r/benshapiro Feb 01 '24

Argue with me about femenism Ben Shapiro Discussion/critique

I just assume most people here aren’t feminists and are what I call kinda sexist

Here are some of my arguments or arguments against things I would guess you guys will say if you have the energy to read:

First off I don’t wanna hear about “it’s biological” because it’s pretty much scientifically impossible to know if our differences is caused by social or genetic factors. You can however assume (if you have any knowledge in social psychology) that these differences are at least strengthened by social constructs.

I don’t wanna hear arguments about “it’s human nature” because racism and bullying is also human nature and that doesn’t make it okay and even if it is human nature you can still change it.

My main issue in today’s society isn’t that we don’t get payed equally

(Even though I think sexism exists within many workplaces that would make girls not wanna take some jobs and there are many guys who wouldn’t respect a woman in a leadership position etc, also jobs that are considered more “feminine” like a nurse or psychologist gets payed less then jobs that are more male dominated even though they went to uni the same amount of years, and I would argue the work of a nurse is more important then the work of an engineer (I get that it’s difficult in places where taxes pay healthcare while the engineers work for a private company, but still)

My main issue around this topic is how guys are raised by society.

Guys are thought to push away their emotions (except for anger) and that it’s more important to succeed and be a leader and show yourself strong then to show sympathy which I believe makes a lot of guys less sympathetic.

They’re thought to hate everything “feminine” mainly in themselves bc if a guy acts feminine “then he’s GAY” ever noticed how people never say “you’re not like other guys” as a compliment (unless it means that he’s kinder or more respectful) but it’s often times used on girls as a compliment “you’re not like other girls)

I think a lot of guys say they love woman but they only like to have sex and intimacy with them and aside from that they hate women and can’t stand a girl with opinions etc.

Guys are thought that they have to have sex with as many woman as possible and the only thing woman are good for is sex and validation and they can function as a trophy. They also watch porn which doesn’t teach guys consent at all.

As a girl I don’t wanna be around a lot of guys because most of them just see you as an object and don’t respect you and if you say you have an opinion it’s just annoying or funny to them, and they assume you’re dumb and only controlled by emotions and lack all reason etc etc. There’s this look guys give you that is so uncomfortable when they have these dead eyes and it’s so clear that they just see you as an object that they would like to fuck and it’s so disgusting.

There are so many things but I think it’s clear that social constructs contribute to so many guys being violent and that they murder and rape and so many are misogynistic and lack a lot of sympathy etc etc, and it’s not good for the guys either. And I know it’s not all guys but it effects them



u/[deleted] Feb 01 '24

*calls everyone here sexist.

*proceeds to make a bunch of sexist generalizations about all men


u/5panks Feb 01 '24

Also, believes science, but doesn't believe there's genetic proof of biological differences between men and women. 🤔

Is the actual argument here that societal factors are why men are stronger than women? 


u/OldReputation865 Feb 02 '24

No it’s the “gender is a social construct” bullshit that people fall for.


u/TasianTheAsian Feb 02 '24

“I don’t want to hear about what you have to say but tell me what you think”


u/TasianTheAsian Feb 02 '24

OP just topped off a list of things not to say then said to say things


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

You are not meeting my arguments tho? Yes I assume that by my standards that a lot of you guys are sexist, and call it sexist but I think that there’s a lot of toxic social structures that guys go through and that shape them


u/OldReputation865 Feb 02 '24

Okay so because we’re men and are conservative we’re sexist and no there are not “toxic social structures” gender is biological


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

Okay that was unfair of me but I think or thought that was the case with a lot of you guys. But do you have any sources saying that it’s only biological? Also do you not believe in social psychology?


u/OldReputation865 Feb 02 '24

Also most guys are not sexist you just have a hatred for men


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

Okay thanks you changed my mind completely now


u/OldReputation865 Feb 02 '24

I can tell your being ironic but who cares you want to remain willfully ignorant so I will let you it’s not my problem that you don’t have an understanding of biology or how our society works and that’s okay most feminists don’t and that’s why there feminists anyways I am going to go identify as a tree and enjoy my male cisgendered heteronormative privilege now goodbye!


u/OldReputation865 Feb 02 '24

Guys this is literally her


u/OldReputation865 Feb 02 '24

Yes I do have a source with it is called basic biology


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '24

I'm not meeting your arguments because you clearly have no intention on being open minded. Clearly your toxic social structures have shaped you into a closed minded bigot, and I have no interest in engaging in a futile conversation.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

I understand how it might not have sounded like I was going to be open minded bc of how I wrote things and my post lacked nuance and I generalized about you guys etc, but I also did that to wake people’s interest and get attention. But I think I am open minded, like I made this post a bit bc I like to argue and I hoped to maybe change someone’s opinion but I also made it to become more nuanced in my own world view and see what arguments you have


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '24

Step one to changing someone's opinion is NEVER to make sexist generalizations. If I went to whatever leftist feminist sub you came from and started a thread with similar sexist tropes while at the same time insulting everyone right out of the gate, do you really think it would spark an insightful conversation and people would be willing to hear me out and possibly change their mind?


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

I know I know, I guess that mostly I just wanted to argue but I have gotten good discussions from here tho


u/OldReputation865 Feb 02 '24

Again i have already disproven the toxic social structures crap you have said


u/poopydudey Feb 01 '24

All the people I look up to are women. My mother my aunt and my grandmother. None of them are feminists. Your whole post is just assumptions. I recently asked my aunt about her views on feminism and her exact words to me “ feminism is for weak women who can’t stand on their own two feet”. I agree men can be pigs maybe find new men to be around might help you out.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

I mean there’s a lot of different feminists and call them assumptions but I think you can’t deny that a lot of these social structures exist and are toxic and effect men, but my that logic that “feminism is for the weak” then you could say that the people who are fighting against racism are also for the weak? Or what’s the difference? Like most people are “weak” or what?


u/poopydudey Feb 02 '24

What social constructs? And racism is not the same as misogyny not even close.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

But in this scenario what’s the difference between them (racism and sexism)?

