r/britishcolumbia Nov 04 '22

Kamloops being represented well on TikTok… Photo/Video

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u/goinupthegranby Nov 04 '22

The context seems to suggest this girl's decisions are the entire reason this happened to her, but I still don't like seeing cop's knees on people's necks. Shit is dangerous as hell and if that cop had permanently disabled her they would just say its her fault, which is bullshit.


u/[deleted] Nov 04 '22

Pretty simple to not resist arrest. You do realize if she had just stood up and let them put the cuffs on no one would need to take her down. She got herself in that situation.


u/Sir-Kevly Nov 04 '22

She's like 120 pounds, I'm sure he could've easily handled her without going all Derek Chauvin on her ass. There is such a thing as excessive force. If he's kneeling on the neck of somebody who he could carry under his arm it seems a bit excessive.

Yeah, she's annoying as shit and they have every right to kick her out, but if you can't see how the use of excessive force on some harmless Karen is inappropriate then I have nothing to say to you other than, how do those boots taste?


u/DamnIHateThat Nov 04 '22

You might remember an RCMP officer was killed recently. This is life and death stuff.