" but definitely not worth the hassle of extraction when it blows...and it will


u/grizzlyit 11h ago

That’s an issue with the headspace it could be a bolt head or chamber problem , hang it up or bring it to a gunsmith


u/PRRRoblematic 7h ago

Don't send it. The risk to reward ratio isn't there.


u/romayama 6h ago edited 6h ago

That is the typical sign that the Lee Enfield is terribly out of headspace and needs #2 or #3 service head, and is extremelyy dangerous to shoot as is