But I think there’s a culture among men to not show emotions unless it’s anger, that it’s more important to show yourself strong and confident etc then to be sympathetic, to look down upon typically feminine things, to slut shame girls and all of the messages porn are sending etc. I’m not saying that these things make all guys bad but it effects a lot of men for the worse in my opinion


u/poopydudey Feb 02 '24

In the scenario there was this thing called the slave trade. Please read about slavery and come back to me. Men not showing emotion is not a social construct it’s bad parenting. Slut shaming is fine if you also slut shame men. Porn wouldn’t be a thing if women didn’t do it.if that’s what’s bringing down men they have shit mothers and fathers.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

I personally don’t think it’s only parenting, I think most guys get the idea of not showing emotions from their friends and I work at a school so I see how that’s happening.

Yes racism is a more sensitive topic considering its history but both racism and sexism is still discrimination against a group of people. Girls have to break norms and I would say many times fight harder for respect to get a “better job” or just a male dominated job. It’s the same way for people of color, maybe they have to work harder in a lot of countries like America that doesn’t have free education (personally I’m from a country where education is free so maybe I didn’t consider this point)

I absolutely do not think that you can blame woman for porn. Most woman are used by men in the porn industry. Do you know how many woman are sex trafficked by MEN? Almost no mentally stable girls do porn or sex work as a “oh this is fun” thing, they usually do it because they’re desperate for money, have been sex trafficked or come from extremely toxic environments where sex work has become normalized or the person is already so traumatized so it “doesn’t effect them anymore”.


u/poopydudey Feb 02 '24

Ok there friends also have parents? So there’s that. The idea that women have to work harder for better jobs is also kinda stupid. HR I’m most cases is a female dominated job. HR usually hires people. HR also in most cases requires a college education. Higher education is higher on the liberal side. In the United States. Obv women who have been trafficked don’t have a choice. I’ve been desperate for money most of my life I didn’t fuck on camera to make money I got a job. I also come from a very toxic environment. Saw a lot of fucked up shit that’s not an excuse. To top it off my wife has a masters degree which I could have never gotten due to different class of parents. She works in a male dominated company yet she is killing it. The men around her look to her for help because she’s AMAZING at what she does. What fucking country do you live in 😂. Also testosterone literally does make you more aggressive not an excuse but the idea that’s a social construct is dumb.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

I honestly don’t have a lot about jobs I don’t think it’s that big of an issue and I think that’s one thing that has gotten better and keeps on getting better.

But you don’t deny that there are a lot of social structures that are effecting ppl right? The differences between men and woman I believe is probably a mixture between genetic and social factors just like most things are (there are however few studies on this bc it’s really difficult to do research on)

Yes parents ultimately but it’s pretty much everywhere in our society I believe, like a spiral.

I still think it’s pretty messed up of you to try to blame the girls doing sex work bc for me it’s pretty clear that they are victims, and even if porn isn’t good for society, I don’t think doing it isn’t ill willed against anyone but yourself. We have society as a whole to blame for how sexualized our society has become not people doing porn. Btw I also think it’s mainly men that are deciding what the pronouns videos should be like.

There are different types of traumas etc and I don’t think it’s that simple that “oh I have one type of trauma now I’m gonna do porn” it’s probably a mixture of things and some ppl. Also you’re a guy right? So that also makes a difference like guys aren’t as sought after in porn and don’t make profit etc.

I don’t think you understand how many things must have gone wrong for a girl to do sex work


u/poopydudey Feb 02 '24

I agree porn is bad I think it’s pretty messed up Of you to give women no agency. Obv there are social constructs that affect people. I just don’t believe they are holding women back by any real measure. If you do porn you’re a victim? Honestly it was nice talking to you. You seem to kinda have a thing against men which is totally fine with me you do you. Please for the love of any god don’t infect any youth with your ways of thinking especially young women. Good day friend.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 03 '24

I’m not saying you’re a victim because you’re doing porn if you take it for what it is. And if you’re a mentally stable person who decides you wanna do porn then you’re not a victim the only thing is that this is pretty much never the case and I don’t think anyone should do porn but I think it’s weird how you seem to try to blame it on the woman doing porn instead of the people watching porn or the people behind the porn industry that are mainly men aka people that aren’t in desperate conditions or mentally unwell or that are being used. And a lot of the woman or girls are being sex trafficked and it’s common that they’re getting sexually assaulted and no one wants to work with that.

Like I don’t think you can put the responsibility on these people that “oh you did a porn video you’re contributing to giving people a bad view on sex, how dare you” like they’re mainly hurting themselves and that’s why they should mainly stop. If you wanna get rid of the porn industry you can’t depend on every individual (that is probably mentally unwell and desperate for money or is being sex trafficked etc) to stop it you need to involve higher powers.


u/Straight-Living-243 Feb 01 '24

What do you think about fringe conservatives like tim pool and Matt Walsh who advocate for abolishing women’s right to vote?


u/exnihilo2 Feb 02 '24

Yeah whenever I see that bullshit it really pisses me off. They can’t comprehend why women keep going left, but if they look to the right and see them spouting off that kind of junk how can they not? It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. Like ‘I may not be happy with the left but the right thinks I’m an idiot who doesn’t deserve rights’ 😓


u/Never_Forget_711 Feb 01 '24

Did your grandma enjoy not being able to access the economy without her daddy or a husbands permission?


u/poopydudey Feb 01 '24

She did fine lol. She was a hairdresser. She supported the house when my grand dad’s job went under.Do you not think women made money til like 10 years ago?


u/Never_Forget_711 Feb 02 '24

Lol there used to be so many thing women weren’t allowed to do without a man.


u/Lazer_Hawk_100 Feb 01 '24

The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.


u/poopydudey Feb 01 '24

I don’t even view it as liberals. I view it as people who want to live in the past and form all their views from the past. Almost every women I know is killing it job wise. I work construction. No one gives a fuck about me lol. Leave the past alone and move forward.


u/Zonero174 Feb 02 '24

It's a quote from Reagan


u/broom2100 Feb 01 '24

There is no argument here, its just clear that you hate men. Which is a strange thing to do directly after calling a bunch of people you don't know "sexist". Not sure why this garbage always finds itself on this subreddit.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

I stated my point, and no I don’t hate men but I hate (or dislike) these structures and think that they are toxic and I know that there’s still good men but most are still effected in some way. I must get to call out toxic social structures


u/OldReputation865 Feb 02 '24

Again there are no “toxic social structures”

“Most are effected by the social structures” This is just another way to say you hate men.

