They had contemporaries who openly displayed disdain for slavery, so that excuse doesn't really work. We can't put modern sensibilities on them, but not everything is excused by the period in which they lived.
We have contemporaries that think eating animal protein is slavery and mass murder. If x number of years pass and plant protein production gets better, the need to eat meat will lessen and there could very well be a future society that thinks only monsters would ever eat an animal, and people who hunt are serial killers.
“How could those monsters enslave innocent creatures and keep them as pets for their amusement” would be a normal thought in that scenario.
Doesn’t change the fact that eating meat today is normal. And it wouldn’t mean that every idea that came out of that era was bogus. Is the invention and implementation of the internet a bad idea because the minds behind were of savages who kill innocent animals and eat the flesh off their bones?
Well, I knew that complaint was coming from somewhere(I was halfway baiting it) so I worded my original statement and chose the example accordingly. The response was as predictable as the sunrise. But I do think I handled it well, thanks for the tip of the hat.
u/aDShisno Nov 28 '22
Funny enough, leftists today are tearing down statues of the people on top and wholeheartedly supporting the people on the bottom.