r/benshapiro Oct 18 '23

To all you Hamas supporters... Ben Shapiro Twitter

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u/minor7flat6 Oct 18 '23


u/Br0kefacsist Oct 18 '23

U people cannot be brainwashed enough to beleive that Hamas has blown up places in Ghaza making them in an even less strategic position, anyone can hire a arabic speaking guy from the streets and tell him to say that


u/pooter6969 Oct 18 '23

Sorry dog but there's video evidence, live from aljazeera, this audio, multiple pictures of the rocket barrage launching right by the hospital.. and radar evidence. So either all of that was fabricated, or terrorists fucked up and are lying about it.

And what strategic goal does bombing a hospital serve either party. It's a huge PR nightmare for either side of found responsible. So who do we really think did it. The side with gps guided bombs and door knickers they can put through a specific window or the side with unguided black market shit rockets built out of salvaged water pipes?