You can not say you don’t hate men and don’t think they are sexist and then say that they are “effected by the toxic social structures” if the social structure is sexist and toxic and it effects all men then by definition all men are sexist and toxic you just bamboozled yourself.


u/Darklighter_01 Feb 01 '24

I don't know if most people here are "kinda sexist" or not, but it really sounds like you are


u/TasianTheAsian Feb 02 '24

Also started the whole speech off with everyone here being “kinda sexist” so who’s ACTUALLY being sexist here?


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

Yes I assumed you guys are by my standards and maybe I am by your standards but to me it’s just me calling out toxic social structures that effect men badly, and not me hating on men


u/OldReputation865 Feb 02 '24

Oh another bullshit claim well feminist the world doesn’t revolve around you and you don’t get to make up your own standards of what sexism is and isn’t it doesn’t work that way

“I’m calling out the toxic social structures that effect men” for the last fucking time these toxic social structures do not exist and do not effect men you literally just hate men and are trying to make it appear like you just want to fix our society when Infact the problem you made up in your head 20 seconds ago doesn’t exist and you are just a radical.


u/hellrazer87 Feb 01 '24

If you account for all factors being the same, wage gap is almost nonexistant.


u/SpudgeFunker210 Feb 01 '24 edited Feb 01 '24

First off I don’t wanna hear about “it’s biological” because it’s pretty much scientifically impossible to know if our differences is caused by social or genetic factors.

This isn't true. There are a plethora of proven genetic differences between males and females. From hormones, to brain development, to muscle mass, to bone density, to sexual function, men and women have clear biological differences before they even exit the womb, and their differences in behavior can be observed before they're even verbal. It is impossible that all of these differences are due to societal influence. This is not an excuse for poor behavior, but if you want to correct someone's behavior, understanding which influences are biological is important. There are almost always outliers here and there, but that doesn't subtract from the general reality.

I would argue the work of a nurse is more important then the work of an engineer

Importance is irrelevant when it comes to pay. It's more difficult to become an engineer as it's a higher skill level position. This isn't to take away from nurses, but there is no shortage of nurses in the Western world. Skilled engineers are harder to come by and so companies are more willing to pay premium wages for premium work. Additionally, nurses are still paid pretty well, depending on where they work, and they always have the option to get their RN and be paid much more due essentially the same job. My girlfriend is an LPN and she makes great money. There is no intentional monetary bias against female dominated fields. Women are often more likely to choose lower paying positions, and this is often because they have husbands that are the primary breadwinners of the family, and the women are perfectly comfortable with that arrangement. There were even programs set up with the intention of getting more women interested in STEM fields and they were largely unsuccessful because women often just aren't interested in those kinds of jobs. And think about it, if a woman wants a husband that earns more so that she can choose a lower paying job that she truly desires and/or have more freedom to bear and raise children, why should anyone have a problem with that? The more ambitious, career-oriented women are the ones trailblazing in male dominated fields and that's great for them too. See, when you just look at overall earnings and call everything unfair, you miss the fact that women are choosing less money for a more satisfying job and work/life balance. No use trying to shove a square peg into a round hole. There's nothing in our society stopping women from entering whatever workforce they want.

Guys are thought to push away their emotions (except for anger) and that it’s more important to succeed and be a leader and show yourself strong then to show sympathy which I believe makes a lot of guys less sympathetic.

This is quite the generalization and oversimplification. Men are expected to have a level of stoicism, sure, and this often manifests in unhealthy ways, but to say that men are taught to be angry and less sympathetic is quite a stretch. It's incredibly important for men to have control over their emotions, especially when it comes to their treatment of women. Because men are biologically larger and stronger, a man who has poor control over his emotions is at risk of abusing his partner. This is why stoicism is a good thing to an extent. This does get warped into people acting like men should be emotionless sometimes though, and I acknowledge that. It's just important not to overcorrect this issue, and I think our society has been having a conversation about this long enough that we've seen a pretty big shift away from the toxic extremes of this. Don't take your anecdotal experiences as indicative of all men everywhere.

They’re thought to hate everything “feminine” mainly in themselves bc if a guy acts feminine “then he’s GAY”

I don't think men are taught to hate feminine things at all. The whole calling men gay for having feminine behaviors may have been an issue 15-20 years ago, but it's 2024 and our society has all but moved past that almost to a fault. I'd say today's society is largely too accepting of feminine behavior in men because we need strong masculine men to work the tough, dirty jobs that women aren't often well suited for. Things like construction, sanitation, factory jobs, firefighters, etc. The last thing we need to be doing as a society is making men weaker. In my experience, weak men (both physically and emotionally) are much more harmful than strong men, but I digress.

I think a lot of guys say they love woman but they only like to have sex and intimacy with them and aside from that they hate women and can’t stand a girl with opinions etc.

Guys are thought that they have to have sex with as many woman as possible and the only thing woman are good for is sex and validation and they can function as a trophy. They also watch porn which doesn’t teach guys consent at all.

