r/cableporn 26d ago

Found inside a Verizon gateway

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u/AlephBaker 26d ago

Is there a worse connector on earth than the u.fl connector? I can't think of one.

Also, I wish they didn't have those two wires cross over each other, it's annoying.


u/hibbitydibbidy 26d ago

Just because they're hard as balls to connect, feel like they're going to break when you DO get them connected, and seem like they're going to fall off once they are connected? Why would you say that?


u/tankerkiller125real 26d ago

Do people really struggle that much with these connectors? I've never really had an issue with them, a nice soft plastic flathead and a good movement and just like that it's connected. When the plastic isn't available, pointer finger, in a nice rolling motion (left to right or right to left), and the connector is on with no issues.


u/mlnm_falcon 23d ago

I snapped tje connector clean off when trying to disassemble my iPhone 6, in my defense the phone had some water damage corrosion