r/benshapiro Nov 21 '24

Ben would make a great Senator Ben Shapiro Discussion/critique

What do you think about Ben replacing Marco Rubio in Florida? Ron DeSantis is a solid governor and I'm sure the thought has occurred to him already. Ben has a good understanding of our history and has good priorities. A senator without scandals would be cool.

"America isn't great because America is powerful. America is powerful because America is great." Ben Shapiro


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u/FuckChipman1776 Nov 24 '24

Just what we need, another evil Zionist in power


u/Middlewarian Nov 24 '24

Have you ever been to Zion National Park in Utah? That's where the real Zionists are. I've been there two times, man, it's awesome. Is there a state that doesn't have a lake or city named Zion? What about Shiloh? What about Salem? Salem, Mass goes way back in our history. It's also the name of the capitol of Oregon. Maybe they will go full Zionist and change the names to Jerusalem. "In God we trust" is still our national motto. What about that "Gideon's Bible" song the Beatles wrote? That was really bad. Gideon was a Zionist that fought for his country.