There is absolutely an obsession with sex in our society, especially from men. There are a lot of men that seemingly only care about sex. I attribute this to two things that are closely connected: 1. The mainstream societal embrace of Wilhelm Reich's The Sexual Revolution and his complete restructuring of sex to be a purely transactional act, separate from the spiritual and emotional bond and from procreation, but somehow still seen as fundamental to human flourishing. Sex has simultaneously been devalued and put on a pedestal. This outlook paved the way for the second influence. 2. The widespread accessibility to prolific online libraries of hardcore pornography. I 100% agree with you about porn. It has been eroding the masculine perspective on sex for 20+ years now and the damage has been catastrophic. It eliminates any need for a man to have self control when he becomes aroused, leading to him subconsciously not giving a damn about consent. Porn is a poison in our society and no one wants to do anything about it.

The thing is, Reich's philosophies were not rejected, but they were perpetuated by feminism. Feminists see "sex work," even porn, as empowering for women, ignoring it's degrading reality. Feminists marched for the sexual revolution that has done nothing but exacerbate the worst qualities of men and led to all this destruction.

And this is where I get to my main point. You presented this as some kind of argument for feminism, when feminism is culpable in all of these things that you hate. I'm specifically not a feminist because I hate how debauched our society has become. Feminism, especially intersectional feminism, has set out to destroy everything valuable about manhood while blurring the differences between men and women so that a man's role in society could be eliminated. Even you see the stark differences between men and women, despite your earlier statement about biology, as you've painted men with a very broad brush in this post. Feminism, along with Marxist critical theorists, have created the men you hate so much. The solution to these problems is a return to a more traditional sexual ethic, and positive reinforcement of constructive masculine traits. A good man has physical strength, strength of character, self control, discipline, a strong moral code, respect, and compassion. These men are increasingly rare thanks to feminism.


u/somewhat-anon Feb 01 '24

Beautifully written and very well argued!


u/exnihilo2 Feb 02 '24

I very much appreciate your breakdown and thought in your reply.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

Thank you for actually giving arguments and not pinpointing small things I said.

I know my post lacked some nuance but I didn’t wanna make it way too long.

  1. I meant genetic not biological I’m sorry, but yes maybe there are some things that are proven but I thought more about the classic: “it’s genetic that “woman are more emotional” “men are more into things” “woman are not fit to lead”

  2. Yes I get your point and I know that there’s maybe not much to do about this (and I know an engineer has more education but a psychologist and an engineer have about the same level of education (I think)) it’s just a thought that maybe it says something about our society that typical male professions get payed more but there’s some nuances to it. But wage gap is not my big issue tho.

  3. I kinda agree with you maybe, I didn’t mean that it’s what they’re litterely being though but it’s the messege that is being sent to a lot of young guys. But I think these things many times result in guys not knowing how to deal with their emotions in a healthy way and I think it makes them become less sympathetic and they’re deprived of a lot of validation and affection which creates fragile egos.

  4. I don’t agree at all with that our society has removed calling feminine things gay etc, it has become better but not removed at all. Many typically feminine things are very looked down upon in males and females, yes it has become better but it’s still a thing. Another example: if a girl likes makeup and pink and stuff people will often assume she’s dumb.

I’m not saying we should encourage guys to be feminine but i don’t think we should discourage it. I think what you said here is another example of how femininity is looked down upon, that you’re saying that making guys more feminine makes them weak and (if I’m reading between the lines correctly) crybabies etc. Yes it might be seen as more feminine to listen and be more tuned into your emotions but that doesn’t mean that you don’t work as hard or that you’re irrational and just completely act upon your emotions, or that you are a crybaby for being able to talk about your feelings and what hurts you? I think it’s just about letting guys be into what they’re into and helping them process and understand their emotions instead of just pushing them away.

feminism is general: There are a lot of different feminism and I guess you could call me a man hater as well not bc I hate men individually but because I dislike a lot of social structures that are directed to men and I many times don’t like men in groups.

I totally agree with you that sex work or doing prom is not empowering but I don’t think woman do that to empower themselves more so because they’re sex trafficked or desperate for money or aren’t mentally well/ are in toxic surroundings.

Then dressing more promiscuously is a different thing and that’s about sending a message that “you can’t control what I wear and just because I dress like this doesn’t mean I’m asking for it and it doesn’t mean you can slut shame me” which I think is good or fine, but yes I see how many feminists are too focused on reclaiming our sexuality and our bodies and less focused on showing men that they have brains etc which I think is a problem ig.

There are two mainly two types of feminism (don’t remember the names):

The ones that both genders are the same and try to take away our differences

The ones that acknowledge that we’re not the same and are trying to uplift typical feminine things that are often looked down upon or not valued as highly as typical men things.

I personally think the second one is better. Then a lot of feminists may be “man haters” as well but that’s a separate thing and people often misinterpret what that means, bc it means they/ we dislike these structures that create what we call toxic masculinity

Maybe I lacked some nuance here as well but don’t wanna make this way too long


u/SpudgeFunker210 Feb 02 '24

I understand what you're saying here. I do think your perception may be more informed by your personal experiences than the actual state of things on a national/global level. I don't say that to invalidate your personal experiences by any means, but it seems to me that the data is pretty clear.

Many typically feminine things are very looked down upon in males and females, yes it has become better but it’s still a thing. Another example: if a girl likes makeup and pink and stuff people will often assume she’s dumb.

I'm sure these things still happen sometimes, but on a general level, our society has fully shifted in the opposite direction. We have parties and parades embracing and glorifying femininity in both men and women. I don't think you could argue that the LGBT+ community and events aren't much more feminine than masculine. Hollywood contributes to this as well. While we still have masculine action heroes, there's a significant push in modern filmmaking to emasculate men and promote the idea that women are and should be stronger than men. Disney has been very open about doing this and it shows in their work from Marvel to Star Wars to their animation. Then you have Harry Styles cross-dressing on the covers of magazines, and males winning awards that used to be set aside for females (Caitlyn Jenner, Rachel Levine, Lia Thomas, etc.) All these things are celebrated by mainstream feminism.

