r/benshapiro Nov 21 '24

Ben would make a great Senator Ben Shapiro Discussion/critique

What do you think about Ben replacing Marco Rubio in Florida? Ron DeSantis is a solid governor and I'm sure the thought has occurred to him already. Ben has a good understanding of our history and has good priorities. A senator without scandals would be cool.

"America isn't great because America is powerful. America is powerful because America is great." Ben Shapiro


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u/scrublkrfls Nov 21 '24

I doubt he would do it. Too much hassle and too little money. I would love it if he did though. Or press secretary. Haha


u/Lildrizzy69 Nov 21 '24

he would shred the reporters


u/scrublkrfls Nov 22 '24

Can you imagine how entertaining that would be?!


u/RlyNotYourBroker Nov 22 '24

Ben wouldn't take the press secretary job in this admin. Too many differences of opinion on things, and Ben likes his opinions. Plus a hell of a paycut. Trust, I would love to see it because he would shred the reporters, but being a press secretary for a president you don't fully agree with is a hard job because you don't speak for yourself, you speak for the president.


u/russian2121 Nov 23 '24

I think ben would take the press secretary gig. If he does, daily wire becomes the establishment media. His business goes from being an online show, to possibly surpassing Fox. He's already doing a bunch of other stuff. He could drop all that and keep his show and be the press secretary. He'll be busy, but I bet he could do it.