I’m not saying we should encourage guys to be feminine but i don’t think we should discourage it. I think what you said here is another example of how femininity is looked down upon, that you’re saying that making guys more feminine makes them weak and (if I’m reading between the lines correctly) crybabies etc.

I think we should treat individuals on an individual basis, but as a general standard, the feminization of men is not a good thing for the reasons I mentioned. I'm not saying that the feminization of men makes them weak in the sense that they become crybabies. It's much deeper than that. Testosterone levels in men are recording at all time lows and that's a major issue. It's been shown that porn and also THC use affect this, but I also think our public school systems that are geared toward girls and children's sports that suppress a boy's competitive spirit are two major factors in this as well. Boys and men need healthy ways to regulate their aggression as their emotions that work for them, specifically. Everything we have in place specifically for boys has been infiltrated by feminism because it's "sexist" to exclude girls. If girls and women can have their private spaces, men should too, and both of those things are necessary. The Boy Scouts (now Scouts BSA) is the perfect example of this. Scouts now allow female troops (no co-ed, thank God,) and this may seem like a fine idea at first, but it misses the point of Boy Scouts. The Boy Scouts existed to give boys a space for those things I just mentioned and to teach them how to become good men. There's going to be roughhousing and dangerous activities performed in safe environments for boys to learn, grow, and develop their masculinity in ways that school won't allow them to. Adding female troops and having to accommodate them in this changes the entire mindset of Scouts to now focus on general life and leadership skills and neglects addressing male-specific things. (My best friend is an Eagle Scout and he refuses to participate in Scouts events anymore because he went to one of their camp areas recently and saw female troop leaders reprimanding boys for running around, wrestling, and playing with knives, and it crushed him. This is the kind of thing that results from this mindset on the feminization or emasculation of men.)

Then dressing more promiscuously is a different thing and that’s about sending a message that “you can’t control what I wear and just because I dress like this doesn’t mean I’m asking for it and it doesn’t mean you can slut shame me” which I think is good or fine

I believe most modesty is a virtue that progressive women could value a little more, but I'm not tripping about women wearing crop tops in the summer or sexy outfits to the club. It's all about situational awareness. Are you at Disney World? Maybe don't wear shorts with your ass hanging out in front of all the children. That's my perspective on modesty, at least.

There are two mainly two types of feminism

The first example you mentioned is called third wave or intersectional feminism. It is by far the most prominent ideology of the leading feminist voices of this generation. Think Judith Butler. This is the movement that is destroying masculinity and men in general. When I talk about feminism as an ideology, this is what I'm referring to.

Your second example seems to be a belief held by a lot of women who like the idea of equal opportunity and fighting for women's rights, but don't know a whole lot about the actual ideology of prominent feminist thinkers of the last 50 years. I would recommend looking into it, because you may not want to call yourself a feminist anymore (which doesn't mean you can't continue to advocate for women's issues and equal opportunity.) The ideology you laid out that you agree with sounds closer to complimentarianism, which I find to be the superior perspective and in direct contrast to feminism and even egalitarianism. You'd be hard pressed to find a leading voice in feminism that agrees with these principles. The closest I can think of is Naomi Wolf, but since I haven't read or heard anything from her in probably ten years, I'm not sure if her social politics have shifted or if she even still calls herself a feminist anymore.

Unfortunately, there is a more vocal counter to feminism right now that I would almost call "male supremacist," led by guys like Andrew Tate. Tate and his counterparts have directly identified many of the problems with feminism and even say some really good things about how men should behave, but they take it way too far and almost see sexual ethics as something that should only apply to women which is absurd and frankly just sexist. I mention him just so you would know that I fully denounce his ideology as much as I denounce feminism.

Thank you for your genuinely thoughtful and respectful response!


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

I think we both may be in “filter bubbles” and we’re affected by confirmation bias when it comes to the first thing you said. We have different political views so you’re always looking out for and only register feminists and leftists behaviors that will prove your point that they’re “bad”. While I’m always looking after the conservatives and sexists etc that say the things that I disagree with.

I think that we today know of our faults and that we shouldn’t look down on feminine traits etc, and I think you don’t see a lot of sexism in social media especially not Disney or magazines etc. I do however, especially among young men, see a lot of these comments that are degrading to woman and homosexuals etc.

I get the point you made about testosterone and ye maybe you’re right about that, but more so that guys need sports and being competitive more then that guys can’t show or talk about emotions.

The things I see on media and hear from my friends about feminism I agree with, but maybe that’s me only looking for and therefore only getting the “good parts” of feminism, while you’re only looking for and therefore getting the “bad parts” of feminism. I think both sides can lack nuance but there’s still truth to the points


u/Peter-Bonnington Feb 01 '24

This doesn’t describe me or any other man I regularly associate with.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

Well that’s great then


u/Peter-Bonnington Feb 02 '24

You’ve built archetypes of bad men, who don’t represent manhood as a whole. I’m not certain what you’re attempting to argue. If you’re concerned about associating with sexists, then don’t.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

I’m not saying all men are bad but I think there’s a reason that such a big percentage of people that commit all of these crimes are men and I don’t think that’s something genetic that you can’t do anything about.


u/Peter-Bonnington Feb 02 '24

Ok, if a man were to conduct himself in this way, I think you and I would agree, this man has no healthy direction or sense of purpose. Actively treating women poorly, would not do him well over time. Sleeping around, does him no good In the long term. Secondly, supporting other men in these activities, suggests further lack of direction and purpose. What I question, is what does the modern iteration of feminism doing to resolve these issues? I don’t see a clear issue with empowering women, but frequently what we see is the tearing down of men in its place.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

I don’t think today’s feminism is perfect and I think feminists and mainly guys that are not feminists spend most of their time just pinpointing at each other, saying why the other one is so bad instead of trying to solve the issues. And I don’t think a lot of feminists are good at getting their point across in a way that is inviting to men. I think a lot of feminists (or “man haters” which only means that you usually don’t like men in groups) like to talk about why they don’t like men but if they meet a nice guy then they’re cool with him etc.

Feminists is being portrayed and in a way portraying themselves as the enemy.


u/OldReputation865 Feb 02 '24

Modern day feminists are just spoiled brainless thongs.


u/Peter-Bonnington Feb 03 '24

I don’t think that’s being charitable enough. Also dialog like this creates more division.


u/Lazer_Hawk_100 Feb 01 '24

This post is rambling and incoherent. It seems like you are young and/or just don’t know a lot about people and how life works.

I understand that many guys you have interacted with are jerks. That shouldn’t be surprising. Many people of both genders I have interacted with have been jerks! I think it gets a little easier when you grow up and people generally mellow out.

The title of your post invites us to argue with you about feminism. That seems like a fruitless endeavor since you don’t seem to know anything about feminism. Or the opposing viewpoints for that matter. But I would be happy to talk more about life if you want 😊


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

Yes my post lacked some nuance but I didn’t wanna make it way too long. And maybe I thought and therefore set this up as if you guys in this thread were going to be more extreme in your view points. Yes both genders can be jerks but i think there are much more social structures directed to men that are toxic then there are toxic social structures directed towards woman, and I think toxic masculinity is a thing and it’s a problem. I also think typical “feminine things” are often looked down upon or is not valued as highly as typical “men things” which creates a lot of sexism.

Also I think your answer is kinda degrading, pls instead of assuming I don’t know anything just argue against the things I’m saying that is not sitting right with you instead☺️


u/Lazer_Hawk_100 Feb 02 '24

I apologize if my response insulted you. I tend to be blunt and call things as I see them.

As for social structures pushing men to be jerks… it’s my opinion that social structures don’t create behavior, but they do reinforce behavior. For example, the idea that men should be strong wasn’t created by society. People observe the reality that men are stronger than women (primarily in the physical sense) and thereafter differentiate strength as a masculine quality. Then societal structures reinforce the idea that men should be strong. It’s a cycle that stems from biological realities. Both men and women are subjected to their own unique biological/societal pressures in this way and when an individual feels out of step with these pressures, it causes dissonance.

Since men and women’s biology and societal pressures are different, it stands to reason that when a person is toxic, the toxic behavior will manifest in different ways depending on their gender (as well as other factors).

A toxic male will likely be more aggressive, due to increased testosterone and society’s pressure for males to be independent (less likely to kowtow and play nice in order to fit in). A toxic woman is more likely to be passive aggressive and manipulative, because that’s how you control people in a group oriented setting.

As for feminine things being undervalued in society and looked down on… you may be surprised that many conservatives and anti feminists agree with you. Our argument against modern feminism is that it tells young women that feminine things like motherhood, gentleness, kindness, and modesty are tantamount to weakness. And that the only way to get ahead in life is to be a girl boss, aggressive jerk who sleeps around. Basically modern feminism tells young women that they should be the worst version of a man.

I concede that there are a lot of lower IQ conservatives that believe a woman’s place is in the kitchen because they are “lesser than.” But you shouldn’t judge conservative ideology based on its worst incarnations. Just like you wouldn’t want me to judge your beliefs based on the worst versions of leftism.

When I think of what femininity means, I think of my mother and my wife. Two women who have strength of heart, endurance, willpower, virtue, patience, and kindness. My early life was a blessing because of who my mother was. And my daughter’s life is a blessing now because of who my wife is. The role of a feminine woman is invaluable in our society.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

I agree to a degree with you. Yes the structures may stem from biological/genetic differences to a degree and maybe it’s something more than just physical differences. I still believe that many of the structures are toxic and can change (for example I don’t think the reason men commit the most crimes are only genetic and can’t therefore be changed)

Yes I believe we can be toxic in different ways and I agree with that woman are maybe more passive aggressive but I don’t think we’re more manipulative tho, and I think toxic men are more dangerous then toxic women in many cases.

And that thing about female things being looked down upon yes I agree I do however feel like many people still see woman as less intelligent and think that we only act on emotions and are therefore irrational when I think we just listen to our emotions more and are more connected to them.

I also think it can feel/be degrading that we’re only described as mothers and empathetic etc which are traits that are serving to others, like “I like you because of how you make me feel” while men are described as smart and funny and competent and more like “I like you because you are you” (that was poorly described)

There is actually a theory ( I don’t think it’s proven but I think there are many studies) that describes how your testosterone level effects your intelligence, not that one is better then the other but that low and high testosterone intelligence is different.

If you have lower testosterone then you’re more creative and emotionally intelligent etc. Higher testosterone intelligence it’s difficult to explain but I understood it as it’s better for things that are more straightforward and black and white , where things move fast and it’s bam boom etc.

But common for high intelligence is good problem solving skills and you understand things faster etc.

That was a bit off topic but yeah


u/Lazer_Hawk_100 Feb 02 '24

I agree that many of our societal pressures are "toxic," they push us to be the worst versions of ourselves. Men commit more crimes because of both this and the testosterone flowing through them. But I agree with you that this can be changed. There are ways to mitigate this reality and lead young men to better futures. Not the least of which is good parenting and an active father figure.

Toxic men are definitely more often dangerous than toxic women because of their aggressive nature. I has been said before: When men become violent they destroy others, and when women become violent they destroy themselves.

Women do tend to be more in touch with their emotions. It's more complicated than most people can articulate but I'll try. As a man, my emotions are like a lake, and I observe the flow from the shoreside. My wife, on the other hand, is often swimming in it. There have been times when I was drowning in it, but its rare. The emotions manifest differently as well. Accounts from FtM transitioners have described interesting changes with their response to frustration after being put on testosterone. They used to respond to intense frustration with crying. After use of testosterone, intense feelings of frustration result in anger and wanting to punch something. Well, yeah.... That's what most of us guys deal with our whole lives. It takes maturity and self discipline not to hit something that make you mad lol. I put a lot of holes in walls when I was a teenager.

Its not just about whether you are connected or detached; men and women often just react differently to things. So to circle back: Yeah, I would say that most of the time, women tend to be more immersed in their emotions, and sometimes its better to be that way. Other times, its more useful to be detached and calculating (which can give the appearance of being more intelligent). Both have their uses in different scenarios.

To your point about being only described as mothers and empathetic, traits that serve others: As a man, my experience is as a person who has been affected by women, not as being a woman. So yeah, my mom comes to mind as a person who has affected me positively by her strength, kindness and wisdom. Those qualities "served me" well. And I am eternally grateful for her. I don't think this is a bad thing if you have the right perspective. Also "I like you because you are you" does apply here. I like those things about her.

Conversely, I work with a lot of women, and in that sphere I couldn't care less about how empathetic or kind they are. Their intelligence, ingenuity, and work ethic make my life easier, so that's what I value in the workplace.

And as for men being described as smart or funny, yeah it's true, those are valued qualities in a man. But so is generosity and kindness. That's why Keanu Reeves is beloved.

I understand that not every man you meet is going to be me. You are going to be confronted with a lot of different expectations from you as a woman. And a lot of people are shit-heads. Don't let them define your reality.

Also, I would very much be interested in how testosterone affects intelligence and decision-making habits. And how it manifests across gender too. High T men vs low T men, and the same comparison for women. Would be very interesting.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

I don’t really know what it’s called but I think you can just search for iq/ intelligence testosterone and something should pop up, I don’t know that much about it.

Maybe it’s just internalized sexism that I see intelligence and humor as more humanizing sought after traits that I would rather have then having empathy etc (even though that’s really important I think) idk it just feels a bit degrading when some guys talk like that’s all that women are good for (not saying you did but yeah)


u/Lazer_Hawk_100 Feb 02 '24

I totally get it. I've definitely heard guys say some ignorant shit about women many times. You have to grow some thick skin to make it in this world. And also surround yourself with quality people so you don't have to hear that shit as often.

Just remember: Other people's ignorant opinions don't define you. And empty barrels make the most noise.


u/LadyRogue Feb 01 '24

Exactly how many men do you know? Either you hang out with a lot of toxic people or you're a hermit.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '24



u/LadyRogue Feb 02 '24

True. Reddit can be... depressing. I try to read Reddit in small doses.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

My post lacked nuance yes and I know society doesn’t make guys psychopaths


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '24



u/OldReputation865 Feb 02 '24

“ I support equality between men and women” this already exists.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '24



u/OldReputation865 Feb 03 '24

Yes some sexist jerks exist but they are not a major player in the us anymore and they will always exist you seriously need a reality check.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '24



u/OldReputation865 Feb 03 '24

What are you on about I simply said yeah sexists jerks exist but they are not a major player in America or in the western world so what are you complaining about?


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '24



u/OldReputation865 Feb 04 '24

Again you have failed to disprove or react to what I said so please get a life.


u/AilsaN Feb 02 '24

You spelled 'feminism' wrong in your post title. Fight me.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

Oh no you won the argument


u/FeaturingYou Feb 01 '24

What do you mean by equal pay? Are you saying I f you make $100,000 a year being a manager and another woman makes $150,000 a year being a manager with the exact same responsibilities as you - you both should be paid the EQUAL amount? So you should make $150,000?


u/exnihilo2 Feb 02 '24

Give her the benefit of the doubt, she probably doesn’t realize how that stat is put together. From my understanding wages are compared across the board and not necessarily to their field/position in the field.


u/somewhat-anon Feb 01 '24

All the arguments around the gender pay gap have nothing to do with a lower hourly rate or annual salary, it’s all about lifetime average. As long as women are the ones birthing children (real women), this will never change.


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '24



u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

I forgot I had posted so I wasn’t on Reddit for like a day


u/Fast_Persimmon_3141 Feb 02 '24

Your post seems to be hinting that, without feminism, men cannot be raised well. On the contrary, a moral society, particularly a Christian one, has the capacity to raise excellent men who are strong, discerning, empathetic, self aware and highly intellectual. Think Tolkien and the characters he writes in Lord of the Rings: great models of masculinity with none of the toxic elements that make feminists lose their minds.

I agree that we suffer from a society in which men can be prone to violence, disrespect/misogyny, and lack self control, but this is the natural result of living in a hopeless place where children are raised bombarded by sexual content and without religion. How can men grow up to truly appreciate women if they are taught by the media and people around them that people and relationships are not sacred things? Feminism's support for divorce, sex work and abortion all contributed to this issue.

Fixing a broken system with one that exacerbates the same issues will not begin to fix society's ills, particularly for men, who are consistently degraded by feminism and especially by most contemporary feminists.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

Okay so I believe guys get better the older they get in the past as well as now. I also don’t think “today’s feminism” is great all the time.

I agree with some of the things you’ve saying about today’s society that many people would benefit from a stronger moral code, I also think today’s society is very sexualized in many ways and porn etc has a bad effect on us. I also think many people in today’s society are very individualistic and prioritize themselves before the group which doesn’t make for the most sympathetic people I believe.

Even though I think feminism has created a gap between the genders and a lot of unfriendliness I still think sexism has always been an issue and guys raping girls and seeing them as objects isn’t something new (not saying it’s all men). I don’t know maybe religious can make a lot of people more sympathetic and wise and maybe it helped guys regulate their emotions better, I don’t agree with everything in religions but i think it can teach you good morals etc.

I think the divorce thing is partially because it has become more socially acceptable with divorce and I think there are and has been a lot of bad relationships/marriages. I also however think it’s bc people have too high standards for their parents and want to have everything, I also don’t think people understand the difference between love and lust, bc lust dies. I personally am for abortion (in the beginning of pregnancy and I don’t think it should be used as protection) I don’t think it’s any idea to argue about that but I don’t see a young fetus as a person and I think it’s the woman’s choice and her body etc etc.

About the sex work I hope that’s not true and I hope it’s an accurate assumption that feminists support it. Personally I don’t, I don’t think you should be shamed for doing it and if you want to it’s your choice but I don’t think pretty much any woman wants that for real I think many times they do it bc if sex trafficking or desperation for money or that they are not mentally well, and I feel bad for them.


u/MsBaeble Feb 03 '24

This is one of the most sexist things I've ever read. I've never had a man say anything close to this level of sexism to me or about women in general. I have to assume you've never been around a man in your life because this post just sounds like a culmination of Twitter posts and feminist blogs.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 03 '24

It’s not really about what they say, like I was not nuanced in what I wrote and wrote as if all guys are on the extreme of this “spectrum” and assumed a lot of the people here would support Andrew Tate (bc he’s and he’s followers are kinda like that) maybe there’s a difference between younger and older guys as well tho.

I don’t know maybe I am sexist, I don’t dislike guys as individuals and don’t think they’re less of value or anything but I think the social constructs directed to them are often toxic


u/MsBaeble Feb 03 '24

Yeah I understand that your post was quick and straightforward and that I’m sure you have a lot more to say on the topic. It’s obviously not ideal to have a thoughtful debate in a Reddit forum because everything is nuanced. Even if you take Andrew Tate supporters for example. Andrew Tate says some things that are agreeable and then other times say outlandish things. Just because you like a person doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything they say and vice versa if you don’t like them.

By reading your post, I feel like whether you consciously admit it or not you don’t like men. You even say that you don’t like being around them. I understand that you said this is the extreme side of spectrum, but imagine if you said something like that about someone’s race, religion, or culture.

And I wanna state that I don’t blame you at all for the way you think. Growing up as a girl, I was a feminist once too and I realize that feminism just gives young women something to be mad about. I realized that all of these things that I had been trained to think about men were very seldom true. Letting go of all that anger and judgement is truly freeing and I hope you can feel that too one day. The fact that you are here discussing your feelings about this topic already puts you leagues above a lot of feminists (men and women) so I truly respect you for that.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 03 '24

I mean I don’t really have anger or anything and when I meet guys I don’t immediately judge them i like some and like some less just like with girls , I might be a bit more uncomfortable at first bc I do feel like guys off see you (at first at least) as someone they won’t be friends with and see you more as an object.

Believe it or not but im not close to a lot of guys but the ones I am close to they’re good. Then I’ve been getting to know some guys as well and thought they were super nice and then you find out they have SA people.

I mean I guess you can say me and many other feminists are man haters but that’s not that we hate men as individuals or are rude or wouldn’t be friends with guys, that means that we don’t like most men in groups and these social structures guys are put under the creates toxic masculinity.

I also think it’s not nearly as problematic being sexist against guys then it is to be sexist against girls bc guys are “above us” just like I don’t think it’s as problematic being racist against white ppl as it is to be that against white ppl etc. I don’t think it’s good that some girls or people of color are making themselves enemies w guys or white ppl bc that’s only gonna create more sexism or racism but yeah.

I also think it’s a difference between hating on a group bc of their genetics vs hating on their social structures. For example many countries in the Middle east that are Muslim and are dictatorships they kill woman bc they don’t wear hijabs and even if I’m more cautious with talking badly about this bc Islamophobia is common I still think I get to have the option that I think that’s wrong. Then I know that that doesn’t represent all Muslims especially not in other parts of the world in countries where they don’t live under dictatorships.

I mean I don’t agree with everything every femenist says and there’s different types of feminism, and I think a lot of feminists are coming across as really angry at men which doesn’t make it very inviting for guys to become feminists as well , but that doesn’t stop me from calling myself one bc I think that sends the wrong message


u/PsychologicalSet4557 Feb 01 '24

Please come back and tell us about all of this when you are 50 or 60 years old and completely alone, miserable, angry, and childless


u/PsychologicalSet4557 Feb 01 '24

Also.. did you not have a dad to raise you? Serious question. Also, I bought all of this same b******* when I was in college a million years ago and took women's studies. I believed it too, you know when I was 18 19 years old. Soon enough I was in the real world working and realize 99% of what I was taught (not "thought") was bullshit.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

My parents have always been there and have been really good parents, I’m not angry I just like to argue and I think we have an issue in society with toxic masculinity and woman being objectified and less valued. I don’t hate men but I dislike a lot of social constructs dedicated to men


u/0800happydude Feb 01 '24

Great start by misspelling feminism in the title...


u/AleAbs Feb 02 '24

I think a lot of guys say they love woman but they only like to have sex and intimacy with them and aside from that they hate women and can’t stand a girl with opinions etc.

Who hurt you? Seriously.


u/cupcakemonster20 Feb 02 '24

Honestly no one, but I lacked some nuance when I wrote that and maybe I take part of more information that makes guys look bad than you do bc it’s filter bubbles and conformation biases. I still think this is true to some degree tho especially among younger men or idk


u/AleAbs Feb 02 '24

still think this is true to some degree tho especially among younger men or idk

I think shallow relationships (Tinder hookups, one night stands) are becoming way more normalized than in the past. Most younger men will take what is offered. If all you offer is sex that's all you will be valued for. If you take time to build intimacy before sex you are valued for intimacy. People, men and women, aren't taking the time to build the relationship. That affects the woman way more than the man but it's a choice women make.

Men are valued for what they can give. Only a mother or a dog loves a man unconditionally. Modern feminism claims it's goal is equality. Congratulations. Goal achieved. Women are now being valued for what they can give younger men.

Asking "why are men bad" is avoiding the issue and a bit of a cop out.


u/FaerieQueene517 Feb 03 '24

What about the concept of Conservative Feminism vs. Liberal Feminism?